One post says this, but another say something else
So I've seen a few posts that say there is no more requests section anymore for whatever silly reason.
But then I found another locked post that says this isn't the place for torrent requests, that's for the requests section, which you can only see after you've made 3 posts somewhere.
I'm pretty sure I've made 3 posts somewhere on this forum by now. If not then I know for sure this will be the 3rd.
So if it's true there is no more requests section... Why not?
Why was it removed?
Where do we make requests at now then?Or are we just not supposed to ask anyone if they have videos of porn star X?
If we can't ask anyone if they have videos of porn star X, then what are we supposed to do to find videos of porn star X, especially if there aren't any videos of them on the site?
Are we just supposed to leave this gay porn torrent site, and go join another one that lets us actually make requests to find what we want instead?Cause without a requests section there is no way for Person A, who is looking for videos of Porn Star X to let anyone know they are even interested in, or looking for videos of Porn Star X. Then Person B who has videos of Porn Star X dosent know that anyone, especially Person A is even interested in seeing videos of Porn Star X, so they never upload them.
Then no one benefits, because Person A never gets to see the videos of Porn Star X that Person B has.
But fingers crossed the other post was right and the request section isn't gone, I just couldn't see it because I hadn't made 3 posts. But somehow I doubt this to be the case.
@LostStoner said in One post says this, but another say something else:
Are we just supposed to leave this gay porn torrent site, and go join another one that lets us actually make requests to find what we want instead?
Feel free and goot luck!
The first post you are referencing is left over from when we did have a request section.
There are reasons behind the scene that the request section was removed, but all those reasons were disclosed to staff and not intended for the general public.
I'm asking around to see if there is an alternate place for requests to go because recently people have been flooding different sections of the site with them. I will either update this post, or make a new thread when something is worked out.
We understand the frustration with the removal of requests since every staff member of the site started as a user but the request came from the top and we have to respect his wishes.
@DandyLion If the Request section returned, there would be a new problem.. because I can no longer fulfill people's requests as I can no longer upload stuff.
I used to get 99% of my gay porn from here, but now I only get about 30% of my gay porn from here. The main reason being, the good ST**UffS have been purged from the site. -
@lololulu19 I don't understand where you are getting the "Can no longer upload". The message you received gave you an exact timeline on the upload restriction...
I also have no idea what studio you're referring to.
@DandyLion It says 90 days... but I just found that message today.. I have no idea when that 90 days began.
The fact that you have no idea what studio I am referring to ... just makes my point! I had no reason not to upload those videos.. yet got sent to the cooler for 90 days because I did. All content from the studio Staxus has been purged from this site.
@DandyLion By the way, it doesn't bother me that I personally can't upload for 90 days. What does bother me is that every uploader who uploaded Staxus content.. which is arguably the best content there is.. got zapped for 90 days. All the most valued uploaders of this site... have been blocked from uploading for 90 days, yet they did not violate any rule.
@lololulu19 Oh. I just looked and there's 179 different ones up on the site, I'll subtract a handful because I can see duplicates that are in the mod section so I'll guess around... 160 left?
I know you're upset about the content you like being removed, but I've lost count of how many times you have said the same thing and have been accusatory toward other users for "abusing DMCA" because they do not min-max their ratios and have lower traffic than other Power Users.
Also: the date the message was sent would be the start date, going off the helpdesk ticket I'd estimate it's been 8 days?
@lololulu19 said in One post says this, but another say something else:
@DandyLion By the way, it doesn't bother me that I personally can't upload for 90 days. What does bother me is that every uploader who uploaded Staxus content.. which is arguably the best content there is.. got zapped for 90 days. All the most valued uploaders of this site... have been blocked from uploading for 90 days, yet they did not violate any rule.
Based solely on how many times you have referenced it here, on the Forums, I'd say you are very much bothered by this... I was an uploader of some Staxus content that was recently DMCA'd, but didn't get my rights taken - maybe when some of your content was removed, you tried to re-post it? (Just guessing at why you were penalized and I was not)
@DandyLion There used to be several thousand Staxus titles on this site. Now when I select all categories, and on Torrent Name, and Torrent Description and Torrent Filename.. and on including dead.. I only get ONE video returned. Which is also strange. Why was that ONE Staxus video not removed? What are you searching on which shows 169 of them?
I agreed to stop posting about DMCA, but since you asked, can you name me even one title that is covered by DMCA protection that has been removed? I want to know, so I know what NOT to upload when my 90 days is up.
Your estimate of 8 days is probably right. So for another 82 days, myself and every other significant uploader is silenced. I hope everybody likes Asian porn and Onlyfans crap.
@lololulu19 Correction.. 179 not 169
@DandyLion said in One post says this, but another say something else:
The first post you are referencing is left over from when we did have a request section.
There are reasons behind the scene that the request section was removed, but all those reasons were disclosed to staff and not intended for the general public.
I'm asking around to see if there is an alternate place for requests to go because recently people have been flooding different sections of the site with them. I will either update this post, or make a new thread when something is worked out.
We understand the frustration with the removal of requests since every staff member of the site started as a user but the request came from the top and we have to respect his wishes.
I really don't want to be an antagonizer.
However I am curious, and would like to ask who decided, and why they decided that their reasoning behind the removal of this spacific section of the site, that was obviously loved, and very widely used by us, the users of this site, who contribute to, as well as use, and in some small part make this site the community that it is, was removed?
I can understand if it's just the person who pays the bills, and hosts/manages the servers that this site runs on just up and decided to remove it, if that's the case. However I cannot wrap my head around, or understand why this person would deem it necessary to be so secretive about their reasoning or choice to remove the section from the site, and leave all of us users clueless, completely lost in the dark, scrambling, scattered, dazed, and confused.
I can't imagine it actually being something so absolutely sensitive in nature that it has to be treated as classified top secret, like some Government coverup.
Honestly what can possibly be so secretive about the reasoning behind removing it that you can't tell us why it was removed?
While it's sad to say, I do honestly believe that in the long run of things, the removal of the request section, as well as the decision to keep us the users in the dark, blissfully ignorant will end up hurting the site, and lead to it's decline just like so many other sites have for various other reasons, much like the site I left in favor of this one.
I truly hope that doesn't happen, as I've really come to enjoy this site, I even invested some money into it, not much, but some, and would hate to see it go.
The site owner made the decision to make the changes and the staff (all volunteers) are just enforcing the rules.
Yeah I'm aware the site owner decided it.
However that doesn't answer the question of why he/she/they made this decision.
Nor does it answer the question of why he/she/they feel it necessary to keep their reasoning confidential, eyes only, black ops, no paper trail, nuclear launch codes, top secret, instead of telling us the users, who definitively feel that we deserve an answer, because yes while he/she/they may be the owner, we the users, are the very life blood that keeps this entire site alive.
Without us, there is 0 income to pay for anything related to maintaining this site, or if at all to line their pocket, & there is absolutely no content period. No one to upload, no one to download, no one to post stuff, no one to share stuff, no one to do anything, and no reason for the site to even exist at all.
Sure he/she/they could foot the bill to keep the site operational without any user generated income, but without any other users, what would really be the point? It would be the equivalent of an old western ghost town.
So I will say it again, I
. Nor can I fathom why it can't be shared or explained to those of us who keep this sites blood flowing.
But whatever, by all means the owner can do whatever he/she/they want, as long as the site still has users. Up until there's none left, at which point there won't be anyone around to explain anything to, because it will be far, far to late, since they'll have all jumped ship to different sites. Like one with an owner who actually takes the time to communicate with their users as to why they make the choices they make, as well as consider user feedback, ideas, & needs, instead of ignoring them as if they don't exist.
I've made my point, therefore I have nothing left to say on this subject. Good day.
@LostStoner I must correct one thing LostStoner said..
He implies that this site is being run to make money. That is not the case at all. Other than casually mentioning that you can make voluntary donations to help pay for computer equipment, and other expenses.. there is no advertising, and no fees which are imposed to make profits.But.. the real value of this site has nothing to do with money. It's value is it's content. It is like a Pubic Library one goes to instead of going to a Bookstore. What made this site #1 in the milieu of gay porn is it's CONTENT. It makes no sense that studio A is banned from this site whilst studio B is allowed, and even less sense that the people who took the time, effort, and HARD work to bring titles from the accepted studio A, are then punished by being suffocated for 3 months because some toothless 3rd party service being run by some clown out of his basement decides he's going to be the mega troll and exploit the functionality of the search engine to cannibalize the site
In fact, here is another idea.. why not eliminate the text search on this site, and only have the BROWSE GALLERY functionality? (unless someone is a SUPER USER). Limit the access to the text search engine to Super Users. -
You've made this same complaint over an over - at what point to you realize: no one here cares that you were punished, even though you have a large personal library and have been rather generous (by your own measure) with sharing that content.
2 things:
When they remove the torrents here, they are not affecting the library you have on your computer at all... can't you beat off to the OLDER Staxus content that you already have? (Specifically: so no one misunderstands: what I'm really saying here is that, once you download - or even when you upload - the site has no direct ties to the files on your system, and there are no trackers (sorry for the use of the torrenting term) either (though there USED to be some watermarked content, this site no longer does that - if it ever was done BY THE SITE to begin with!)
Your analogy to a library is badly flawed: If I purchase the latest novel from Steven King, read it, then give it to the library to allow others to read it too, that's one thing.
But if I take Mr. King's novel, copy all of the pages onto loose-leaf paper, then sit outside the bookstore with a little sign that says "Why buy this novel? I'll give you a copy of mine for free!"
It'd be one thing if we had purchased DVDs of this material (or, more modernly NFTs?) and mailed them to each other... but, this ain't that...
If you're so dedicated to the content from Staxus, spend the $200/yr to subscribe to their site! The models you love so much can then be paid to perform!