@ianfontinell-0 thank you
Latest posts made by tretai
How can I view all torrents?
I was working in reverse to see all of the movies, shows, ect. from oldest to newest and it doesn't go past page 201. How can I view the rest?
RE: when did you make masturbhation
@flozen I've tried to see how much I can go in a day & it was 27. Started to hurt like crazy but it certainly did not fall off.
RE: Does AI art... jerk off material?
It is like an artist painting a person so I do not see the unethical part of it. Now if it was an actual painting of the person supposed to be remaining private then that's the unethical part.
RE: What song are you currently listening to?
All of the Melanie Martinez's songs from K-12
RE: What is your favorite horror movie?
The Kiss (1988) just wish the creepy monster cat in it the put more into the budget to make it creepier.
RE: Made in Canada / The Industry
I've tried checking everything I can only things I have seen with the other seasons is where people have recorded the episodes and selling it on VHS and who knows if it legit or not in that case. I think it is one of those things where only the 1st season got released as a DVD package for some reason or another. Sorry
RE: Do you think a time will come when explicit sex is not taboo in movies?
I think it could happen but it would not happen in our lifetime maybe another couple generations down the line I would guess. Look at how things have changed through time. In the 1800s women had to wear many layers then over time it became less & less to where in the 1930s two piece bathing suits came into being and were kind of taboo for another decade.