Gay men wanting equality, yet not giving it in return.
As an example, see the comments in this torrent -
I've already said some in the comments on that torrent, but I shall say this. How can gay men expect equality when some gay men are just as discriminatory as straights? I find it really offensive that gay men, surely having their human rights violated throughout their lives, should have heterophobia? It's beyond belief, IMHO.
As a 100% gay man, I think EVERY sexuality should, as a right, be totally excepted and considered equal by society (as long as it does not harm others, I STRESS!)
A gay man showing disgust at hetero sex is not sending the equality message whatsoever. I'm certainly not disgusted by hetero sex. I wouldn't have even been born if it were not for hetero sex (and my mum is a mother in law due to me having a civil partnership with my b/f, and she loves it - she's a mum in law either way - she's a true modern thinker).