I know he was not trying to insult me personally. Don't think I'm a spoiled little kid, that is ranting just because people didn't do what he wants. The situation in general, just raised some things I felt I needed to question.
Like I said before, I totally get that the mods need to keep things running smoothly. I understand and do not take it personally.
About what you took from what I said, that's on you buddy. I will adress your paraphrasing points individually though, because I do not appreciate having words put into my mouth like that.
1. I don't think mods should do all the work to show the gay themes in my uploads. Actually I tried to show how GLBT fitted into the show (not as much as appreciated by the website, I get that). I was just trying to understand what would be enough, maybe. I think I do now. One question I raised, that people just ignored, what's so gay about GAME OF THRONES, really? It is not a gay show, it does not have gay characters or gay themed plots, and yet, all episodes are here.
2. I don't think Goateebiker is a bad mod. You're saying that, not me. If I have offended him, in any way, I would like to sincerely apologize. It was not my intention, and I now realize I may have gotten a bit caught up in my own questioning.
3. I was not going to adress this. Seriously. Because what you said is a bit sad. Sad in a way that, again, like I said before, if you're not a walking stereotype, you're either considered a bigot, or not a nice person. I respect this community very much, and I think I bring a lot to the table by not setling on being a walking stereotype. I refuse to behave a certain way because people think it's right or normal. I don't need to wave a rainbow flag in your face to say that I'm gay and proud of it. I do not need to dress, or talk, or act a certain way to show people that I'm gay and proud of it. We will never reach true equality, again, if that's even possible, if people continue to portray gay people exclusively like that. Especially if we're part of this community. And I'll say it again, I think Ru Paul's Drag Race does not portray drag queens positively. It is my opinion and I'm entitled to it. I will say, again, that I should've phrased it better in my first post/message to Goateebiker. The enfases on the word real, was not to take a hit on drag queens, but to phraise contestantsin The Voice.
4. I did not blast him. The hardest term I used was ignorant. In a sense of "lack of knowledge" (regarding the show uploaded to be exact). Ignorance is not something used to insult someone in my eyes. I'm ignorant about many things, simply because I do not know them well enough. The rule about uploading TV Shows is one of them. I made ignorant remarks too, simply because I did not understand the rules well enough. And again, my goal was not to blast him, and if I have offended him in any way, I apologize, again. Sincerely. I was blasted though. Was called a bigot…but anyway...
If people are gonna come in here, offend me, "paraphrase" what I write and simply make me look like a jackass because I have an opinion, again, maybe we should just give this discussion a rest.