Is it not possible to edit or delete comments?
When I add a comment to a torrent's page, I can't edit my message after posting it or delete it. Is this function disabled by default? If not, please tell me how to do this because it sucks to be unable to fix a simple typo!
When I add a comment to a torrent's page, I can't edit my message after posting it or delete it. Is this function disabled by default? If not, please tell me how to do this because it sucks to be unable to fix a simple typo!
Right above the white box with your comment you'll see the word [Edit]–click on that, and then you can edit your comment. See the screen grab below. The new comment will say edited in the box, but that's not a problem. It seems that we can edit comments no matter how old they are.
I don't think we can completely delete comments–at least I haven't found a way. When I want to remove a comment, I use the "edit" feature, then remove all the text and put in something like <c<em>omment deleted by user>. That's a little clunky, but at least I've removed what I said before.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes a tyop now and then.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes a tyop now and then.
exboo90210, you are a phelpful and funny guu.
exboo90210, you are a phelpful and funny guu.
As in, full of [Olympic swimmer] Michael Phelps? Depending on how that's interpreted, it might be phun.
I think, you have to go to "Helpdesk" and kindly ask one of the mods to delete it for you with reasons on why you want to delete it.
When I comment on someone else's page, the "edit" option shows, but when I reply comments on the page of torrents I uploaded myself, there's only the option "report", like I'd report myself haha.