the terrorists from the Bataclan were all buried in an muslim cemetery meaning they are indeed msulims.
i do not know cemetery for guilty guys.
the terrorists from the Bataclan were all buried in an muslim cemetery meaning they are indeed msulims.
i do not know cemetery for guilty guys.
i've been using for some day win 10. I can't see links with hiderf.
what can i do?
often a company does not take care of these problems. anyway, i don' t know something about irland, jugoslavia, spain etc… only Russia, and we do know why
again: now i use utorrent, but since yesterday i've not been able to download. :cry2:
now gaytorrent says 0/0 (seed, leach)
what can i do?
yes, you're right!
EVERY torrents, not only the ones i was seeding
Without more information about what exactly you have lost, it's difficult to know.
I have to assume that a system restore wouldn't work and you don't have a backup of your uTorrent folder. It might be worth doing a search on your hard disk for all files with the .torrent extension to see what might still be there.
I am assuming that you still have all the file downloads, partial or complete, in your download location.
If so all you need to do is download the small torrent file again. Open it as normal and point your torrent client to where the downloads have been saved. The torrent client will check what you have already and then carry on where it left off.
If you can give more information about what has been deleted (just torrent files, downloaded movies etc, the whole folder) it might be easier to offer advice.
fortunately i have no partial files. i wonder if there were any hidden file, maybe a backup. Anyway, windows sucks ;D
ok: it's time to seed new files
i use uTorrent 3.4.2. the last windows update has deleted every informations :cry2:
can i do anything?
thank you
Since Yesterday i can't download. i also notice that the site does not see either my file to donwload and my uploading ones. :afr:
thank you in advance
it's not easy to discover a duplicate. i could understand many people find one if it's new. but for torrents of many weeks ago it's strange. two consecutives is even stranger. ;D
me too. 2 duplicates
i think it's strange someone else sent the same duplicate