Driver's Lincence
What's up everybody,
I am so excited. I just got my driver's license Monday and I couldn't wait to tell you all. I was so nervous. I made sure I studied really hard for it. The test had 40 questions and your allowed to miss 8 and that's exactly how much I missed. The next part was the on the road driving test. I did well but the only parts I messed up on were going below the speed limit and missing a pedestrian sign. Other then that I passed with an 83% out of 100%.
I'm so happy right now!
Thanks for reading,
loverinme -
Well done.
Eep. This reminded me that I have to study for my upcoming driver's license test next Friday! Too many rules to remember.
:laugh: Wow! I totally forgot about posting this. Thanks guys for responding.
oops…..don't worry, I can't spell "lincense" either
For those keeping track, it is spelled like this: license. It's all good. Who cares really?
I didn't realise I spelled it wrong. Sorry about that guys.
I didn't realise I spelled it wrong. Sorry about that guys.
Guess you didn't realize you spelled realize wrong, too. lol Notice the red under-lining….
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hhmmmm…. has anybody thought of the age you generally get your license? lover... exactly how old ARE you?
I didn't realise I spelled it wrong. Sorry about that guys.
Guess you didn't realize you spelled realize wrong, too. lol Notice the red under-lining….
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In the UK realize is spelled realise. I think in the US a lot of words are spelled with a z that in the UK are spelled with an s. I guess the forum uses a US English dictionary for the speeling cheker.
I was kind of late in getting it. I was 23.
Congratulations, lover! (although quite belated)
During my driving test, I was directed up a one-way street. Another car soon came down the street the wrong way, head-on at us. I pulled over and let the car pass.
In another part of my test, the car in front of me stopped to carry on a conversation with the driver of another car, passing in the opposite direction. There was no space to pass on either side. My examiner and I waited perhaps a full quarter hour until they were done talking, then continued on. I just waited patiently, afraid to honk or otherwise complain, since it was my driver's test.
I passed the test okay, but I asked the examiner if I did the right thing in those two situations.
"I don't know," he answered.