Do you prefer top or bottom?
My opinion is I think sex actions should come natural and not planned out. What happens happen. Whether I am a top or bottom it should not be something that you have to think about, it should just feel good. Versatile Top though here.
Lol! I agree completely! If only things worked out that way though. Especially not for gay men. Between cleaning out and getting ready, its almost impossible not to plan.
definetly verse , and being with someone that likes both ways too
Top. Although, I was a bottom for almost 9 years in my first relationship. He had the perfect ass and barely let me touch it. I had to get him fucked up before he gave up the ass >:D
bottom :cheesy2:
top. though i really appreciate bottom guys who found pleasure on being bottom :cheesy2:
Top, I have tried both, now i am top, loving dick suckers
100% Versatile
I bottom 95% of time. Only time I top is if the guy insists :anal2:
I bottom when I'm sure the guy will not be a neanderthal, otherwise I tend to top.
It depends of the topā¦
100% bottom, I really love to get fucked
totally prefer to bottom most of the time
Bottom. Matching a top's thrusts makes for one hot fuck. Drives me wild.
I only like to Top, but I appreciate anyone's sexuality. I'm just way to obsessed with nice ass. :cool2:
I consider myself a vers tbh, it really depends on the guy and the mood of the moment
For me BOTTOM :crazy2: