Typical loser liberals blame Trump for the actions of the Governors.
Typical loser liberals keep body-shaming Trump.
Typical loser liberals keep getting their news from proven liars, such as CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc, etc. Let's not forget the Democrat Underground.
Typical loser liberals hypocritially screech "whatabout" when conservatives mention their people, but demand conservatives not do it when they screech about Trump.
Typical loser liberals demand we not use the words of their own, if it portrays liberals in a poor light.
It's the typcial loser liberals that are rioting, looting and murdering.
It's the typical loser liberals whining about "the pipeline to prison", "for profit prisons", etc, etc, etc hating Trump for reversing much of that, while supporting Biden who authored that very law.
Typical loser liberals whine about businesses being allowed to refuse service to LGBTs, blaming Trump for it. They are too fucking stupid to know that it was the Democrats that caused that during Clinton. Sen Chuckie Schumer authored the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and Clinton signed it into law. Fuck the truth, just blame Trump.