Straight guys in gay porn; are the really straight?
So yeah, are straight guys who do porn really straight?
Your thoughts
Sometimes yes but probably often bi or gay but who cares? Are the "doctors" in doc/patient themed porns really doctors? What about naughty nurses and unruly students?
good point
Often they are. Gay for pay is becoming very popular. It's all about the money.
Everyone's favorite fantasy, turning a straight guy gay, but many cry when you break their bubble and expose them to the real world. So yeah, these straight guys in porn are actually very very gay, but it's hard to convince some people, even when these same straight guys are fucking other guys. To some they're still straight, hence the amount of torrent movies with word straight in their title.
Oh god, nooo! What if they're really those filthy straight people? I can't fap to porn knowing an actor is straight.
Sexuality can only be defined by the person themselves and whom they prefer to have sex with. It doesn't matter if they have sucked a million and 1 dicks or have taken it up the ass a billion times. If they prefer to have sex with Women they are Heterosexual. No one has the right to try and define someone else's sexual orientation.
It doesn't matter if they have sucked a million and 1 dicks or have taken it up the ass a billion times.
So what you're saying is if a killer murders a million people and stabs them a billion times it doesn't matter? Since no one can define his happiness and that's what he prefers, then no one else has the right to try to tell him otherwise?
Are we ignoring actual facts now? Deeds don't matter anymore, only what you tell your brain is true? That's just living in the dreamworld of your own. Guess some people really prefer taking the blue pill. ::)
They are straight as a rainbow. Money comes first though.
nice topic! I for one am really in the dark.. Coz I love watching BAIT BUDDIES MILITARY CLASSIFIED and BROKE STRAIGHT BOYS. :cheers:
They either trying to fool us (a staged situation or scene, which is often the case), or themselves (being so deep in the closet/denial), which is pathetic or sad and dangerous (you decide)…
I think it's mixed, some are gay and just in denial, some are straight and just desperate for money, and some prefer sex with women but don't mind getting off with a guy. I can get off on it just the same so I don't really care, but when it comes to Broke Straight Boys, I kind of hate how not into the sex some of the guys are. If your going to be paid to have gay sex, at least try to look like your enjoying it at some point. For the whole straight guy gets paid trope, I get that they should be apprehensive at the beginning, but it's not hot to me if he's not enjoying it halfway through. :cheers:
Now how do you know they are straight. Are you reading interviews, arranged by the studios, press releases, arranged by the studios.
The studios are there to make a fantasy for people to enjoy. Now let's admit that a gay man's fantasy is often having sex with a straight man.
Are there straight men doing gay porn. Sure. Are they really straight. Sure. You can't define if someone is gay by whom they sleep with. They only person that knows for sure if someone is gay is that person.
Remember being gay is not who you sleep with, but who you are attracted to.
Maybe their Sexual Orientation is Heterosexual, but for their line of work, they are willing to have intercourse with peope of the same sex, but that is just their Sexual Conduct
it's just their line of work, and we all know that most people's work don't align with their interest (it's a rare occurrence). As others say, it's mainly for the money, because maybe the pay is lucrative enough for them that they agree to do it (tbh, I think I would have sex with a woman if I will get paid enough). I mean, I think labels don't matter to them, so long as they themselves know their Sexual Orientation, and also as long as their partners are okay with it, then they have no problems.
But then again, maybe they are gay, and porn producers are preying on our fantasies. Like, seriously, I admit that if I could turn a straight guy gay, that would be such a power trip. That he is willing to be gay for me (and being gay isn't really all rainbows and sugar in our society), it's such a wonderful feeling (not that I've felt or done it ;D). It just gives us hope that the hot straight guy we have a crush can could actually like us back. It's some powerful shit hahaha
Whatever the case, I just respect it. If they're straight, then kudos to them for being so open-minded about gay porn. And if they are gay, then kudos to them for giving us fuel to flame our fantasies :cheers: but that's just me hahaha
does it matter lol?
Although my experience comes more from the sex industry as a whole rather than specifically porn I can assure you there most certainly are straight men who are only gay for the dollar. Just as there are some who just identify as straight to collect a larger paycheque because of the allure of being 'the one' who will convert them or the thrill of having the unobtainable. You will also find there are some straight guys who are very likely in denial and instead of identifying as gay have found being bought is the easiest way they can express their sexuality. The rarest of the rare (or the even more difficult to detect) but still very much present and I would bet is just as possible in the porn industry is the truly heterosexual man who acts and claims to be gay for his client/audience.
Also for the truly backward I have to ask: I identify as 100% all gay, all the way. That being said, I have had penetrative sex with a woman as well various other forms of sexual play with many other women. Does it only go one way, take it up the ass you must be gay, or is it that I am a latent heterosexul? "Oh he's not really gay, he's been with women." I have said it before & will be surprised by it every time but it just astounds me how unaccepting of sexual freedom some of 'you' people can be. And by 'you' people I mean "the gays" because clearly I must not be gay, just very very anal.
It will never cease to astound me, how some people would consider me and others like me, narrow minded just because i don't accept the G4P lie. Is it because we ruin the whole "seducing a straight guy" fantasy (which, by the way i could never understand, i always considered it to be quite weird since, imo it is something that's either contrantctive or, and i apologize for the term, disgusting.I 'll expain myself if you like me to.) or they feel they are (or want to seem) more noble than the rest of us? You gotta love that in the name of "sexual freedom" the world managed to screw us over once more and some people don't even realize it (or they don't care). With the excuse of fulfilling some people's fantasy of seducing a straight guy they manage to promote the message that you can have as much sex with guys as you like but, at the end of the day you better return to your girlfriend/wife and kids and keep identify yourself as straight since its the only right and viable way for you to live your life and being gay/bi isn't.I totally agree that your sexuality is not determined by whom you're having sex with but, by whom you want to have sex with instead. And that's the point.These guys pursue a career in gay porn indusrty.It is something they want to do again and again. I consider the arguement "they do it for the money" just as solid as arguements like "a hole is a hole", "i was so horny" and many more (which i find ridiculous and offensive to real straight guys).If we actually believe thet money is enough of a motive for a straight guy to have sex with another guy then the straight porn industry wouldn't have a single guy left since everyone would rather prefer to work as a gay performer. We try to educate others that being gay is normal but i think we need to realize it ourselves first and stop accepting such examples as legit or desirable.
a straight guy is straight and stop! if he goes with men he does gay, if he goes with both men or women he is bisex, it doesnt matter if he preferes sex with women than men cuz he will always be bisex.
I've never known a gay having sex with women, never! if he does he is bisex money or not!
The guy who said 'I'm straight but I go with men for money..' then he is bisex.
If you are straight you also dislike sex with men, if you really do as gay as well you also dislike sex with women!
I've read, 'go with men or women it's all up to you'. so let me understand…after many years that you know that you are gay you are saying that be gay is just a mental condition?
NO WAY! It's just fantasy because you are attracted by straight men more than gays, that's all! -
Haha, no.
And even for those few out there who DO identify as "straight", they're at the very least bi-curious. The word "straight" is basically just a marketing gimmick.
It will never cease to astound me, how some people would consider me and others like me, narrow minded just because i don't accept the G4P lie. Is it because we ruin the whole "seducing a straight guy" fantasy (which, by the way i could never understand, i always considered it to be quite weird since, imo it is something that's either contrantctive or, and i apologize for the term, disgusting.I 'll expain myself if you like me to.) or they feel they are (or want to seem) more noble than the rest of us? You gotta love that in the name of "sexual freedom" the world managed to screw us over once more and some people don't even realize it (or they don't care). With the excuse of fulfilling some people's fantasy of seducing a straight guy they manage to promote the message that you can have as much sex with guys as you like but, at the end of the day you better return to your girlfriend/wife and kids and keep identify yourself as straight since its the only right and viable way for you to live your life and being gay/bi isn't.I totally agree that your sexuality is not determined by whom you're having sex with but, by whom you want to have sex with instead. And that's the point.These guys pursue a career in gay porn indusrty.It is something they want to do again and again. I consider the arguement "they do it for the money" just as solid as arguements like "a hole is a hole", "i was so horny" and many more (which i find ridiculous and offensive to real straight guys).If we actually believe thet money is enough of a motive for a straight guy to have sex with another guy then the straight porn industry wouldn't have a single guy left since everyone would rather prefer to work as a gay performer. We try to educate others that being gay is normal but i think we need to realize it ourselves first and stop accepting such examples as legit or desirable.
G4P lie. This one is new on me but oddly enough if you hold the shift key down for all of it it comes out looking like this G$P!