France enriched by diversity, while Poland suffocates
In France, Syria refugee - legal but so what - went to a park and began stabbing white children.
But remember, diversity is our strength!
It enriches France!
And USA Empire should be trashing Syria for 10 years now & making refugees, it defends democracy! /sarcMeanwhile, Poland, a "hard right" country so dumb as to respect Christianity & have borders, suffers a crushing loss of diversity.... a stifling, suffocating lessening of terrorist attacks that uplift its neighbors & enrich EU culture. No lessons here! /sarc
@blablarg18 So what's your point? Criminals represent their entire cultural group? That might be Tucker Carlson logic, but it doesn't work in the real world.
As for your, once again, erroneous understanding of Poland, exalting the "Christian" xenophobia of some of her citizens would appear to go against what JC taught, wouldn't you agree? And the religiosity of Poles, as in most enlightened nations, is on the decline. It's really only popular amongst the elderly and the less educated. As in most enlightened countries.
@raphjd I'm not "on a side." The world is much more complicated than that.
@jaroonn Oh ur on a side. We can guess what it is.
Begins with "floundering clown" since nothing u said relates to what I said..... ur usual fails at logic & comprehension...
And prob gets worse from there.
@blablarg18 Begins with "Tucker fanboy" which explains lack of comprehension skills.
You are clearly on "a side". You are on the liberal side.
@jaroonn "Beings [??] with...' - ...typed Jilted Bottom with such a fever he couldn't remember what verb he meant.
PS. This just in: "All 4 of the children from the Syrian stabbing in France are now said to be in stable condition and 1 of them, the three year-old British girl, will be released from the hospital to home in a few days" - Thank God!
Well done. You caught my typo which I have since corrected. Now let's see if you are literate enough to correct your countless semantic and syntactical errors. If not, I could start pointing them out if you'd like.
@blablarg18 said in France enriched by diversity, while Poland suffocates:
. ur usual fails at logic & comprehension
You can start with this. Do you have a native tongue?
P.S. You really need to come up with a different schoolyard taunt. "Jilted Bottom" doesn't apply. I would suggest "Widowed Top" as a snappy alternative.
Please stop with the Grammar/Spelling Nazi'isms.
Not everyone's first language is English and everyone makes mistakes.
I always make typos.
@jaroonn As you know well - you're pretending not to - but OK I'll state it, for other readers benefit - The JB reference is to what you -sound like-.
It's a simile.
Couldn't care less about your biography or self-claims, here.
U have a mode u get into, where u sound vain, powerless & bitter as well as dumb.
"sounds like Jilted Bottom"
U do it, I only point it out.
If ur indeed a top - Then u should know the sound. Right? Be able to hear when u do it.
Yet you don't hear yourself & here we are.
@raphjd Fair enough. Generally I agree.
Still, it's funny when JB gets his "mode" on & can't even land 1 sentence that he thought would sting
@blablarg18 Other readers? That's funny.
I will say you have an amazingly inflated view of yourself. Kudos to your manufactured self-esteem. The truth is, however, you are a complete idiot. It's been rather fun egging you on, but it's boring. I will leave you with your "other"
France STILL Enriched by Diversity:
I guess we can summarize this as bad people in every group, french and poland people also commit the same crimes, the Syria war is a fiasco, Poland is not immediately responsible but France is, and I am not going to cheer Polish conservatism as they are also pushing anti lgbt laws... try to see the nuances in the whole picture.
Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland PM, gets it:
@myrea Are you suggesting, France ME & North African immigrants - who hate France & gays openly, & think themselves anti-French & anti-gay into 4th generation or more - have enough "good" people who add to France & gay culture to make worth while the city destruction, terrorist attacks, mass lootings & book-burnings?
Think twice.
"the Syria war is a fiasco" - We agree there. btw USA Evil Empire caused it.
"Polish...pushing anti lgbt laws" - Be specific. Given general choice between country that refuses gay marriage & public nudity, but otherwise lets gay alone (Poland allows gay sex from age 15), vs, a "progressive" country falling to Islamic War before our eyes that could end in Sharia....
the first obviously better for gays. As you say, "Try to see the nuances in the whole picture". Practice advice you preach.
New Morrissey song, "Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you."
Maghrebis in Nice chanting ‘Fuck France!’ and ‘We’re just here for the welfare! For the red passport!’
@blablarg18 oh please as if all migrants and north africans hate lgbt people, as if there are not lgbt people in those migrants and as if anti-lgbt sentiment was not a result of european colonialism in their territory... also as if poland is not going to have a witch hunt eventually just like hungary tchetchenia etc... you create 'good intent laws' the bigots read it's open hunt season.
@myrea Oh please I never said "all".
I asked a question - legit about where you think THE OVERALL BALANCE of good/bad may lie. Then showed my opinion - backed by examples.
Read more carefully.
@blablarg18 you know what implying means correct? France is responsible for the african issue, half their earnings come from their banks, if you keep empoverishing a place those people will migrate... should they choose, well good luck. Also do not call yourself a humanist country if you alllow thousands of people to drown in the medi. But I guess you do not believe in humanist for others just for you.
"if you keep empoverishing a place those people will migrate" - No. If you have OPEN BORDERS combined with dumb incentives / DUMB BENEFITS for people to migrate, people will migrate.
@myrea I guessed - just did not want to inflame you by predicting - that you would "Blame France", colonialism or whatever, for the violence, book-burning and gay hatred these 3rd and 4th generation so-called "migrants" have in the country many among them were born in.