Twitter, itself, spreads lies
Social media titans claim to value the truth but have no problem lying when it suits them.
@raphjd said in Twitter, itself, spreads lies:
Social media titans claim to value the truth but have no problem lying when it suits them.
Says Breitbart? A "news" source as reliable as the "People's Daily" in China!
The point (and the Section 230 protections) about social media policing itself of lies and incitement posts isn't that they stop them before they're published... its that they stop them once discovered.
But there is a world of difference between the lie that "Trump won the election, it was stolen, and you should rise up in arms to defend his presidency" vs. "Trump Jr. is so clueless, he thought the Texas Governor was a Dem"...
Now if the trending articles were "Trump, Jr is so dumb we should hunt him down and euthanize him" -- THAT would be stopped. And rightly so.
Its the incitement to violence, and the danger to society part that you're missing.
If Donald, Jr said it (I don't really care if he did or did not - it is of no real consequence: Donald, Jr doesn't hold public office, and his saying it does not make, or otherwise imperil the office of the Governor of Texas - who is one of 4 big-state governors with their dicks' in a grinder right now: New York is the biggest dumpster-fire, followed by Texas, then CA, and then FL - where our dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks Governor not only allowed COVID-19 vaccines to be re-routed to wealthier ZIP codes, but when the local officials complained, he threatened to take away ALL of their COVID-19 allocation! Has the man NEVER heard of optics? Shit! He's gotta run for re-election in 2022!)
But back to the topic here:
You can still go on Twitter and suggest your ex-boyfriend's new beau did kitty porn (sic) and has equine syphilis - without proof - so long as you don't suggest the Proud Boys arm up and take him out!
LOL, you will say anything to defend liberals.
Twitter themselves are spreading lies, regardless of who it is about.
A lie is a lie, even if one of your beloved big tech cabal members said it.
A lie is a lie is the moral equivalent to saying that speeding is murder.
But also there's this: a lie has to be intentionally wrong. Being wrong doesn't make it a lie! To BE a lie, you have to have KNOWN it was a lie when you said it.
And again, I'm not a Liberal, though I will admit that as HARD-RIGHT as you are, Ronald Reagan would seem a liberal from your viewpoint! (And I will also say that there's nothing wrong with BEING a Liberal - it's not that they're always wrong, it's just that their pie-in-the-sky-ideals aren't achievable - usually on many levels!)
just as YOU are not always wrong - you're usually just so hyperbolic in your presentation! Your constant level-of-outrage makes it impossible for you to ever show ACTUAL outrage if/when it occurs. It'll get mixed in with the exaggerated, undeserved outrageous material...
I feel confident that Don, Jr saying the TX Governor was a Democrat (if he DID say it) isn't a really big thing... we all mis-speak at times! His reputation will not be defined by it. His political future won't be staked on it. His next paycheck (nor anyone else's) won't be affected by it.
Just as I'm sure the Rep. from Colorado who decried ALL amendments to the Constitution will recover from her gaff...
Keep making excuses for their lies.
BTW, you lost, since you resorted to whataboutism. Just sayin'.
@raphjd said in Twitter, itself, spreads lies:
BTW, you lost, since you resorted to whataboutism. Just sayin'.
Where did I resort to what-about-ism? The twitter feed you're complaining about is all about the Liberal press suggesting Donald Trump, Jr said the Texas Governor was a Democrat (that is, blaming everything on the Democrats, including the mess in Texas).
You were suggesting that this error (that is, the fact that he didn't say that at all, although his actual quote is his typical grammatical and stream-of-unconsciousness mess, so it was admittedly confusing WHAT he meant!
I simply replied that the situation wasn't similar to the election fraud lies (and calls for vigilante justice) that Twitter removed. I didn't change the topic, nor did I even change actors in the topic!
Is Don Jr a Rep from Colorado? Why mention that person?
Twitter added their "factual statement" to tweets about the subject. That is their lie.
It was just like their "factual statement" that Biden was the actual winner of the election.
If they can lie in a "factual statement" about Don Jr, then they can lie in any other "factual statement" they made/make.
@raphjd said in Twitter, itself, spreads lies:
Is Don Jr a Rep from Colorado? Why mention that person?
Because she too is someone who said something dumb accidentally.
But, there's more to this:
- Trumpsters (rhymes with dumpsters - not accidentally) are getting all bent out of shape because Don Jr got caught saying something dumb... it's political lampooning, it's been done for decades (centuries, even!), and you (he) should laugh it off as a gaffe - something misspoken in the moment. But not if you're a Trumpster! Because it's directed as a lampoon of a Trump, you'll make a Trumpster Fire out of it! My point: let it die. It was just a funny gaffe. Even if it didn't really happen!
- The Colorado Rep issued a statement from her office, clarifying that the Rep didn't really disagree with all amendments, and that she clearly misspoke. And the statement wasn't even covered by the media, and the whole situation died - like nearly all gaffs do... unless someone decides to light a Trumpster Fire under it, so it won't die!
Twitter added their "factual statement" to tweets about the subject. That is their lie.
The "fact" warning label wasn't a lie - indeed, it was factually correct.
It was just like their "factual statement" that Biden was the actual winner of the election.
ROFL (literally) - you actually think the election was stolen from Trump, despite there being NO EVIDENCE? In fact, the evidence uncovered so far points to 2020 being a more accurate (less fraud, abuse) than in 2016 - or any other prior election!
NOTE: There are investigations that are still underway... so, who knows, maybe there will be some giant, multi-party, anti-Trump conspiracy uncovered still... but then again, maybe not... maybe he just lost. By a lot - e.g.: too much so to overcome by the small (smallest ever) numbers of vote-fraud attempts uncovered so far (which, it's worth noting, are running 2-1 in favor or Trump - that is, by a 2-1 margin so far, the fraudulent votes were FOR Trump! At least in AZ, PA, and GA, where those things have been reported).
Maybe Trump got fewer votes than most down-ballot candidates (which signals that he's a DRAG on the party)!!! I'll leave you to check that one out... I know the answer, you need to discover it for yourself though... more instructive that way!
But honestly, dude... It's almost March... Trump lost. EVEN IF IT WAS A FRAUD, it's too late now. Biden is the President, and we're much better off limiting how much he can do vs. re-hashing old, decided elections!
Get into the CURRENT GAME, let the last one go...
If they can lie in a "factual statement" about Don Jr, then they can lie in any other "factual statement" they made/make.
There you go with hyperbolic extensions again! Just like, if the cop lets one speeder go by, it's open-season on speeding! NOT!
I suggest you just dump Twitter! It's a private company. No Government Regulation is going to stop them from labeling (or declining to label) posts as false. If they're the liberal-loving platform you accuse them of being, just dump 'em! En masse! All Trumpsters should drop their Twitter accounts!
(Best John Lovitz impression) Yeah! That's the ticket!
I do love how you always shill for the left, but claim to be a conservative.
@raphjd said in Twitter, itself, spreads lies:
I do love how you always shill for the left, but claim to be a conservative.
I am a Conservative - Trumpsters are the fake Republicans
Ah, so in your mind, real "conservatives" are swampies, RINOs, and Democrats.
I'm glad we came to an understanding.
@raphjd said in Twitter, itself, spreads lies:
Ah, so in your mind, real "conservatives" are swampies, RINOs, and Democrats.
I'm glad we came to an understanding.
No, I'm saying Donald Trump is not a real conservative!