This is what liberalism does to people
Read the entire thing.
The last bit about realist dildos and "diversity" is quite telling in the stereotyping aka racism.
disguisting, a parent supposed to teach their kids everything, sex is also but not with giving a dildo wtf !! its sick mind. when a child comes to an age of puberty period body starts to give vibes so that you can start to talk just talk !!! jeeeez not with giving a dildo to a 10 year child, its sick
@turkishboyb said in This is what liberalism does to people:
disguisting, a parent supposed to teach their kids everything, sex is also but not with giving a dildo wtf !! its sick mind. when a child comes to an age of puberty period body starts to give vibes so that you can start to talk just talk !!! jeeeez not with giving a dildo to a 10 year child, its sick
Certainly a misguided idiot of a parent - and potentially child endangerment and/or abuse... but claiming a tie to liberalism is a stretch... I don't think this is what AOC has in mind, or Pelosi for that matter.
What they DO want is FAR more dangerous and destructive than a choice of a dildo... but this ain't that...
You will downplay anything a liberal does, won't you.
Who is more likely to buy their 10yo child a dildo; liberal or conservative?
Who is more likely to indoctrinate their kids into "diversity"; liberal or conservative?
Who is more likely to stereotype people based on race; liberal or conservative?
@raphjd said in This is what liberalism does to people:
You will downplay anything a liberal does, won't you.
Who is more likely to buy their 10yo child a dildo; liberal or conservative?
Who is more likely to indoctrinate their kids into "diversity"; liberal or conservative?
Who is more likely to stereotype people based on race; liberal or conservative?
I will let the readers determine which is more pathetic...
Just checking in to see how raphjd's personal echo chamber is going. It's been a while but I see it hasn't changed.
@shami94 The dude is full of irony. It's quite entertaining. lol
@dretafari Also funny how worked up he gets about an obviously fake article. It's the typical conservative media motif. Make up a story about "liberals" so that they can all get outraged about it.
The only place I found this posted was on "".
You can read the actual, un-conservative-doctored article here:
@shami94 Oh wow. And then they have the nerve to cry fake news.
@shami94 said in This is what liberalism does to people:
@dretafari Also funny how worked up he gets about an obviously fake article. It's the typical conservative media motif. Make up a story about "liberals" so that they can all get outraged about it.
The only place I found this posted was on "".
You can read the actual, un-conservative-doctored article here:
Interesting that the original article had no "options" for the child to choose from (between a "white dildo and a black one" as described in the false narrative @raphjd propagated...). Indeed, I looked for, and couldn't find, ANY racial undertones in the original (actual) article - in fact, IMHO, it could have been written by a White mom or a Black mom - I couldn't tell!
News flash for parents: you THINK you hide your sex toys well... you don't! If you have them, your kids know you have them and snicker behind your back! Hell, my kids even know (and tease me about) my fondness for bondage play!
And those "toys" aren't obvious as to their use - at least not like, say, a dildo! (NOTE: My youngest child is now 15...)
Still, I can't say that, as a parent, I'm cool with "training" my daughters (or sons) about how to please their boyfriends sexually! And I would certainly not appreciate another parent doing so with my children. I wouldn't dream of teaching my child "how to suck dick" or "the best way to tease his anus"! OMG no!
When my kids and I talk about their "sex lives" it is in terms of relationships, not specific sexual acts... indeed, I tell my kids that I have my own sex-life and I do not want, or need, to "live vicariously" through theirs! And when we have discussions and they venture into "sexual bragging" or overly detailed descriptions, I tell them to "change the channel" (a reference to the phrase we use as a family: "You've been listening to WTMI, your source for Way Too Much Information... signing off, this has been your reporter: <name here>")
Most of my kids talk to me openly about their relationships - including 2 daughters who have felt pressured to have sex, and we've discussed how to deal with that - including how to proceed if they are ready and want to themselves! Not all do though... Every child is different!
@dretafari Yes. The simplest explanation of the conservative mentality versus the progressive "liberal" mentality is:
Progressives change their ideas to suit the facts, Conservatives change the facts to suit their ideas.
Conservatism is a set of political and psychological strategies to defend ideology from fact. "Fake News", "Political Correctness", "virtue signalling" etc. etc. are examples of these strategies.
You clowns change your minds based on "facts".
You, idiots, use mental gymnastics to blame Trump for everything.
BTW, it's not my echo chamber since our resident liberal posts here as much as I do.
Based on the shit we have seen lately from teachers, in their own TikTok videos, we know this kind of thing is happening every day.
There was the "teacher" in pre-school who was teaching kids about genitals, trans, and all the rest. She even wanted to know what kind of permission slip she would need to teach the pre-schoolers about "kink".
Maybe if liberals weren't doing these kinds of things and being so open about it, people wouldn't think these "articles" are real.
I don't have children and I wouldn't comment on anyone else's but when it comes to sex education, there are three sources:
A) parents
B) teachers
C) their peers
D) the internetA would think that most parents would prefer as much of A and B to counter the unrealism and misinformation of C and D as possible.
If the subject is dildos, BDSM and kink, the same applies.
Strangely conservatives routinely object to both A and B as we can see in @raphjd's replies.
@shami94 said in This is what liberalism does to people:
I don't have children and I wouldn't comment on anyone else's but when it comes to sex education, there are three sources:
A) parents
B) teachers
C) their peers
D) the internetA would think that most parents would prefer as much of A and B to counter the unrealism and misinformation of C and D as possible.
If the subject is dildos, BDSM and kink, the same applies.
Strangely conservatives routinely object to both A and B as we can see in @raphjd's replies.
There is a difference between "this is a penis" and "this is how you make the penis ejaculate"...
What I teach my kids is that:
- Sex is natural - it is how our species reproduces, so if we didn't do it, there wouldn't be anyone here!
- Sex is supposed to be enjoyable - we're PROGRAMMED to enjoy it! If we didn't do it OFTEN, there wouldn't be so many people here!
- Sex makes babies - and it IS NOT HARD to make a baby! The fact that there is a lot of publicity around some women having trouble conceiving is MARKETING, not truth! If you have sex and ARE NOT CAREFUL - VERY CAREFUL - you likely WILL get pregnant!
- There are LOTS of ways to have sex that CAN'T make babies... and they're JUST AS FUN!
- WHATEVER you choose to do sexually is between you and you partner (even if they're just in the mirror)... so: no pics or videos please! But that said, PRIVATE doesn't mean WRONG! So long as you're both enjoying yourselves, and no one is hurt or permanently scarred - IT'S ALL GOOD!
- Forced sex is bad sex - always! Forcing someone (even coercing someone) into having sex - any kind of sex - that they DO NOT want to do is bad. No means NO! Pick something else to do (including NOT having sex at all!)
- If you have questions, ASK ME!! You already know I have a varied sexual background! I'm not interested in details - I'm not your confessor - but if you want to know if something is "normal" or "ok" or "harmful" or "might get you pregnant" - ASK! If I don't know, we'll look for answers together.
- There is NO SHAME in sex or nudity. 100% of people are naked under their clothes, and 100% of people have sexual thoughts and desires. It's biological, not social, and there is NOTHING WRONG with ANY nude body!
- Learn to differentiate between being PRIVATE and being ASHAMED! Sex should be private, but not shameful!
Notice: nowhere in there is "how to stimulate her clit to hake her squirm", or "how to cradle his balls to get a bigger cum shot"! THOSE topics need to be explored TOGETHER with a PARTNER!
@shami94 said in This is what liberalism does to people:
Oh, and i object to the idea that Political Conservatives teach their kids about sex differently from Political Liberals... This is a societal issue, not a political one... and in my experience most American parents are simply scared to talk about sex with their kids because they've been taught by American Society (both Liberal AND Conservative) that sex is BAD... TABOO... NOT to be talked about!
While I was born in America, and generally raised here, I traveled as a teen - to Europe, Africa, and in my early 20's, Asia... THAT is where I learned about sex and sex education. Sadly, NOT from my own parents!
I learned MORE about how to teach children about sex when I took parenting classes - ICYMI: I was a foster parent and adopted & raised 8 children from foster care, in addition to one biological child of my own...
When I have sex with someone for the first time - and they're American - I almost ALWAYS have to tell them - repeatedly - "tell me if you like this". When my new partner is non-American, I mostly DO NOT have to say this - because they do it WITHOUT being prompted!
@shami94 said in This is what liberalism does to people:
I don't have children and I wouldn't comment on anyone else's but when it comes to sex education, there are three sources:
A) parents
B) teachers
C) their peers
D) the internetA would think that most parents would prefer as much of A and B to counter the unrealism and misinformation of C and D as possible.
If the subject is dildos, BDSM and kink, the same applies.
Strangely conservatives routinely object to both A and B as we can see in @raphjd's replies.
Typical liberal has no problem with teaching preschoolers about "kink".
@raphjd said in This is what liberalism does to people:
@shami94 said in This is what liberalism does to people:
I don't have children and I wouldn't comment on anyone else's but when it comes to sex education, there are three sources:
A) parents
B) teachers
C) their peers
D) the internetA would think that most parents would prefer as much of A and B to counter the unrealism and misinformation of C and D as possible.
If the subject is dildos, BDSM and kink, the same applies.
Strangely conservatives routinely object to both A and B as we can see in @raphjd's replies.
Typical liberal has no problem with teaching preschoolers about "kink".
Silly @raphjd - you edited your quoting (poorly) and attributed that list to me... it came from @Shami94
Is that FRAUD? Or INCOMPETENCE? Or just an honest mistake...
I'll let the "Gentle Readers" decide on their own...
WTF are you talking about?
Sorry girlfriend, you aint the only liberal here and you aint that special.
Not everything is about you.
Yes, I don't have a problem with parents teaching kids about kink because it's none of my business what parents teach their kids (about sex).
The typical conservative. "I don't want the government to interfere in my life but hey, look at those people, the government should interfere in their lives!"