HPV vaccine
most of you may not not that HPV virus is causing genital warts (extremely contagious) Uterus cancer, anal cancer and throat cancer. In Paris cancer institute more than 50% of throat cancers are due to HPV.
There is a vaccin called gardasil 9 which protect against HPV, in three injections within 6 months.
It is right now recommended to HIV men Whetever you are is .Just for you to know.
Scotland doesn't give it to people over a certain age.
I don't know about people with HIV though.
The HPV vaccine is typically given to children (early teens). (SIDE NOTE: All of my children have been vaccinated against HPV - the vaccine isn't radically new...)
HPV is a sexually-transmitted disease, but these effects (cancers, warts, etc) can take DECADES to appear. The vaccine is NOT effective if you've already been infected, which is why it is recommended for young teens - hopefully BEFORE they become sexually active.
Because the effects take so long to appear, the current HPV vaccines are NOT recommended for people over the age of 45. (I have no idea where they get that "magic number" from - not all that different from the rationale that men over 70 don't need prostate exams any longer).
Wikipedia isn't a bad source for more info - not because it has all the answers, but because there are usually links to sources for what it DOES say.
@raphjd I just asked my doctor about this two days ago. I'm 35 and he said the limit is 27 for male (Canada). However, he also said that there are 10 strains of HPV. Since there is low likelihood that one has been exposed to all strains, it is still beneficial to get the shot even when you're already past the age limit to a certain consideration. So long story short, he prescribed me gardasil and will get it on Friday.