Genuine question for the mods: WTF is up with this video????
This vid gets uploaded every few weeks, not just here but on various other torrent sites as well, sits there for a little while and then disappears. Before you know it the damn thing is back again like some mysterious rash on your boyfriend's taint.
What's the deal? Is it the same person every time? Are they removing it and then re-uploading again later? Are the mods removing it? And if it's the mods then why does it keep coming back? As far as I know there's nothing in the video that's against the rules here or on any site, but it's just really odd behaviour and I'm wondering if there's some reason for the pattern.
lol im dead curious to check what torrent it is but the site is down
update: managed to grab it, can confirm i've never seen this vid before but i'll take frosty's word for it
@ianfontinell-0 Honestly, it just keeps coming back, over and over again. It's not just on this site either. I;ve seen the same pattern of behaviour on and There's another very similar file of the same guy, with similarly pointless titles and descriptions, same sort of size and presumably uploaded by the same person that follows the pattern too, but this one is pretty prolific now.
@frostycab ... yeah what the flac dude ...
Well, the other one appeared tonight too... -
Oh! I see the first one has been removed again, and already reuploaded! Come on guys, the not-knowing is awful. -
at this point this has to be a stanford social experiment
I put this on the staff Discord since it's a torrent side issue.
@raphjd Well one of them is back again. Has there been any movement on the investigation?
OK, I know that singling out a couple of videos like this is a bit petty, but it really is just fucking odd behaviour, especially when I've seen the same thing happening with these videos on other sites too. Members on those sites have also been asking what the hell is up with it.
Is it:
One person trying to bump the torrent the front page ever so often?
Multiple different users? If so, is it possibly the some person with dupe accounts?
Some sort of malware?
Someone just having fun because people have noticed it?
Something else?
What I'm really curious about is whether or not it's staff who remove it or the uploader. If it's staff then I'm just a bit surprised that the user is still here after it's been deleted so often.
Sorry, forgot to add the link to the new upload:
@frostycab ... There are several clips ...
If these torrents are suspicious, then I encourage you to report them,
action will be taken if these posters violates any rules ... -
or call 1-800-WTF
@john32123666 said in Genuine question for the mods: WTF is up with this video????:
If these torrents are suspicious, then I encourage you to report them,
action will be taken if these posters violates any rules ...I think that's why I'm so curious about them. I (and possibly others) have reported them in the past purely because of the odd pattern of behaviour. They've subsequently disappeared from the site, but were they removed by mods or did the upload just happen to delete them shortly after reporting?
We're not told when or why mods remove a torrent, which is fine and I have no real issues with that, but if you report a torrent several times and see it disappear several times you start to wonder why it's coming back over and over again. There are times when I've wondered if I'm somehow being vindictive when I report it, and then you start to think that if it's come back yet again then maybe there's nothing wrong, but then it disappears again, so you don't know whether to report or not or if there's any point or not.
A few months ago I reported a group of uploads that seemed dodgy, and got a slightly terse message later from a mod telling me that I shouldn't exaggerate in my reports. I showed him exactly what I believed was happening, even expanding to include moare that had been uploaded since the report. It, turned out some did show suspicious behaviour, but others turned out to come from other sources, and the mod agreed that my report was accurate.
Since I've not heard anything about this video I can only assume that the mods have no issue with it being reported, which brings us back to this odd loop of uploading and deleting it. In reality, unless there's something malicious going on with the files then none of this matters. It's purely that it has my curiosity set to overdrive now.
File has been replicated many times so any users has no idea w/o knowing that it is disturbing ...
it's like a VIRUS ... finding a whole to infect a system ... -
@frostycab here we go, again your favorite came back ...
... [SMH]
And again ...
suspicious ... -
Look what's appeared on page 1 again.... <smh>
Another One bites the cock ... -
@john32123666 I've not noticed that before, but both our links seem to point to the same upload, although the links are subtly different.