Business rights vs the left
Liberals love it when businesses crap all over conservatives; ie big tech.
Not surprisingly, they get butt hurt when businesses use the same rights against liberals.
There's a private membership gay/bi men's campground. They do not allow people who identify as women, nor do they allow people who identify as male but don't have a penis.
Liberals claim it's transphobia and they should be forced to allow men with vaginas. Oddly, they aren't claiming that women should be allowed.
Anyone care to explain why liberals have no problem with "Twitter is a private company, so they can set their own rules" but they don't believe the same applies to all businesses?
@raphjd said in Business rights vs the left:
Liberals love it when businesses crap all over conservatives; ie big tech.
Not surprisingly, they get butt hurt when businesses use the same rights against liberals.
There's a private membership gay/bi men's campground. They do not allow people who identify as women, nor do they allow people who identify as male but don't have a penis.
Liberals claim it's transphobia and they should be forced to allow men with vaginas. Oddly, they aren't claiming that women should be allowed.
Anyone care to explain why liberals have no problem with "Twitter is a private company, so they can set their own rules" but they don't believe the same applies to all businesses?
I saw that story and wrote a comment on the site where I saw it. To wit:
It's a private business and they can exclude anyone they want, but:
- It's generally bad for business when your largest media coverage about your opening is who you DON'T want for clients, and
- The intent of the business (according to their own marketing) is to be a gay-friendly nudist RV resort.... only thing is, nudist resorts are generally already gay-friendly! True nudists do not associate naked bodies with sex!
The end result is:
- LGBTQ activists won't go because they're discriminating against trans people...
- Nudists won't go because they're sexualizing nudity.
Who's left for your customers?
I read about it on a gay site, I think the Advoacte, and they said it was a gay/bi male-only campground.
Liberals and LGBT activists want it both ways. They want big tech to ban anyone who disagrees with them, like the lady who simply said "but they aren't women, though". They don't believe in the right for businesses to disagree with their dogma, like the ammo company that won't sell to Biden voters.
@raphjd In order to keep ourselves sane, the easiest way to explain this is, anyone on the far left side (or even "moderately left") are fucking insane. They are literally a modern day cult if you ask me. I am so disappointing and depressed how Americans allowed these muthefuckers do what they do. This is not about racism, or "the White man." It's about America being fucking stupid and can't think for themselves. A lot of what's happening now is the same mindset within religion. I can't see this bullshit being corrected without American citizens having a serious physical battle to take America back from these insane fucks.
@anythingold said in Business rights vs the left:
In order to keep ourselves sane,
There is no societal (overall) benefit to requiring other people to change to help you retain (or regain) your sanity... Sadly, in current-day America, there is precious little help for you if this isn't hyperbole and you really are having trouble with your sanity.
In America today, the primary source of mental health care is the prison system. Just sad (even disgraceful).
the easiest way to explain this is, anyone on the far left side (or even "moderately left") are fucking insane.
A healthy, broad-based, Political Diaspora is/was the dream of our founding fathers. Everyone agreeing is a sure-sign of tyrany!
It's about America being fucking stupid and can't think for themselves.
Hmmm... someone else doing the thinking for you...
I can't see this bullshit being corrected without American citizens having a serious physical battle to take America back from these insane fucks.
There is nothing to correct - this is America, and people are allowed to be stupid! It's a free country!
- You are allowed to believe that Trump won the election and it was stolen from him - in spite of there being no evidence to support that claim...
- You are allowed to believe that the Earth is flat because it says so in the Bible - even though that depends on whose Bible you look at (even ancient ones do NOT claim this), and is it demonstrably true that Earth is a globe...
- You are allowed to believe that all Democrats are pedophiles that actually eat (consume) children, even though this is farcical - registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans... there aren't enough children to actually feed that many people!
- You are allowed to believe that that vacuum advertised on TV at 3AM really CAN suck a bowling ball through a garden hose, even though the videos clearly are faked...
- You are allowed to run ads at 3AM on TV selling a piece-of-shit vacuum that couldn't suck hard enough to pull a Pepsi through a straw, but claim it can suck a bowling ball through a garden hose!
Take the politics/religion out, or insert politics/religion into it - it's a still free country, and ...
until you get violent or threaten others
you are free to believe anything you wish, and to evangelize those beliefs to others!
However, when you physically threaten, much less actually carry out, violence against others because of their beliefs, you've crossed a line into criminal behavior.
@bi4smooth said in Business rights vs the left:
until you get violent or threaten others
But it's not criminal or even wrong when certain groups do it.
@raphjd said in Business rights vs the left:
@bi4smooth said in Business rights vs the left:
until you get violent or threaten others
But it's not criminal or even wrong when certain groups do it.
No, it is ...
wrong to resort to violence... (unless you are responding to a violent attack)...
Whether it is prosecuted is another matter...
175 cars speeding on the highway, and the cop pulls YOU over...
that doesn't mean it was OK for the others to speed!... and unless the cop that pulls you over is your ex-significant other or something, you still have to pay the fine... selective enforcement isn't fair, but its not illegal either (unless it is targeted)!
Sigh... there are no absolutes in the law
(There's always an "unless"...)
It's illegal to yell FIRE in a crowded room...
Unless there is an actual fire!
Over the last several years we have seen the proof that certain groups are exempt from the laws that the rest of us must follow.
When certain groups do it, it's "mostly peaceful protests" or "the summer of love".
@raphjd said in Business rights vs the left:
Over the last several years we have seen the proof that certain groups are exempt from the laws that the rest of us must follow.
When certain groups do it, it's "mostly peaceful protests" or "the summer of love".
Silly man - you are equating selective enforcement (e.g.: when the cops let people drive by going 10 miles-per-hour OVER the speed limit and don't move to ticket them) with it being acceptable or legal.
Whether the cops or district attorneys choose to prosecute or not, it's still illegal!
If you want a perfect system, move to China! (Just ask them! It's perfect!)
More excuses from our resident leftist.
If liberal prosecutors refuse to prosecute liberal rioters/looters/criminals, then they are exempt from the law.
You can shit on the streets/sidewalks of SanFrancisco unless you do it in front of one of Pelosi's many houses.
We all know that you will be back with your leftist mental gymnastics to excuse it away.
@raphjd said in Business rights vs the left:
More excuses from our resident leftist.
If liberal prosecutors refuse to prosecute liberal rioters/looters/criminals, then they are exempt from the law.
You can shit on the streets/sidewalks of SanFrancisco unless you do it in front of one of Pelosi's many houses.
We all know that you will be back with your leftist mental gymnastics to excuse it away.
Let's see - exactly when did I say that violence was OK?
I just prefer that my wine come from a bottle, and not your keyboard!
You prefer defending your fellow leftists.
@raphjd said in Business rights vs the left:
You prefer defending your fellow leftists.
OK, so now you're dangerously close to failing the Turing Test...
@raphjd Thank you so much for adding this block feature. I could just imagine the fuckery he is typing.... I don't have the patience for liberals anymore. Everything down to the new anti-discrimination bill is all for show. They don't give a fuck about anyone. They only care about the sound of their own voices.