Kamabla: RAGING drunk
Libs forget & drop this drunk, slutty, retarded Commie like she's hot grenade.
No one ever liked her for real.
I shouldn't spike this ball - but here I am? More sadz than happy.
Becuz I feel sorry for her & libs, both.
Imagine if Dems had run a real candidate. Someone intelligent, sane.....RFKJ, Tulsi.
Who is Kamala Harris? She is about as useful as used toilet paper.
@lololulu19 And looks it. "What a difference an election makes."
Video - https://x.com/i/status/1861550359161745529
Biiiiiig wavy hands. Drunk?
Or coming off it?
btw - Reigning USA leader says "Don't you ever let anybody take your power from you" - uhhhhh....... ...... ........ if by "you" she means herself or her fellow unpopular-minority-leaders in Europe.... ....... ........ then, she literally just said to overthrow democracy.
Today people make satire version where she waves open bottle
@blablarg18 I can tell this is a photoshop, because if it was real, the bottle would be half empty.
More satire
Kamabla's Black staffers say: her campaign was elitist & they suffered discrimination.
Lots to unpack.
First - What else would these staffers say? Surely not "we sucked - loss is our fault."
But let's say they are right. Then......
Kamabla campaign manager was, iIRC, Latina.
& Kamabla herself, is supposed to be Black. (she says so)
so, wtf?
You might remember that Lizzo is a black heffer who is racist and fat-phobic to her own backup dancers.
The left hates everyone, including those exactly like them.
@raphjd right! Even I can forget.
"Lib" is, to hate everyone & everything, yourself included.
Tis the season, to remember Kamabla FURY if you like Christmas.
She said "How DARE we speak Merry Christmas".
DRUNK (back to topic )
omg, STILL drunk in public. When will Train Wreck end????
Again, Kamabla declares her intent to stay in power. DRUNK
video - https://x.com/i/status/1868997597073174961
With Royal We, she literally says
"We cannot let any circumstance or situation or individual ever take away our power."
Are we allowed to say, Kwanzaa only got invented in 1996?
So that, Kamabla & her sister - even as children of left-wing, half-White professor & his beautiful India wife - as kids in Canada & Berkeley, they could not have known Kwanzaa? Not without Time Machine?
@raphjd sincere question, are people allowed to say it?
I don't see why there would be an issue saying that.
I thought Kwanza was created in 1969, though.
@raphjd Oh! No Kwanzaa expert here. Maybe it was fabricated in 1969 not 1996? (digit switch?)
& maybe Kamabla parents were so far out, they did impose Afro-Maoist struggle sessions where Kamabla & sister had to discuss "The Seven Principles", as other kids celebrated Christmas?
Maybe it explains a few things?
Or.....Maybe they were fair parents, and Kamabla loooooooves to make shit up, that much? Still hard to tell.
There was something about Kamala lying about Kwanza when she was young, but I don't remember the details.