Mexican man ‘kills himself minutes after being deported from US’
I want to be really clear about this: I don't mean this as a joke.
Trump's immigration policy is political suicide, it's just going to be story after story like this.
I could easily reword that into a sick joke and that's not what I mean.
At least we don't have to worry about him coming back– this was the THIRD time he had been deported. The USA isn't the only country to enforce immigration laws; we are just one the laxest so when we do enforce them it makes the news.
I want to be really clear about this: I don't mean this as a joke.
Trump's immigration policy is political suicide, it's just going to be story after story like this.
I could easily reword that into a sick joke and that's not what I mean.
I don't think it's political suicide. Republicans love death.
I don't think it's political suicide. Republicans love death.
The left has selective memory. Let's refresh yours.
"I'm really good at killing people." - Komrad Obama
"I'm really good at killing people." - Komrad Obama
He was referring to killing the leaders of terrorist groups using drones, do you like terrorists or something? Context matters…
The alternatives would be either do nothing, or send ground troops in. Do you disagree with the decision that was made?
Also, what does that even have to do with the thread? You do know that Obama isn't the president anymore right? You did catch that news I hope...
Edit: My "You Saw Stupid Memes on Facebook Radar" is going off. Tip: That's not a very good way to get your information...
Also, Trump tried a raid in Yemen, that went really well…
"I'm really good at killing people." - Komrad Obama
He was referring to killing the leaders of terrorist groups using drones, do you like terrorists or something? Context matters…
The alternatives would be either do nothing, or send ground troops in. Do you disagree with the decision that was made?
Also, what does that even have to do with the thread? You do know that Obama isn't the president anymore right? You did catch that news I hope...
Edit: My "You Saw Stupid Memes on Facebook Radar" is going off. Tip: That's not a very good way to get your information...
Also, Trump tried a raid in Yemen, that went really well…
This has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama, but you gotta remember, they used their hatred of him to unify their base so they still think bringing him up will help them win an argument when in reality it just shows how weak they are. They will align themselves with al Qaeda, ISIS, Russians, North Koreans, etc. if it means they get to be against the one and only black president they hate so much.
This thread is about a man who killed himself after being treated inhumanely by #45 and the monsters who voted for #45, not about whatever it is some of you have tried to make this thread about. The fact that some of you can treat this like it's nothing, as if someone hasn't lost their life due to disgusting behavior on our country's part, is very disturbing to me. Who are you people? No, you're not people; you're monsters. Anyone who can see a gain or take victory in someone committing suicide is a monster. Simple as that. Whether it was a child killed by a drone strike ordered by President Obama or a disgusting action taken by #45 that caused someone to take his own life, death is never something to be ridiculed and talked about as if it is some kind of gain. We are better than that, and I would hope some of you would also call that kind of mess out on here. We may have a disgusting, filthy liar as our president right now but that does not mean we have to lose our humanity just like he has. He has no soul. Are you willing to give yours up just to prove a point or align yourself with a soulless, pathologically lying man who was barely elected as our president? I would hope not.
This thread is about a man who killed himself after being treated inhumanely by #45 and the monsters who voted for #45, not about whatever it is some of you have tried to make this thread about. The fact that some of you can treat this like it's nothing, as if someone hasn't lost their life due to disgusting behavior on our country's part, is very disturbing to me. Who are you people? No, you're not people; you're monsters. Anyone who can see a gain or take victory in someone committing suicide is a monster. Simple as that. Whether it was a child killed by a drone strike ordered by President Obama or a disgusting action taken by #45 that caused someone to take his own life, death is never something to be ridiculed and talked about as if it is some kind of gain. We are better than that, and I would hope some of you would also call that kind of mess out on here. We may have a disgusting, filthy liar as our president right now but that does not mean we have to lose our humanity just like he has. He has no soul. Are you willing to give yours up just to prove a point or align yourself with a soulless, pathologically lying man who was barely elected as our president? I would hope not.
WRONG… This thread is about a man that repeatedly broke the laws of this country and was returned to the country that he BELONGED in. There is NOTHING to suggest he was inhumanely treated by the President or the DHS. His death is the result of his actions, PERIOD! Has nothing to do with the USA at all.
This thread is about a man who killed himself after being treated inhumanely by #45 and the monsters who voted for #45, not about whatever it is some of you have tried to make this thread about. The fact that some of you can treat this like it's nothing, as if someone hasn't lost their life due to disgusting behavior on our country's part, is very disturbing to me. Who are you people? No, you're not people; you're monsters. Anyone who can see a gain or take victory in someone committing suicide is a monster. Simple as that. Whether it was a child killed by a drone strike ordered by President Obama or a disgusting action taken by #45 that caused someone to take his own life, death is never something to be ridiculed and talked about as if it is some kind of gain. We are better than that, and I would hope some of you would also call that kind of mess out on here. We may have a disgusting, filthy liar as our president right now but that does not mean we have to lose our humanity just like he has. He has no soul. Are you willing to give yours up just to prove a point or align yourself with a soulless, pathologically lying man who was barely elected as our president? I would hope not.
WRONG… This thread is about a man that repeatedly broke the laws of this country and was returned to the country that he BELONGED in. There is NOTHING to suggest he was inhumanely treated by the President or the DHS. His death is the result of his actions, PERIOD! Has nothing to do with the USA at all.
Okay, here's one for the soulless column. Who else?
Correct about Obama. He killed a lot of bad guys.
So called President Trump on the other plans to target and kill the children of bad guys.
He is a real man…..
Democrats were in power for 8 years, why did no one protest Obama's mass deportations? Why did no one demand that the US government give citizenship to all of these people who have been living in the US for a decade?
This is pathological altruism. Liberal Americans pretend to care about Latin Americans because it makes them feel good about themselves, but they don't really care. They view us as cheap labour and political props.
25,000 people are murdered in Mexico every year, the government is corrupt and authoritarian but no one stands in front of the Mexican embassy to protest the Mexican government.
Liberals need to stop romanticizing other people's poverty and struggles for their own benefit. They care about this man's suicide because it makes Trump look bad, nothing else. They don't really care about the hundreds of Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Salvadorans who are murdered every day.
During the election, no one stepped up and said "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Mexico to help struggling communities and invest in their economy". They wanted to go to Canada, a progressive first world country.
Democrats were in power for 8 years, why did no one protest Obama's mass deportations? Why did no one demand that the US government give citizenship to all of these people who have been living in the US for a decade?
This is pathological altruism. Liberal Americans pretend to care about Latin Americans because it makes them feel good about themselves, but they don't really care. They view us as cheap labour and political props.
25,000 people are murdered in Mexico every year, the government is corrupt and authoritarian but no one stands in front of the Mexican embassy to protest the Mexican government.
Liberals need to stop romanticizing other people's poverty and struggles for their own benefit. They care about this man's suicide because it makes Trump look bad, nothing else. They don't really care about the hundreds of Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Salvadorans who are murdered every day.
During the election, no one stepped up and said "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Mexico to help struggling communities and invest in their economy". They wanted to go to Canada, a progressive first world country.
Thank you for posting complete nonsense. Stop getting your information from Facebook memes. I don't think you typed a single sentence that is factually accurate.
Democrats were in power for 8 years, why did no one protest Obama's mass deportations? Why did no one demand that the US government give citizenship to all of these people who have been living in the US for a decade?
This is pathological altruism. Liberal Americans pretend to care about Latin Americans because it makes them feel good about themselves, but they don't really care. They view us as cheap labour and political props.
25,000 people are murdered in Mexico every year, the government is corrupt and authoritarian but no one stands in front of the Mexican embassy to protest the Mexican government.
Liberals need to stop romanticizing other people's poverty and struggles for their own benefit. They care about this man's suicide because it makes Trump look bad, nothing else. They don't really care about the hundreds of Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Salvadorans who are murdered every day.
During the election, no one stepped up and said "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Mexico to help struggling communities and invest in their economy". They wanted to go to Canada, a progressive first world country.
Thank you for posting complete nonsense. Stop getting your information from Facebook memes. I don't think you typed a single sentence that is factually accurate.
The truth hurts.
Did Obama not deport millions of people?
"As of 2015, more than 2.5 million undocumented people had been deported by immigration authorities since President Obama took office in 2009, a total which is indeed record-setting. During the two terms of his predecessor, President George W. Bush, just over 2 million people were deported."
Was there a single major protest advocating for giving illegals full citizenship during the last administration?
Did the American populace ever go to the Mexican, Venezuelan, Colombian, Salvadorean embassies to protest their governments for not providing for their people?
Why are left-wing Americans not helping Latin American countries to get their shit together?
Why are they not compassionate when they see crime statistics?
As I said, people don't really care about the people south of the border. They use immigrants as political props to make themselves feel good about helping other people and to criticize Trump as it fits their agenda.
Right-wingers are, at least, honest about their dislike of immigrants.
The truth hurts.
Did Obama not deport millions of people?
"As of 2015, more than 2.5 million undocumented people had been deported by immigration authorities since President Obama took office in 2009, a total which is indeed record-setting. During the two terms of his predecessor, President George W. Bush, just over 2 million people were deported."
Was there a single major protest advocating for giving illegals full citizenship during the last administration?
Did the American populace ever go to the Mexican, Venezuelan, Colombian, Salvadorean embassies to protest their governments for not providing for their people?
Why are left-wing Americans not helping Latin American countries to get their shit together?
Why are they not compassionate when they see crime statistics?
As I said, people don't really care about the people south of the border. They use immigrants as political props to make themselves feel good about helping other people and to criticize Trump as it fits their agenda.
Right-wingers are, at least, honest about their dislike of immigrants.
You can not be serious dude…
Democrats were in power for 8 years: No they were not… That's not how the US government works.
why did no one protest Obama's mass deportations? : People Did… Also, if you consider that "Mass Deportations" just wait... Trump is about to go "The Nuclear" on the illegals...
Why did no one demand that the US government give citizenship to all of these people who have been living in the US for a decade? : Obama wanted to … This is definitely the most ridiculous thing you said here.
This is pathological altruism. : No it isn't. I mean I guess if you are completely insane and believe what you are saying, then maybe.
Liberal Americans pretend to care about Latin Americans because it makes them feel good about themselves, but they don't really care. : An interesting opinion, that I assure you that is a massive generalization and is false.
They view us as cheap labour and political props. : Cheap labor and political props, pick a side… Conservatives view you as cheap labor, Liberals view you as political props. And I have no idea who You are ... So ... Farm owners typically employee illegal immigrants/legal immigrants to do tasks that supposedly citizens won't do. I assure you, those farmers are typically conservatives. Now that they're being ejected from the country, liberals are saying "Oh Boo Hoo, You Voted For Your Own Farm to Go out of Business."
25,000 people are murdered in Mexico every year, the government is corrupt and authoritarian but no one stands in front of the Mexican embassy to protest the Mexican government. : #1 That's the homicide rate, not the murder rate #2 Maybe it is corrupt… #3 Authoritarian is your opinion #4 Google "Mexican Embassy Protest"
Liberals need to stop romanticizing other people's poverty and struggles for their own benefit. : Romanticizing other people's poverty - See the Donald Trump Presidential campaign.
They care about this man's suicide because it makes Trump look bad, nothing else. : Donald Trump doesn't need that guy to make him look bad. The main stream media didn't even run the story, since Donald Trump making himself look bad, was more news worthy.
They don't really care about the hundreds of Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Salvadorans who are murdered every day. : Do you want America to come down there and take over? I'm sure Donald would love to. You do understand what the hell you are saying here, right? We had Team America World Police under Bush, do you really think America is responsible for the murder rate in those countries? It's not that nobody in America cares, it's just not our fucking country dude … I take it back, this is the most ridiculous thing you said.
During the election, no one stepped up and said "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Mexico to help struggling communities and invest in their economy". : Sure, Maybe on election day… There's plenty of activists in the country trying to help struggling communities around the world...
They wanted to go to Canada, a progressive first world country. : No, it's because they know Mexico is a shit hole compared to Canada…
The truth hurts. : Oh my god, I'm so hurt. /eyeroll
Was there a single major protest advocating for giving illegals full citizenship during the last administration? : Define "Major." There's protests in America every day.
Did the American populace ever go to the Mexican, Venezuelan, Colombian, Salvadorean embassies to protest their governments for not providing for their people? : Why would Americans do that? What are you even talking about ?…
Why are left-wing Americans not helping Latin American countries to get their shit together? : Because it's not their country …
Why are they not compassionate when they see crime statistics? : /facepalm … Do you care about the crime rate in Chicago?
As I said, people don't really care about the people south of the border. They use immigrants as political props to make themselves feel good about helping other people and to criticize Trump as it fits their agenda. Okay… Currently, the liberals are the ones who want the immigrants to come into the country and illegals to stay, the republicans are the ones patting themselves on the back for throwing them out and do not care about people south of the border... You have this backwards...
Right-wingers are, at least, honest about their dislike of immigrants.
: Yeah, uh, little problem with this statement, which is called American History.
The most dangerous immigrants arrived here in 1492.
You can't even reply to my posts without resorting to personal offence… I'm sorry but that's pretty low.
No they were not… That's not how the US government works.
I understand how the US government works, but there's clearly a double standard when people excuse the previous administration mistakes in order to justify their opposition to the current administration.
People Did… Also, if you consider that "Mass Deportations" just wait... Trump is about to go "The Nuclear" on the illegals...
You said my post was complete nonsense, but you are admitting that Obama indeed deported A LOT of people.
Obama wanted to … This is definitely the most ridiculous thing you said here.
Obama's "pathway to citizenship" was a broken campaign promise, nothing but a cheap way to get some votes. People didn't mind broken promises and mass deportations under Obama. It didn't matter that illegals were second-class
citizensas long as the president was a liberal.No it isn't. I mean I guess if you are completely insane and believe what you are saying, then maybe.
You can't even formulate a counter argument that doesn't involve personal attacks.
An interesting opinion, that I assure you that is a massive generalization and is false.
Bigly! Not false, but a matter of - you got it - opinion, to which I am entitled to.
Cheap labor and political props, pick a side… Conservatives view you as cheap labor, Liberals view you as political props. And I have no idea who You are ... So ... Farm owners typically employee illegal immigrants/legal immigrants to do tasks that supposedly citizens won't do. I assure you, those farmers are typically conservatives. Now that they're being ejected from the country, liberals are saying "Oh Boo Hoo, You Voted For Your Own Farm to Go out of Business."
I'm sure they said the same thing when slavery was outlawed. Your farms are going out of business! Total collapse! The US farming industry will not survive without slavery! In the end, they adapted to the new reality.
According to statistics, less than 20% of farms employ illegal immigrants. If others can employ Americans, they can do it too.
#1 That's the homicide rate, not the murder rate #2 Maybe it is corrupt… #3 Authoritarian is your opinion #4 Google "Mexican Embassy Protest"
You're correct, my apologies, that was the number of homicides, not murders. Interestingly enough, your concern is not the number of people who die every year, it's correcting the terminology I used. I see…
Mexico is extremely corrupt. It ranks 123/170 in the Corruption Perceptions Index and you can check out any Mexican newspaper to understand why.
The Mexican central government has been directly involved with the oppression and sometimes murder of political opposition. That's sounds pretty authoritarian to me.
Google returned few results. There were very small protests when the 43 students disappeared but nothing other than that.
Romanticizing other people's poverty - See the Donald Trump Presidential campaign.
He acknowledged people's poverty and provided solutions. Not the best solutions, in my opinion, but at least he didn't ignore them. Trump and Sanders were the only politicians who had true understanding and compassion with Americans living in poverty.
Donald Trump doesn't need that guy to make him look bad. The main stream media didn't even run the story, since Donald Trump making himself look bad, was more news worthy.
No shit, Sherlock! I had absolutely noooooo idea that Trump makes himself look bad, especially when the mainstream media is out there to distort everything he says and twist the facts in order to support their political views.
Do you want America to come down there and take over? I'm sure Donald would love to. You do understand what the hell you are saying here, right? We had Team America World Police under Bush, do you really think America is responsible for the murder rate in those countries? It's not that nobody in America cares, it's just not our fucking country dude … I take it back, this is the most ridiculous thing you said.
That's the opposite of what I meant.
No, it's because they know Mexico is a shit hole compared to Canada…
They want to go to Canada to be "safe" from Trump in a privileged white country. Helping others is not their priority. Case closed.
Democrats were in power for 8 years, why did no one protest Obama's mass deportations? Why did no one demand that the US government give citizenship to all of these people who have been living in the US for a decade?
This is pathological altruism. Liberal Americans pretend to care about Latin Americans because it makes them feel good about themselves, but they don't really care. They view us as cheap labour and political props.
25,000 people are murdered in Mexico every year, the government is corrupt and authoritarian but no one stands in front of the Mexican embassy to protest the Mexican government.
Liberals need to stop romanticizing other people's poverty and struggles for their own benefit. They care about this man's suicide because it makes Trump look bad, nothing else. They don't really care about the hundreds of Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Salvadorans who are murdered every day.
During the election, no one stepped up and said "If Trump wins, I'm moving to Mexico to help struggling communities and invest in their economy". They wanted to go to Canada, a progressive first world country.
Another one for the soulless column. Anymore??
The most dangerous immigrants arrived here in 1492.
Thank you! The real Native Americans who were slaughtered like cattle by those murderous white immigrants that immorally came here can attest to that fact. Soulless murderers, and now their descendants want to claim this land like it was rightfully and justly acquired. Sounds like I hear the chickens coming home to roost. How much longer do we have to put up with these soulless monsters?
"You said my post was complete nonsense, but you are admitting that Obama indeed deported A LOT of people."
You're hanging a thread there regarding what you consider mass deportations to be.
"Obama's "pathway to citizenship" was a broken campaign promise, nothing but a cheap way to get some votes. People didn't mind broken promises and mass deportations under Obama. It didn't matter that illegals were second-class
citizensas long as the president was a liberal."It was blocked by the supreme court, he did try.
"I'm sure they said the same thing when slavery was outlawed. Your farms are going out of business! Total collapse! The US farming industry will not survive without slavery! In the end, they adapted to the new reality."
Yeah, machines doing the work.
"According to statistics, less than 20% of farms employ illegal immigrants. If others can employ Americans, they can do it too."
Going to call BS. Maybe that specific statistic is accurate but that doesn't represent reality very accurately. Most farms are basically factories with very little need for people at all. No offense but, I don't think somebody is going to say "Yeah, lets have an illegal immigrant drive my $2,000,000 harvester."
"He acknowledged people's poverty and provided solutions. Not the best solutions, in my opinion, but at least he didn't ignore them."
Yeah and now he and the corporation controlled republican party are screwing them over.
"That's the opposite of what I meant."
Problem/Solution? What did you mean? America can't solve problems that it's not involved in.
"They want to go to Canada to be "safe" from Trump in a privileged white country. Helping others is not their priority. Case closed."
/eyeroll, the only part of this I agree with is "to be safe."
"Screw America, the government is crazy here, I'm going to Mexico" said no one ever. -
Nobody arrived here, in the United States in 1492. People should be judged in the context of their own times. Most native Americans were unfortunately killed by disease, diseases from the new world were also spread to Europe at the same time. Christopher Columbus himself succumbed to syphilis. The lack of any scientific understanding of the diseases on both sides of the Atlantic unfortunately enable this suffering. Don't forget, the Europeans built their presence resistance to many of these diseases during the black plagues, when their population was decimated multiple times. The settlers who originally arrived in the United States were in territory claimed by the British crown and seeking greater freedoms and opportunities than they did at home. They did so with charters from the crown and legally (internationally during the time period) emigrated to the what became the colonies and later the United States.