From a single score, it can be difficult to discern what is being valued:
Posting Presentation (Buzzwords, poor/misleading description, lack of images)
Seeding/Download speed (seeders that have limited upload speed and/or window seem to get these)
Duplication, Possible Malware,
Content Category/Actor/Studio (I like X, I won't watch anything with Y, etc.)
Content Work (I like that particular scene)
File (particular encoding, artfact, etc)
I do agree that the proposed solution (requiring download to rate) would mostly address the concerns.
Previously I have nearly downloaded malware/suspicious files and only stopped and looked closer due to a one-star review.
I realize it is not particularly more burdensome to report cases like these (two-clicks and some typing instead of one-click),
and staff are very quick in removing these (but they are human, limited in number and unpaid), but you would still have to also type a comment on the post itself to make your concerns visible.
However, I would at least raise the concern that any additional burden would also reduce this kind of behavior that is helpful to the community; is there a way to make this process (reporting and making your concerns visible) less burdensome (fewer steps)?
While bcc's suggestion regarding the requirement of a comment for one-star sounds good, use of required text-fields to interrupt behavior without accountability usually just leads to gibberish, ".", or other null comments.
Regarding visibility/reputation as a solution – I am not sure how much reputation matters to those committing these offences, aside from situation where they might have to ask for leniency or make requests for torrents/re-seeds.