Poll: Need, Greed, and Morals
A common scenario: You make a purchase and incorrectly you're given back too much change.
What do you do–keep it, return it?
Or maybe you decide based on your current needs, or the specific situation--factors such as the amount of the discrepancy, or corporation vs. a “mom and pop” business affecting your decision.
Immoral and wrong as it may be, I have to embarrassingly admit I don’t always do what's right–make the correction and return the overpayment--as I should. ???
So, what do you do?
Well if I spot it right away I will always give it back. Had that few times actually. But I don't know if I would after going home and then realizing it. Cause I'm lazy.
The thing is you just have to think like "it's somebody loss and my win". It's like using luck and coincidence. You shouldn't do that. You should earn money by just working hard and not by using someone's misfortune. That makes you a shitty person. In Poland hm. Well when we go abroad we are very hard working. I'd say we're one of the best workers. But here, within the country, a lot of people are lazy and want to get everything for free. So that could happen often. But luckily or hopefully there is the same amount of people that don't walk by idle and actually react.I had one situation though. I have to say I was more greed than moral. I bought a phone online and it came the next day. Then the next day the same phone came by a postman and I was like wtf?! I of course gave it back because my dad wanted the invoice and they didn't send it so he contacted them and told them about the second mobile. But this was the one time I would actually stay quiet and just hmm I know it's totally bad, but I'm being honest at least. I never stole anything in my life. I never cheated on anyone for my benefit. But I guess it was a different story when something comes to your house like "GO AHEAD JUST TAKE IT". Or I would not give it back because of the fact that I'm too lazy to make a parcel and send it back -.-