Invasion threat against my country Denmark/Greenland.
The US/Trump has clearly lost its mind. Trump wants to invade my country Denmark/Greenland, just because he likes it?
I am hoping that the rest of NATO will fight against the US. -
At no point in that video did Trump say he was going to invade or use military force against Greenland.
The REPORTER asked Trump "would you rule out military or economic force?" and Trump replied "No" Trump never threatened military force. Trump was talking about ECONOMIC force. You are conflating what the idiot youtube poster stated with what Trump said.
@lololulu19 The next link was from a Danish newssite, where they write exactly the same thing as in the video.
Denmark takes these threats very seriously. Trump wants to buy or invade Denmark/Greenland. That is not okay to make these threats against an old ally. Hopefully NATO stands with Denmark. But I am not so sure about that.
Americans threats against Denmark you want more links that say that Trump wants to invade Denmark/Greenland.
@serenity I DO know that Trump was considering BUYING Greenland. But buying is not the same as using military force nor invading - which is something he never said.
Some idiot REPORTER suggested it, but Trump never said that. We don't need butter cookies nor chewing tobacco that badly!
@serenity Denmark literally invaded & conquered Greenland.
How many Inuit or other Greenlanders died, because of Denmark-Norway?
Return Native Land? Or, do you identify completely with Danish oppressor?
Given Norway-Denmark-Greenland's evil birth from White imperialism: why would you feel tiniest right, to raise even a finger in self-defense?
I mean: you're Woke, right?
These are test questions, for when either China (most likely, given CCP ambitions & newfound power), Russia (less likely, but something you libs claim to fear), Islam, or Space Aliens (least likely - question of their existence, right?
right??), comes to conquer you.
USA by then would be right to say, "We can't defend Greenland without Greenland."
You 57,000 people can't hide Santa Claus or your Borg crash ruins, forever.
@lololulu19 He said that military actions could be made against Denmark/Greenland.
@blablarg18 First I am not woke. Do not believe in that. Norway/Denmark came to Greenland, and no one lived there at the time, the "natives" came later,
Denmark has given Greenland homerule, and if Greenland wants independence, then it must be, but personally I am against independence, as Greenland has been a part of Denmark for over 300 years.
Denmark/Greenland is a part of NATO, so Russia or China can not invade Greenland.
Santa Claus and Borg crash ruins, what are you thinking about? -
I'm laughing at this being familiar with the Danish (Dansk) - Iceland, Faroe, Greenland situation. Or - Danes make great rulers (konigur) - of Danes (Icelandic saying). I was watching Cop Secret (recently posted here) and there was a line, "he speaks 10 languages, except Danish, as a matter of principle!" (= he knows Danish but refuses to speak it - I was laughing). Anyway I know USA politics better (and I speak zero Danish - Dansk), and this is a look, squirrel moment - saying something crazy while actually going after something else. And now Don Jr flew in to the new Nu'uk airport for a day, this is all political theater. BTW, totally agree on there not being colonization here (see the sagas). Bless.
@serenity You are making that up. Trump never said that military action could be taken against Denmark/Greenland. A REPORTER asked "do you rule out military or economic force?" and Trump said "no". Trump was obviously referring to the economic force. You just assume he was talking about military force.
On another topic, having multiple accounts on GTRU is forbidden. So, keep that in mind Jaroon and/or Zuluu aka Serenity.
Norway-Denmark conquered Greenland & modern Denmark has no right to it.
Democracy in Denmark, too!!
2023, "Denmark and Sweden’s Commitment to Free Speech Is Wilting"
Without Free Speech, there is no democracy.
@blablarg18 After WW2, the Jewish people were given Israel.
We should purchase Greenland, so the Palestinians have a place to live.
@lololulu19 cute
ok but realistically, if we wouldn't like it, Greenlanders wouldn't either.
USA peeps should treat Greenland peeps as brothers
@blablarg18 as barren as Greenland is, the land that is now Israel was nothing but a barren desert before the Jewish people developed it. In the mideast, pretty much everything is a desert unless very close to a river.
@lololulu19 China is unnamed player, in all this.
Yes they're moving on Greenland. & Canada. & Panama. & Europe.
Much of world rulers by now are CCP-bought.
"Secretly" in sense that OF COURSE they never admit it, never want to speak of it.
Why would they want to? Of course they don't.
But if some ruler or media spreads -factually untrue- stuff about President Trump, you can assume that either CCP or at least drug & weapon cartels, have bought them.
Lots of true criticisms can be made, against Trump.
When ruler or media pulls out -untrue- stuff, McCarthy-ism, "Nazi-Russian spy who shot J6 police as he raped Jack Smith & dueled for White Supremacy!!", is when you know they're bought.
Just for interest...Russian observer, on how Denmark kow-tows to USA-lib-NATO Regime, & so weakens herself.
Were we in, I don't know, the 19th century, Denmark would just ask Russia for military support in Greenland in exchange for mild economic concessions and never worry again. As it is, the Royal Danish Army does not have any artillery anymore because they gave it all away for the purpose of firing cluster ammunition at Russian children in Donetsk. They did not receive anything in return for that and it did not help any Danish purpose. They cannot defend themselves if push comes to shove and they can't ask anybody to help because most of their fellow [NATO] vassals have done the same....[Denmark is] a coddled theme park
But, my view. Greenland is destined to become
Independent nation, pop 57,000.
As independent nation of 57000.... in protection & mining treaty with China or USA. Pick one.
Same with Canada, except there it's pop 41 million.
(Fun fact: Canada is not independent. They will be. But rn, above PM Justin Castreau who did not resign, sits Governor General appointed by UK King. We just saw, that she matters. Not "ceremonial". She suspends Canada Parliament, to cement Castreau dictatorship. King Charles likes Justin, it seems.)
Greenland wants independence.
In 2009, [Greenland] secured the right to claim independence through a vote.
An independence movement has gained momentum ...
Official government statement
The fight for independence is Greenland’s business. Our future is ours and must be defined by us. We are aware of our rights as a self-determining people...
On the way to an independent Greenland, we are open to increased and constructive cooperation with our closest neighbours. Greenland looks forward to discussing the possibilities for business cooperation, the development of Greenland’s raw materials sector, including critical minerals and other relevant areas with the United States...
Greenland yesterday, today and in the future will cooperate with the United States...
Greenland is aware that the security situation in the Arctic has changed.
In WW2, Henrik Kaufmann, rebel Danish ambassador, aligned Greenland with USA - and Denmark's pro-Nazi government called him traitor.
How much ordinary Denmark people were Nazi, I will leave readers to argue. Stories on both sides.
Europe had many pro-Nazis & anti-Nazis, mixed in most countries.
In UK, pro-Nazi were large minority, especially among aristocrats. They got some power with King Edward 8, then were thrown out in a coup, hidden or masked as KE8 divorcée drama.
In France, pro-Nazi were ??? large minority, perhaps majority at some moment, who came to power with Nazi conquest. De Gaulle "Free France" was minor & unpopular, at first.
In western Ukraine & Baltics, pro-Nazi were probably majorities, as they formed sizable military units to help Germany, & their descendants hate Russia (Hitler's most damaging opponent) to this day.
"Neutral" Sweden & Switzerland made big money, helping Germany. Italy fought alongside Germany.
"Oh but all those countries were conquered or at least threatened" - yes - and why??? Because big elements of their populations, liked it / were pro-Nazi.
World War 2's dirty little secret
As modern war shows us: "Germany" (or whoever) can only conquer the willing. You can't conquer the unwilling.
With Henrik Kaufmann's help: Greenland stood with USA - against half-Nazi cesspool that was Denmark, back then.
USA should have kept Greenland.
Today in 2025, Greenland deserves to be independent nation, under North-American, USA-Canada shield against China & whoever else.
And that should not mean NATO, with its stupid Germans & other arms dealers, who bomb random countries & pursue "forever wars" in Central Asia & Middle East. Fuck NATO. It's evil.
Denmark Reportedly Open To Talks With Trump On Future Of Greenland
But remember: Denmark is ridiculous, has no moral right to Greenland.
& if USA doesn't take it, "rising China" will.
@blablarg18 If the USA acquired Greenland, the environmentalists would protect it.
If China acquired it, they would make a "parking lot" out of it.