Mac or pc?
PC for me ;D
i prefer pc.
Used to be a PC builder and user, but just grew tired of keeping up with the latest and greatest serial numbers from a million different manufacturers, all of which inevitably meant nothing because without any new software specifically designed for that hardware, the end result was a computer that did exactly the same things in the same way. That and when I jumped ship it was during the era of Windows 8.1, possibly the worst piece of design I've ever had the misfortune of using. That and I rarely play games on a PC these days, and found that for my work the iMac was incredibly good value - sure a PC tower is cheaper, but to buy a stand alone screen with equivalent specs to the Retina 5K iMac makes any pricing difference negligible, not to mention Apple's excellent customer service and support.
PC this better for me. Mac, may be have a good looking, but it is not for professional.
Mac, may be have a good looking, but it is not for professional.
This sums up what I wanted to say
I changed lots of γγ½γ³γ³(s) over the years, but I ended up using a MacBook Air and lately a tiny MacBook 12'' while offloading the heavy workload over a Linux / OpenBSD hybrid cluster . From now on , all life as this !!! I will never change again
Mac. I use a Lenovo ThinkPad at work (with the touchscreen that does bizarre things when you actually touch it). I use both platforms everyday (and a unix server in the background to do the heavy lifting), and I appreciate the unix underpinnings of the Mac that make it not just easier to use, but far more efficient. Basic things like searching for a file are so much better, due to the underlying power of unix. It's also more transparent, as I can see every process running, and know exactly which program (or website) is the one that is sucking power and caused the fan to turn on. It has great longevity (my 3 and a half year old MacBook Pro runs circles around the brand new ThinkPad) and it will still have great resale value when I spring for a new one.
MAC. I Bought a Mac book pro 2 months ago and I will NEVER go back to windows again.
On the most part, I'll take a PC over a Mac any day of the week. That being said however, when it comes to editing films for the film industry, it's Mac all the way. The only down side that I've found is that they're way more susceptible to viruses, and as such, can be a royal pain in the ass when something goes wrong. They're also hellishly overpriced as well. That being said though, I will NOT touch Windows (or anything Micro$oft for that matter) for security reasons, which is why I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on all my systems now.
On the most part, I'll take a PC over a Mac any day of the week. That being said however, when it comes to editing films for the film industry, it's Mac all the way. The only down side that I've found is that they're way more susceptible to viruses, and as such, can be a royal pain in the ass when something goes wrong. They're also hellishly overpriced as well. That being said though, I will NOT touch Windows (or anything Micro$oft for that matter) for security reasons, which is why I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on all my systems now.
Be aware that linux security is quite overestimated.
Torvalds attitudea bug is a bug
is not helping in it.
This is the reason NSA developed SELinux initially: the kernel is like an Emmentaler.
This is the reason Joanna Rutkovska [] is developing Qubes OS [].
This is the reason UCAVs will be deployed using a mathematically verified microkernel [] over a predictable hardware.
Linux is not secure. -
I only could use a Mac in the Apple Stores, but I never had one. So I can't really answer that.
I prefer MAC to PC. My guilty pleasure is building a hackintosh from PC parts. They work great save DRM content.
Be aware that linux security is quite overestimated.
Torvalds attitudea bug is a bug
is not helping in it.
This is the reason NSA developed SELinux initially: the kernel is like an Emmentaler.
This is the reason Joanna Rutkovska [] is developing Qubes OS [].
This is the reason UCAVs will be deployed using a mathematically verified microkernel [] over a predictable hardware.
Linux is not secure.No system is really secure if you do not set it up properly. Compared to a Windows machine, or even in a lot of cases, compared to a Mac, the security potential offered in Linux is a lot more advanced. This if course assumes that you take the time to set it up properly to begin with. As I said though, any operating system isn't secure if you do not set it up properly.
Macs are great out-of-the-box machines for graphic, audio and video applications (well, they are one you have Adobe's Creative Suite installed, anyway). Beyond that, they hold very little appeal for me. I don't like how everything is proprietary with them, for one thing. Also, PC's have the potential to do all that Macs can do just as well, often times for less money when building a custom machine, especially if you're willing to do some bargain hunting. The hardware is much more readily/easily customized to suit any purpose imaginable than a Mac is out of the box, and you're not spending tons of money on a lot of extruded/injection-molded white plastic when you build your own machine.
Mostly, though, I've just used PC's my whole life (outside of design classes), so they're more comfortable/familiar to me.
Mac. Windows is trash.
Mac. Windows is trash.
Mac is great for more graphics intense stuff like HD video rendering for the film industry. If you're looking for something more cost effective, I'd recommend Ubuntu as your go-to system, rather than Micro$not Winblows.
Besides, Ubuntu is legally available to download in ISO format for free, including through torrent for faster download, and it's 100% legal.