Woman’s ‘UTI’ was actually glass tumbler lodged in bladder for 4 years
@raphjd Geez
Did you see the SIZE of the "tumbler" that was in her bladder?
And they say it was likely placed there by "sounding"!!
I'm flabbergasted! LOL
WOW that's nasty, and strangely titillating all the same...
@raphjd It took me a few days to read the article, as I began to get queasy thinking about objects lodged in va-jay-jays.
But you get a "plus mark" for enlightening me that women can practice a form of sounding -- I thought that was only men with a slim metal rod.
Then I found a female doctor's interesting (and somewhat terrifying) webpage with a video about problems when men put the wrong things in the urethra:
If you really want to test your limits, Google something like "women's masturbation sounding" and hit Images.
But understand, there are many things waiting that you will never un-see.