←Otto Warmbier and Michael Brown→
Both were young Americans in their 20s
Both were detained for stealing
In both North Korea and the State of Missouri the death penalty is not used as punishment for stealing.
Despite this, both men did end up being killed.
Punishment by death is inconsistent with the crime of stealing what they stole.
Warmbier was white, Brown was black.
To white people, Otto Warmbier became a symbol of those who suffer under the weight of evil, despotic, dictatorial regimes, as well as an emblem of destroyed innocence that should have never suffered such pain in a situation which was ultimately not his fault.
To white people, Michael Brown became a symbol of society out of control, of a parisitic class of criminally-minded individuals with no respect for authority and who deserve all the misery of the world as punishment for situations usually of their own fault.
His race has nothing to do with my opinion on that. Any piece of filth like him deserves it, regardless of race.
So then, does raphjd equally blame the vandalism carried out by Warmbier as the result of his own poor choices as he did with the black rioters in Ferguson for the vandalism they created? in the end, are Brown and Warmbier equally assesed blame?
Of course not.
In raphjd's constructed world of white privilege, a sentence of death for the white person who steals is absurd, unwarranted, and would never happen. On the other hand, stealing a cigarillo would be a sentence of death for the black person who stole it.
So then we ask "Why" they arent held equally. Raphjd is minimalism personified in the sparse details he offers:
Michael Brown was a thug.
With this, we're left wondering what special insight that only raphjd has access to that is informing him of Michael Brown's "thugness", a thugness so evil, so vile, that he deserved to be executed for stealing beef jerky…. "Think that's all there is on him?" raphjd asks. To quote Grand Moff Tarkin, "If only saying it made it so." Raphjd's feelings on Michael Brown are obviously much more esoteric than he would like us to think they are. In the absense of reasons we're left with labels. In the above example, the use of a substitute word, "thug." In looking closely at that word, we can sense raphjd's feelings, and indeed, we can sense his yearning to be able to say even more... things once freely uttered in society so long ago… archaic, brutally austere words which demonstrated perfectly how white men back then didn't need to justify the things they said. In those good old days before PC censorship a man could eschew all the long-winded pussy explanations and just respond to pesky questions and comments with:
[desc=Not an actual quote from raphjd, for illustrative purposes only.]"Because, he's a N****R — that's why."[/desc]
—and instantly the discussion would be over. By saying "he's a thug" raphjd is trying to recreate a powerful 'conversation-closer'. It's not as effective as the N-word, but it's all raphjd has left in a world shrunken by political correctness. And in it, we see the real reasons for Brown's vileness and Warmbier's glowing, do-no-wrong type- sainthood in raphjd's eyes: "Because, one's white and the other's a n****r — that's why."
Even sending in 100 FBI agents, and 20,000 pages of reports, no wrong doing was found.
They found no wrongdoing only in those reports that were released in your head…. you know, the ones no one else on the planet would have ever read or seen because they're imaginary. The real Department of Justice Report on Policing in Ferguson (which I'll bet good money you've never laid eyes on) found a systemic pattern of government abuse, corruption and injustice, with policing for profit, profiling minorities, and regularly abusing Ferguson residents’ First and Fourth Amendment rights.
Bless your heart though for trying. :blind: