What's the oldiest thing you own and stil use?
What's the oldiest thing you own and stil use?
The question is that simple!
my dick.
oops sorry
The energy that is freely given by the sun, I guess.
Smaller scale? My house, which was built around the late 70's-early 80's.
Smaller still? a lot of my records are from the 60's-80's. Mostly 80's. I have a handful of 78's from the early 1900's. I seldom "use" them, though. I also have a pretty large collection of VHS and cassettes, and I still use them. Never stopped, in fact. Growing up poor, you learn to use stuff until it no longer functions and it can't be repaired. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And, if it is broke, find some other way to use it.
the harmonica
โฆmy first musical instrument and that's how I learn to blow >:D
The oldest things I still use would be the carving knife, fork and steel to sharpen them my grandparent had as a wedding present back in the 1920s.
my watch
I have a lot of old books (like 50+, some 100+ years old) and a lot of old and even ancient coins that I collect (the oldest one being a Roman coin from ~380AD), though I can not really say that I use those =P
my dick.
oops sorry
The energy that is freely given by the sun, I guess.
Smaller scale? My house, which was built around the late 70's-early 80's.
Smaller still? a lot of my records are from the 60's-80's. Mostly 80's. I have a handful of 78's from the early 1900's. I seldom "use" them, though. I also have a pretty large collection of VHS and cassettes, and I still use them. Never stopped, in fact. Growing up poor, you learn to use stuff until it no longer functions and it can't be repaired. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And, if it is broke, find some other way to use it.
That's what I call a.. detailed answer!
the harmonica
โฆmy first musical instrument and that's how I learn to blow >:D
The oldest things I still use would be the carving knife, fork and steel to sharpen them my grandparent had as a wedding present back in the 1920s.
my watch
I have a lot of old books (like 50+, some 100+ years old) and a lot of old and even ancient coins that I collect (the oldest one being a Roman coin from ~380AD), though I can not really say that I use those =P
the harmonica
โฆmy first musical instrument and that's how I learn to blow >:D
glad to hear you can play harmonica, I'm learning it right now
My pillow, mom gave it to me since I was nine, and well. I've been just filling and knit it up from time to time.
My car its 22 years old. Been brought up to appreciate and look after the things I buy.
It clocked over already and the body is still in excellent condition, still the original engine, although I redid the seats inside.
No point buying another one until it decides to pack up and cost me more.