"White people go around" SJW college protest @ Berkeley
This the kind of crap that created the backlash against the left and identity politics.
There are countless examples of this kind of thing.
raphjd, as an esteemed moderator on this site, I'm sure you know the Washington Times is an outlet of the Christian crackpot Sung Yung Moon's Unification Church. Maybe you should be a little more discerning / take a little more care before citing some homophobic crackpot? Or you could always join the Unification Church – I'm sure some lovely gal is just waiting to be mass-married to you!
raphjd, as an esteemed moderator on this site, I'm sure you know the Washington Times is an outlet of the Christian crackpot Sung Yung Moon's Unification Church. Maybe you should be a little more discerning / take a little more care before citing some homophobic crackpot? Or you could always join the Unification Church – I'm sure some lovely gal is just waiting to be mass-married to you!
How the hell did you read that article and surmise the reason why White students were discriminated against was because of Christianity? Clearly the article states that racist non whites are welcoming the return of segregation. These liberal nut jobs want safe spaces? They can go home and crawl under their Momma's bed.
raphjd, as an esteemed moderator on this site, I'm sure you know the Washington Times is an outlet of the Christian crackpot Sung Yung Moon's Unification Church. Maybe you should be a little more discerning / take a little more care before citing some homophobic crackpot? Or you could always join the Unification Church – I'm sure some lovely gal is just waiting to be mass-married to you!
Are you trying to deny that this "event" took place?
Hopefully you'll trust a jew (David Packman, I like him BTW) reporting on the event; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_g9uIHCAZs
Of course there's plenty of other videos about this white-hating racist event; Fox News, Bill Maher and many others.
The videos of the event are out there. You can just watch the event itself and see what is said and done.
My Universities have always had queer spaces and spaces for First Nation people and my country is prob at least as racist and homophobic as the USA. They're a good idea and have been around loooong before "safespace" became common in the lexicon, sometimes the right wing students post slur words, christian anti-lgbtqi hate speech and their own stupid protests, posters demanding removal of prayer rooms (that are non-denominational anyway) etc - so they're an escape from that.
I don't really understand the demand to remove a bookstore?
Sure it's commercial, but so is everything grad students are working on in labs, including cures for diseases and students should be buying books.
My Universities have always had queer spaces and spaces for First Nation people and my country is prob at least as racist and homophobic as the USA. They're a good idea and have been around loooong before "safespace" became common in the lexicon, sometimes the right wing students post slur words, christian anti-lgbtqi hate speech and their own stupid protests, posters demanding removal of prayer rooms (that are non-denominational anyway) etc - so they're an escape from that.
I would agree with you IF everyone had a "safe space" of their own. Sadly, due to identity politics and the oppression olympics, certain groups are deemed not worthy of equality.
When I was at university, there were no "safe spaces". Everyone shared the public spaces and for the most part, there were no problems.
I don't really understand the demand to remove a bookstore?
Sure it's commercial, but so is everything grad students are working on in labs, including cures for diseases and students should be buying books.
SJWs never think rationally.
This is fucking insane…
So now minorities, empowered by the political correcteness that permeates USA's liberal party are trying to segregate whites?! The very group that gave them power in the first place...
This is just stupid and with its corresponding stupid performance: if they wanted more 'safe spaces' they could have asked without treating white students like that, heck...they could have had the support of those same white students to their cause, but no...
So now every white cisgender male is evil? This is the same crap like the one I found once in YT comments regarding some latino dude hating on white latinos (I am a white latino so that struck home) but stating he wasn't racist...because the white people are the racist ones! (WTF?!)
Wait...weren't trans students also demanding safe spaces? (Can I even say 'trans' or the SJWs here will find it racist, transphobic and demeaning?!) So then...what if you're trans but also white? This is insane.
Making white people walk through a creek to get to class, then disrupting people studying (mostly whites) and finally demanding racial segregation on campus is beyond insane.
Anti-white racism is completely acceptable in our politically correct SJW world.
I see a new Adolf Hitler coming within the decade.White people will only be pushed so far.
I see a new Adolf Hitler coming within the decade.White people will only be pushed so far.
It won't go that far, but whites will be pushed further and further to the right.
I do love the "Suck It Up, Buttercup" bill in Iowa. I think it should be a federal law.