This sums up my feeling on it. Do you do it? Love it or hate it?
Hahahahaa. I never tried it.
I'm moving around in bodybuilding societies (groups, forums) and they always make fun of crossfitters. Like totallyCrossfit is gay, crossfit is for pussies and this kind of stuff. Well I just more like the bodybuilding culture and doing the system where I can really observe and have control of which bodyparts I'm training exclusively. I think that hitting the gym in a BB style can easily (well except me) get you massive and give you a quicker progress at some specific areas. While Crossfit develops your whole body like Calisthenics. It's not as effective and you don't grow big fast but it touches every part of your body. So Crossfitters are not big but they have really outstanding physics. It's more of a daily or everyday useness that it gives. Like you would be more sporty and mobile when the world ends while bodybuilders are mostly slow and have problems with mobility. Can't do sommersault or lift their own weight as much.
As for myself - I would like to try one day. It seems interesting and not boring because the excersises change often as far as I spotted people doing it at the gym. But for now I would like to get buff even with some +bodyfat% and also I like huge guys not really with ABS but with spectacular arms chests and you know, overall strength. -
While Crossfit develops your whole body like Calisthenics. It's not as effective and you don't grow big fast but it touches every part of your body. So Crossfitters are not big but they have really outstanding physics.
As for myself - I would like to try one day. It seems interesting and not boring because the excersises change often as far as I spotted people doing it at the gym. But for now I would like to get buff even with some +bodyfat% and also I like huge guys not really with ABS but with spectacular arms chests and you know, overall strength.Crossfitter are the zealot Christians of the fitness world: They preach at you. That's what makes them annoying. I seem them do these insanely stupid moves, kinda cool that someone can balance like that but it comes across as showmanship, or like they're trying to prove something.
Funny you should mention calisthenics. I'm trying to add it to my routine at the gym.
Is crossfit one of those things which you can only do at a crossfit venue? Or does the term "crossfit" refer to a rountine or style of exercises? I'm wondering what the differences between standard "gym"/anaerobic exercise and crossfit exercises are.
Oh! I see what you're getting at. But you know moves themselves are not bad. I don't know anything about crossfit but I saw guys rolling the tyre or doing stuff with thick ropes or climbing, excersising with kettleballs and it looked kind of hmmm … My drummer always says to me. If something is stupid but it works - it's not stupid xD
About the preaching thing. You're right but it happens with everything right now. If something is trendy and there is a fashion for it people tend to do it and pretend they are now specialists at that and it's the best in world and how can you be so fucking blind to not see it. It was with hipsters, with natural products, gluten-free guys, crossfit and my beloved VEGANISM. I'm sorry I just hate vegans. It's stereotype I know but I'm on them like you're on crossfit. They will tell you that it's the best in the world and why won't you just fucking stupid moron try and do it for the planet and your body and everybody can lift weight wtf are you doing it's about balance and inner stabilization FUCK OFF. But that's just ... hm I would say unlucky 30 % of those people. There are people who actually do it, dedicate to it and don't shout it to the whole world and don't show off.
Of course calisthenics is also great and works nice on your mobility. If I wasn't so lazy and had cash I would do it too. For now I will just stick to usual exercises. +gym routine should be changed from time to time to actually stimulate muscles and don't block the grow. Here Calisthenics is pretty common. Probably thanks to my buddy. I don't know him this much but the guy went to the school with me. He started few calisthenics school in our city and was representing our country in world championships.
Hmm CrossFit is a trademark I think. Like Coca-Cola. There is one Coca-Cola but you can have pepsi or you can make products that simulate it. As far as I know a crossfit would refer to a style of exercises though I'm not sure. It contains lifting weights too but it's also training with every other equipement. It has certain targets which I believe few of them are mobility, flexibility, motricity, efficiency and blah, blah, blah. It came from a policeman and marines training so it's like a routine that was made for them to train (I believe everyday) for not a long time (as lifting weights takes but with less visits). I think it also doesn't have any breaks between sets or repetitions.
I'm sorry I just hate vegans.
Of course calisthenics is also great and works nice on your mobility. If I wasn't so lazy and had cash I would do it too.
:hug: I hate vegans, too! Unless they're deep fried.
I love to cook. Weekends I often have people over. A friend brought his vegan friend and she dared ask me if the pans I used had ever been used to cook meat in. That bitch went home hungry.
You don't need any special equipment or school to do calisthenics. I watch videos and practice at home or the gym. Here's one video from their playlist that inspired me – there are tons of others.
The progressions are great. I'm working on my handstand, correct pull-ups, and proper dips.
:hug: I hate vegans, too! Unless they're deep fried.
Lol ?! She did … ask you... if a pan... you are using... WAS USED TO COOK MEAT.WTF.
I'm sorry I 've seen a lot vegans but this is fucking fucked up. I respect if someone doesn't eat. Really.. I respect it. Your choice man. But what the fuck. I just hate when people are making such a big deal of it. Like "you know I'm vegan, and you're fucking cruel, how can you eat animals, you dirty brutal primal piece fo shit, i'm disgusted by the death, i don't want to be anywhere near you, how can you be so fucking blind and to be up here with me, a higher being who has levitated towards the (...)". Actually some vegan food is good. I love hummus, fallafel and there are some things you can actually do, but I would not be on a full day catering with not a single piece of meat.
I know ! I know ! I was just saying - I'm too lazy to do it myself , but I don't have cash to go to group classes
But thanks for the video ! Will totally check it out.