NY School Principal Urges Parents To Become ‘White Abolitionists’ With Propaganda Graphic
white parents of sixth- through 12th-graders received the “tool for action” from the principal of East Side Community School asking them to work toward becoming white traitors and abolitionists
Do you think the principal is a liberal or conservative?
I had to read that one - fortunately, "White abolitionist" doesn't refer to getting rid of white people, just getting rid of "white privilege"...
Still, it's a radical piece (not authored by the principal)... and it's full of assumptions about virtually everything being racially targeted against blacks (PoCs)... an extremist view as much as a white supremacist's...
I suspect there will be some blow-back... I hope there is some blow-back!
Even Oprah said I have far more privilege than she does, simply because I'm white and male.
Of course, she ignores how much privilege her massive wealth gives her over me.
Obama and many other wealthy blacks have said similar things.
@raphjd said in NY School Principal Urges Parents To Become ‘White Abolitionists’ With Propaganda Graphic:
Even Oprah said I have far more privilege than she does, simply because I'm white and male.
Of course, she ignores how much privilege her massive wealth gives her over me.
Obama and many other wealthy blacks have said similar things.
When the tortoise and the hare start off the race, and the tortoise has a brick tied to its tail... but through it all, the tortoise still finds a way to win... you just can't let him look back and say "you know, I started this thing with a brick tied to my tail"???
That Oprah and Obama have done so well is a testament to their hard work (and a lot of luck!)... NEITHER of them had parents with the ability to give them $million "starter packages"...
Obama's "kickstart" fund: $0,000,000
Obama's business & personal bankruptcy filings: 0 -
Oprah's "kickstart" fund: $0,000,000
Oprah's business & personal bankruptcy filings: 0 -
Donald Trump's "Kickstart" fund: $68,000,000 (he admits to $1M, his father's tax records put it at over $68M)
Donald Trump's business & personal bankruptcy filings: 6 (so far - more are likely with his current fiscal crisis)
Mind you, Donald Trump has been VERY successful - financially: I'm not posting about politics here, just about race and finances - but you can't discount the fact that he got a "head start"...
That head start of Trump's, though, wasn't race-based... or was it?
Even into the 1980's, US Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans were supposedly (legally) available to all... but in practice more than 95% of FHA loans went to white people... and it's not that black people didn't apply! Their applications were often declined for laughable reasons (one example I read about, but cannot find a reference for: when asked on the form to list their income, the applicant wrote $11,000/yr - the application was declined because their tax form says the made $11,247 in a year, thus they misstated their income... )
That's HISTORY, not politics... the political question is what do we do about it now... and while I don't know, I DO know that just giving cash to black families - because their ancestors were slaves and/or disadvantaged by race-based polities (both legal and illegal) - is not a starting point.
You don't fix one race-based wrong with another race-based wrong.
We've been discriminating against whites and males for over 50 years.
Poor white boys in the hollers of West Virginia are ignored, while wealthy blacks get AA.
@raphjd said in NY School Principal Urges Parents To Become ‘White Abolitionists’ With Propaganda Graphic:
We've been discriminating against whites and males for over 50 years.
Poor white boys in the hollers of West Virginia are ignored, while wealthy blacks get AA.Again with the "what about... isms"... you do realize that is a disqualifying factor in actual debate?
So.... wealthy blacks in WV get Alcoholics Anonymous?
I never knew ANYONE had to pay for that!
Seriously though, there's a difference (and not a difficult one to discern) between under-served communities (virtually ALL of West Virginia - for reasons that go beyond this discussion) and racist policies.
The correct analogy isn't between poor whites and wealthy blacks - it's between poor whites and poor blacks!
Are you honestly implying you'd rather be poor and BLACK in West Virginia than poor and WHITE?
Whataboutisms are valid. Just ask Democrats for the next 4 years.
You totally ignored my point, intentionally.
Wealthy blacks get affirmative action, while we ignore poor white boys. Only racists (aka liberals) believe that is ok.
It's not just in WV. I used WV as an example.
@raphjd said in NY School Principal Urges Parents To Become ‘White Abolitionists’ With Propaganda Graphic:
Whataboutisms are valid. Just ask Democrats for the next 4 years.
You totally ignored my point, intentionally.
Wealthy blacks get affirmative action, while we ignore poor white boys. Only racists (aka liberals) believe that is ok.
It's not just in WV. I used WV as an example.
What-about-ism's are disqualifying in debate. It's "changing the focus" of the discussion.
And your argument that Democrats will do it over the next 4-years is, in itself, a what-about-ism! (Circular logic, anyone?)
To briefly address that point, though: YES, they are certainly going to pull that shit - politicians on all sides have become adept at it, because it works! At least it works with the masses..., but that doesn't mean that smart people won't see through it!
Still, as I said above: comparing wealthy blacks to poor whites to try to highlight racial inequities is apples and oranges.... unless you're inferring that the wealthy blacks shouldn't be allowed to create wealth so long as there are still poor whites! But that would be racist and moronic... so, I'm glad that's NOT the point you're making... right?
As for affirmative action, you need to get out of your echo chamber once in a while. Your ideas about it appear to be highly skewed.
So you know, I, a middle-income, middle-aged, white man have benefited from affirmative-action set-asides: in my case, small-business set-aside government contracts!
There is no way I could compete against the huge companies that would normally gobble up all of the Government contracts... but the Government sets aside some of the smaller of those contracts and INSISTS that ALL competitors for those set-aside contracts be "certified small businesses".
To qualify to BID on these contracts, you have to meet certain criteria - and SOME (though, certainly not all... mot even a majority) of the "seats at the table" (that is, some of the companies that get certified) have a fast-track to getting there by being minority-owned. (There are also affirmative-action "seats" for Veterans & women)...
But, to paraphrase the great Paul Harvey, you don't know the Rest of the Story!
Once you get the seat at that table (that is, once you qualify as a certified small business), you still have to BID on the contracts that the Government brings to you... and you have to WIN - based on your competence, price, and other factors... factors that are germane to the contract, not race, gender, or other superfluous information!
Mind you, AT THAT POINT, there is nothing in your BID that identifies you as a small black-owned, or veteran-owned, or woman-owned) business. The bids don't include the identity of the bidder! The Government picks the winner, then "unveils" who submitted that bid.
The point is, affirmative action may set-aside a few seats at the table for blacks, or hispanics, or veterans, or women... but those are not ALL of the seats. You also STILL have to qualify, and more importantly, you still have to WIN the bidding!
But focusing on the front-end is a waste of time... these small-business set-asides still have to perform! I have WON re-bids on contracts because the original bidder didn't perform! The Government doesn't award 5-year contracts: they award 1-year contracts with 4 possible renewals of 1-year each! You don't perform, and you get replaced! Lose too many contracts that way and you also lose your "seat at the table"...
A lot of people look at college admissions. Most stupidly focus on the Ivy League schools - because that's where the wealthy white "legacy" parents get butt-hurt (to borrow @raphjd 's term) when their little Johnny Junior, with his private tutors, coaches, and counselors with a solid 3.5GPA from his "competitive private school"... lost out to a black kid from the ghetto who had 2 jobs, no tutors, no counselors, and a similar 3.4GPA from some low-income public school...
The same thing happens at high-end schools. You get there, sure! You were a super-star in High School! But now you're competing against nothing-but other super-stars! And you excel in that competition, or you're out! There are plenty of 1st year rejects and also-rans waiting to transfer in Sophomore year!
Case in point: in my freshman orientation at Ga Tech, they sat us in a room in groups of 5 in rows of 20 total... and they were quite blunt:
- 2 of you in your section.. EVERY section... will not be here for your Sophomore year.
- A third will transfer to another school before their Senior year.
- That leaves just 2 of you in your section that will graduate...
Now, look across... in your entire row, only 8 of you will make it to graduation at Tech at all... but 5 of you will have changed majors. And, finally, only TWO of you - on the entire row - will actually graduate in exactly 4 years... the rest will take longer. There will be obstacles. There will be winners and losers.
The situation at other high-tier colleges and universities is the same, or even harsher! It's hard to get in - with or without set-asides (you call it affirmative action)... but it's harder still to stay in!
There are ALWAYS winners and losers in life. If everyone gets a medal, the value of that medal is diminished. (How many kids of the 80's and 90's kept their participation trophies? Kids from the 50's and 60's kept those trophies on their mantle to show their kids...and grandkids! Kids from the 80's and 90's tossed them - and in many cases, also tossed their REAL trophies - because their meaning was diminished... diluted.)
There is a need to give others a "seat at the table" - to provide a way to compete in the marketplace. There will always be a need to provide SOME set-asides for some group or another. This is reality, not a board game!
Dems did it when Obama was President about GWB.
You are saying that blacks should have special rights based solely on their skin color. That is racist.
The AA argument is that blacks go to shitty schools in poor areas. Of course, this ignores all the whites that go to shitty schools in poor areas.
Wealthy blacks who have all the advantages, should not get AA or any other special advantage.
Does AA dictate that you as a WHITE MAN get special consideration or that any small business gets special consideration? AA says that non-whites and women-owned businesses get special consideration. They can even charge higher rates than normally would be acceptable.
You are clearly a racist and sexist, since you believe that only white males can do it on their own and everyone else (except asian males, when it comes to college) needs set-asides.
You are exactly the same as a liberal "white saviour" who cloaks their racism and sexism in faux "goodness".
You and your labels... sigh...
You treat this as-if this was a zero-sum game - giving a slight advantage to low-income students (which, BTW, get the hand-up regardless of their race - but when you're coming from a public school in downtown Detroit that is 98% black, it only makes sense that their valedictorian is black) requires a hurt or harm against a white person.
We are all improved when the poor get a lift. They make more money, and unlike the rich (who generally save or invest "wisely"), they SPEND it!
Studies have shown (I'll look for them, but they come from my MBA studies) that the velocity of a dollar given to a bank is less than 1/10 the velocity of that same dollar when given to a poor or middle class "regular guy".
This was demonstrated by the Obama administration - who STUPIDLY tried to get us out of the Great Recession by giving Treasury money to the banks (who promptly used it to prop up their bottom-lines, vs. making the loans the Administration had hoped).
The lesson was LEARNED - because Trump and now, even Biden, no longer want to "prod" the economy by giving cash to banks - they have already seen the proof that it doesn't work - and the money they gave (stimulus checks) was almost universally (esp at the lower end of the earnings scale) spent on goods and services.... allowing that dollar to be "spent" 10x more times than it was with the banks...
The point is: a rising tide lifts all boats - letting kids from lower-income neighborhoods get Ivy League educations (and the incomes that come from them) actually helps a lot more people (and generates more for the economy) than accepting only the rich ones.
However, there is a significant difference in our arguments here:
- When I say poor, you hear black
I am not saying any of this about black (or asian, or latin, or any other race-based) groups of students! I am saying it about LOW-INCOME, poor neighborhood, disadvantaged students OF ALL RACES (even whites!)
That more of them are black and latin is something that will be corrected over time as the "white privilege" of old is washed away with the time and tides. (Not that it's gone now, but it's on the retreat, for sure!)
AA is not a program for low-income PEOPLE.
It's a program to benefit people based on race and gender, regardless of wealth.
Poor white boys have to get higher test scores than wealthy black females who had all the privileges. Poor white boys have a lot fewer options when it comes to scholarships than wealthy black females.
Hell, Shaun "Talcum X" King still fakes being black, as do many others. So being black can't be that bad.
@raphjd said in NY School Principal Urges Parents To Become ‘White Abolitionists’ With Propaganda Graphic:
AA is not a program for low-income PEOPLE.
Affirmative Action isn't race-based in every case. Affirmative Action is an admittedly wrong-headed attempt to provide some "on the edges" support to disadvantaged people. The most disadvantaged people are the poor, and those are mostly minority (brown) and women...
It's a program to benefit people based on race and gender, regardless of wealth.
I'm sorry, but you're just plain wrong there.
Poor white boys have to get higher test scores than wealthy black females who had all the privileges. Poor white boys have a lot fewer options when it comes to scholarships than wealthy black females.
If what you want is true, government-enforced equality, then you are communist.
Government-sponsored scholarships are forbidden - by Federal Law - from being racially based. So, you must be talking about privately funded scholarships... and as the father of 3 current college students, I can tell you that you're wrong. There is plenty of scholarship money out there. What there isn't a lot of is help in finding those scholarships!
Hell, Shaun "Talcum X" King still fakes being black, as do many others. So being black can't be that bad.
Shaun King has a mental disorder. She is not the norm. She's sick, and your use of her mental illness to prove a political point is deplorable.
That said, within the PoC community, it's a common thing: the lighter the skin, the less "black" (as-in belonging to the PoC community) a person is perceived to be.
For what its worth: I got an uncommon "view" into the PoC community because my ex-fiance (he passed away due to a medical misdiagnosis before our marriage) was a dark-skinned black man.
See, you are a racist and a sexist.
I call BS. AA only does race and gender. It ignores wealth. I even did a thread about an ultra-wealthy black chick who went on Jesse Lee Petersen's show "the fallen state". She talks about how she, despite having all the privileges in the world, couldn't be bothered to do her schoolwork so she needed AA to get into UCLA and she saw no problem with that.
I call BS again.
You have no idea who Shaun King is. HE, is a male. Maybe you are thinking of Rachel Dozal or when of the many other whites who claim to be black. Shaun King a is race pimp, like Al Sharpton, except he's really white.
My sister is mixed race.