Posts made by SFjoe1966
RE: Busted by Data AUTO-BOTS
RE: Busted by Data AUTO-BOTS
One day after some downloading, the phone rings, and it's a woman from my small town, piddly little cable company / ISP, and she informs me, that "someone at your location, illegally downloaded copyrighted media content in the past 24 hours. Regrettably, I asked her what specifically was the content. Then I blacked out for a bit and suddenly snapped to when she was saying "blah, blah, blah, so in so BONUS CUM SCENES video." I was horrified, and quickly made up something about the neighbors hacking our wi-fi then hung up after promising it won't happen again. Moments later I hired FruitVPN, and ever since I've been routing all my torrent downloading traffic to server's in Oslo, Norway (you can pick anywhere). The service works so well that when I was experiencing some connection issues, I called the ISP for tech support, and this time after putting me on hold to check my equipment, she came back and said "we don't know why, but for some reason, your cable modem is pinging in from somewhere in Norway. She reset the connection and apologized for the obvious technical error. I've been downloading freely ever since, but I'll never forget the horror of her totally busting me for downloading porn in the first place. Thank God she didn't dispatch the repair technician to my secret place in Norway.
RE: Busted by Data AUTO-BOTS
A good friend of mine recently discovered that his entire main private email account (hosted by gmail), his entire Google Drive and his extensive personal colleen of explicit adult images uploaded to Google Photos were suddenly deleted permanently. My buddy called up the big G in the sky to ask why, and they said it was due to the explicit content stored in the Google Photos cloud. While Google Photos does not prohibit explicit adult content, the photo tool IS part of the associated email account and it all backs up to the Google Drive account which does specifically ban explicit adult content. One day you have a long established email account, cloud drive storage full of data, and a handy anywhere, anytime personal explicit adult content cloud based photo collection he seen years creating, them - BANG - he lost it all overnight without warning. Once again it was a case of getting busted by encoring auto-bots scanning cloud based adult data content.
RE: Busted by Data AUTO-BOTS
I was recently an alternate juror in the trial of two men who shared a OneDrive cloud data storage account where they chose to store their pornography collection (videos and photos). When they uploaded explicit adult content to the cloud, the data was physically written to a Microsoft server, which unbeknownst to them was subject to scanning by machine auto-bot censors, which by chance, matched a few video clips to some big database somewhere involving Daddy/Son porn scenes with and underage participant (3 clips out of a their personal porn collection of over 2000 clips and thousands of photos) though an auto-bot censor attached to a large database of known child-pornography content. This case was over less than 1 minute of video footage out of a collection of hundreds of hours of legal pornography. Ultimately, both men were forced to plead guilty, subjected to massive fines and public humiliation and are now registered sex-offenders serving time. During the trial they both claimed that they were NOT collector's and/or active participants in child-pornography, yet they paid the price. because somewhere, somehow the offending content was among their personal porn collection stored in the OneDrive cloud server. Apparently these porn-censor data auto-bots are part of a new federally mandated anti-child pornography and human trafficking law enacted by congress to actively monitor adult content stored in on the big name cloud providers and NAS storage devices that back up on servers in the US.
Busted by Data AUTO-BOTS
This was originally part of another post, but I think it's important enough to be it's own post topic.
In the past, I downloaded freely anything I wanted, until recently I got involved with those who got caught (including me). In the next three posts, I'll cite three different BUSTS that personally affected me. Learn from my mistakes so this doesn't happen to you….
RE: Storage and Retrieval System for my Personal Porn Video Collection
Before I had a VPN service, one day I got a call from my crappy small town Internet Service Provider who said that apparently someone (they didn't say who, but I'm sure it was though an auto-bot) detected that "someone at my address had recently downloaded some illegal copyrighted media content." Regrettably, I asked what it was, and then sort of blacked out after hearing " blah, blah, blah…BONUS CUM SCENES." I immediately hung up the phone, and purchased a VPN service that now routes all my internet traffic anonymously through servers in Oslo, Norway (I can pick from any server around the world). This service is so effective, that months later, when I was having a connection issue I called my ISP for help and they said: "ah, we'll have to get back to you, after someone figures out why your modem is pinging in from Olso, Norway (I actually live in a small town near San Francisco)." NOW THAT'S a good VPN when your own ISP CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU ARE OR WHAT I'M DOWNLOADING. So now, I download whatever I want, and my ISP is clueless, thanks to my VPN, but I'll never forget getting busted.
RE: Storage and Retrieval System for my Personal Porn Video Collection
Id be cautious about cloud storage…especially the big ones like Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive, Google Photos, My Cloud, etc. Most have notices about ANOT ALLOWING Adult Content on the servers (usually written in the tiny print on the user agreement). because of nightmares like the following....
I was a juror who sat on a case involving two men who stored adult content on a OneDrive account which automatically physically backed that data on the Microsoft OneDrive servers, where some AUTO-BOT tagged a few images for involving minors involved in child pornography, both of whom lost and had to plead guilty and serve a multi-year term in jail. There is wider and wider use now of these data mining auto-bots based on HUGE databases of illegal porn content, especially involving underage participants that are federally mandated deployment to all the big cloud data farms.
A buddy of mine recently had his main email account permanently closed by Google (it was a private domain hosted by Gmail) for storing his personal porn image collection on Google Photos (which currently has no ban on adult material, BUT that backs up to your Google Drive account, which DOES have an obscenity content ban. When he contacted Google to ask why his entire GMAIL account, including Good Drive no longer worked they cited inappropriate adult content posted to his Google Photos account - specifically over racially sensitive photos, and images possibly involving minors all of which were machine detected by data monitoring auto-bots. So he permanently lost his main private email address, everything stored on his Google Drive and his entire porn image collection - all wiped out in a second.
As a result of these two cases and other horror stories I've heard, I keep my entire porn collection (Videos and images) stored on an external hard drive that I disconnect from whenever I go on the road with my laptop. Yes, I'd luv to see porn when I'm on the road, but it just isn't worth going to jail over.
BTW I personally also posted over 125 new content torrents of homemade collections of various collections of fave video clips. 40 of which have been taken down due to copyright infringement. I would wager a big bet that those were all caught by auto-bots also, then reported to to flag for removal.
Storage and Retrieval System for my Personal Porn Video Collection
I'm trying to figure out the best system to store my personal video porn collection.
For past 5 Years I've stored all my mid-full length video clips in a system of 20 different category folders of my choosing. Each time I download a new video I rename it a 01-10 rating filename prefix based on my own personal "boner scale" followed by an underscore_Insert Video Title underscore_Insert Studio Name.extension so for example "" That keeps everything 1 of 20 category folders with each file ranking on a scale of 1-10 within that folder.
Easy systematic storage and retrevial of some 3TB of collected porn I like to watch.
Instant previewing of any given video using "file click+space bar" on a Mac which plays the video as an instant preview (no scanning, pause or rewind options with preview - just a quick view from the from head of video - with audio, running until you stop by pressing the SPACE BAR again.) If you like what you see, just double click the file to open in Quicktime 7 (my personal preference)
IMHO Quicktime 7 is a GREAT playback tool because it not only allows looping of just certain sections of the video using the timeline sliders on any open video (say the cum scene only or looping the entire video over and over if I so choose), but it also allows you to open and watch as many simultaneous videos you want (or your video card can handle) at one time.
(If I do this, I usually do so with the sound off - 10 bad porn audio tracks running at once is enough to kill any boner - and someone might hear you and think WTF?As a HUGE ADDED BONUS Quicktime 7 Player also allows very basic IN-APP INSTANT VIDEO EDITING of any MOV files again using the selection sliders on the playback bar - then using the standard Mac CUT and PASTE commands then hit SAVE AS. I can quickly put together any rough cut edited video containing just the good parts of any video I'm watching instantly - without the need for any fancy video editing software. This is limited to CUTS ONLY (no dissolves or fades or effects, and it doesn't work with every video, but it's an AWESOME option to have on ANY video player. (BTW - Quicktime 10 DOES NOT DO ANY OF THIS).
Sometimes I can't remember which category folder I stored a particular video in, especially if it fit multiple of my 20 categories.
It's difficult to near-impossible to re-seed video clips once they have been renamed and/or separated from the torrent file. (but I still do my fair share of seeding of new content - or - via a ONE TIME, ONE MONTH seedbox rental where I downloaded 300-400 high-demand, low-seeder videos of ANY TYPE in constantly changing batches and seeded them 'round the clock for one whole month…I started out with a weak 3.0TB D/L and 2.3 U/L 0.83 ratio and ended the month with a 9TB D/L (most of which I just deleted) and a 17TB U/L 1.85 ratio! Only cost me one month's seed-box rental, and a little work - but now I can download WHATEVER for the next 5 years (at my current pace) before I ever run the risk of falling below .80 ratio again. Yes, I did download a TON of junk videos in that month - which I just deleted...but it left me ultimately with enough seeding credits now to download 500% of my original total 3.0TB lifetime downloads for "free" before I ever drop below the minimum. Using this method, I simply did literally 5-years of seeding in just one month. I didn't cheat either - that was a legit uploading/seeding credit. [we'll see how long that tidbit takes to get deleted off the forum]
There's my system it's all legit and it's what worked for me [leaving me with an 8TB download credit]. I'm sure there are many strong opinions for other video tools and systems. The purpose of this post was to start a constructive discussion on Various Video Storage and Viewing Systems rather than spark a Mac/PC or VLC vs Quicktime war of words. Just share whatever works for you without judgments about other people's systems.
ISO clips of deep tongue kissing and passionate luv making
As my taste for porn has matured a bit, I'm hoping that other members can suggest any/all clips of men making luv. Like real every day type guys with lots of deep passionate tongue kissing, sensual body frottage, and face to face missionary love making while necking sessions. Colby Keller has a few sensous and passionate scenes with boys - as just one example. Otherwise I haven't had much luck finding anything else. Age and ethnicity don matter much it's the passion and senualness I find so hot as compared to a bunch of porn stars,all greased up, decked out inhardcore sex gear taking cock after cock in a sling at an orgy.
Don't misuderstand me, that's hot too at time, but just not what I'm after here. searches for "passionate tongue kissing"and "passionate love making"on pronhub brings up some great stuff, but none of it is attributed, and it's all highly edited, so it's very brief and there's no way to track down the source. Dad/son roles play and just m2m passionate scenes with lots of kissing are what I'm after…
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If enough clips are suggested, I'd be happy to make and post a comp reel of the results.
Thnaks in advance for any suggestions.
RE: Increase U/L speed
UPDATE: When I wrote the frustrated message above, I had a troublesome ratio of barely .80 For a 9 year upload total of 3.2TB that was earned with month after month for nine years of seeding, everything I downloaded to 500%.
Now 1 month of a $30/month seedbox, I have a ratio approaching 3.0 and I have 8.0TB U/L credit above and beyond my total D/L. For me, a guy who downloaded under 3.2 TB in total of all content in 9 years of my membership up to the date I setup the seedbox, so that small sum of $30 for a seedbox in ONE MONTH allowed me to seed 8.0TB of total upload credit…in other words it bought me enough credit to download all the porn I want at my maximum desired rate for a total of 21 YEARS without ever seeding ANYTHING more! (BTW I WILL continue to do my duty and seed everything I download, I was just making a point about the 21 years of free downloading.
This was all possible because with the seedbox I could download and seed high value torrents (high leecher / low seeder - downloaded just for seeding potential (I threw out all the media)) which seeded 24/7/for 1 month with an UL speed of 19.0-22.0 mbps and download at 26-29.0 mbps thanks to the seedbox which was COMPLETELY done on the seedbox servers and so it seeded around the clock at those high spped, whether or not I was even signed on to either the seedbox or Everything is automatic and just works without any help from me. WITHOUT the seedbox, I struggled to u/l at 2-100kps and it took 9 years to seed 3.2 TB of data. Now after 1 month I have 8.0 TB of seeding credit.
Do Yourself a favor and just for a month or so - rent a seedbox, and seed your brains out for a month, and You'll be set for 10-20/yrs worth of free porn downloads too. Check me stats 16.31TB of seeding credit! the neumber speak for themselves. If you do this, you won't have to worry about tweaking your torrent client, opening ports, port forwarding, or babysitting torrent downloads and uploads. It's ALL FULLY AUTOMATIC - just set and go and your golden for $30.
RE: Whats your Download Upload Speed??
These upload/download speeds drop by 40-50% if is use a VPN at the same time. Again these speeds are with NO VPN service.
19.6 MBPS U/L 26.0 MBPS D/L See ruTorrent screen cap below for stats and settings
RE: Whats your Download Upload Speed??
These upload/download speeds drop by 40-50% if is use a VPN at the same time. Again these speeds are with NO VPN service.
Barley maintained .80 ratio for 9 years vs 1 mo. w/seedbox netted 7.0TB ULcredit
I'm posting this hoping others may benefit from my mistakes.
The scoop: Joined 9 years ago, I fk'd with every known uT/ISP/Router setting possible, for 9 long years, and was I NEVER ABLE to get ANY TORRENT to upload more thank just a few kbps after the initial download completed. I messaged every tech support around for 9 years trying to fix it, (ISP, ROUTER,, uT, etc, etc.) trying to open ports, optimize uT, try other torrent clients - every imaginable combination, but NO LUCK! I tried VERY HARD to o make up for my low UPLOAD RATIO over the past 4 YEARS by creating over 120 all new content video and image torrents. These torrents enjoyed moderate success (over 22,000 dowloads - most of which are stil alive and kicking today). Those 120 new torrents netted me hundreds of thousands of gifted bonus points - which I desperately needed to cash in and PURCHASE U/L credits - just to maintain my minimum ratio requirement (not including the tens of thousands of bonus points I re-gifted to other members who authored torrents that I enjoyed). Those bonus points were the ONLY reason I survived on - because seeding just NEVER WORKED…no matter what I tried.
Last month I was writing in another "not seeding properly" support message request to an admin, when I realized in that moment that EACH and every one of those 120+ new photo and video torrents I made took approximately 5 HOURS EACH to compile, edit, write up, make screen grabs, and upload. That meant I SPENT OVER 500 HOURS making those 120 new torrents over a 5 year period. 500 hours!!! Had I WORKED a FRACTION of that time - I would have made tens of thousands of dollars. Doing the math, suddenly made everything so clear...I needed to try a seedbox. That cost me about $30/month, but one month was ALL I NEEDED to bank up 7.0 TB of U/L credit and take my ratio for .8 to nearly 3.0! Over the past 9 years, I downloaded 3.3TB content and uploaded (actually PURCHASED 3.4TB of upload credit from my banjked BONUS POINTS. But then with just 1 MONTH of r seedbox I dowloadeda slew of high leecher/low seeder high value torrents that my UPLOAD credit went to 7.0TB. In all I downloaded 7.0 TB of content but I UPLOADED 15.0TB - so the net result was a 7.0+TB of credit in just 1 short month! At my historical rate of porn downloading - that 1 month and $30 netted me enough credit to cover my next 18 years of porn downloading - and no more minimum ratio worries, no more 500 hours of creating new porn torrents, and no more paying for top tier ISP service (which alone was nearly $100/month). I banked everything I need for 18 years of free porn downloading in one short MONTH for about $30.
PLEASE, LEARN for my BIG mistakes. There's a VERY EASY and honourable you too can use to seed yourself up to 7TB of credit in about 30 days for about $1 a day. (BTW I have no financial relationship with or any seedbox provider - these are all my own personal findings and results). Good luck! and Jack on, man, jack on!
BTW THANK YOU to any and all who donated bonus points to me over the years. The thought and gesture was GREATLY APPRECIATED, and reciprocated with tens of thousands of bonus points gifted back to others. :hug2:
RE: Increase U/L speed
Same goes for me. I've been a member for 10 years and I tried ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to seed to 100% and keep a good ratio. NOTHING WORKED. I tried different computers, ISPs, PORTS, ROUTERS, STATIC IPs, CONFIRMED FORWARDED PORTS OF EVERY CONCEIVABLE NUMBER and OPTIMIZING uTorrent every fricking way under the sun. But with my Mac/uTorrent combo, the absolute best it could do was about 25kbs for uploading (and that was on a very good day). more often it seeded in the 2-10Kbps speed zone. I can and always could seed like crazy as I'm downloading any given torrent, but the very moment it finishes downloading - BAM seeding disappears completely or hovers at less than 20kbps. Requests for help were always on the gruff side - they seemed pissed about everything I hated to even bring it up. And forget about it if you enter a forum topic on the GT/ru tracker on seeding performance. In May Just for the hell of it I tried a random - nono-forwarded port and amazingly I got up to 150kbps seeding - but ONLY for the initial seeding of my own torrents - but that went to ZERO as soon as the torrent uploaded to 100%.
I've only survived the minimum ratio requirement because I spent over 600 hours, creating over 125 new, quality torrents and uploaded them. They were moderately popular - downloaded over +22,000x. I begged for BONUS POINTS in the description of all those torrents, and I guess people liked them and pitied me because I received over 75,000 bonus points in 4 years. That helped my ratio, along with several significant cash donations –those two being the only reason I wasn't booted off years ago. I traded in all those points for download credit.
I've belonged to many torrent sites over the years, and nearly all work great. Out of everything I download (several TB of content) 75-85% of torrents from other trackers immediately seed 1.0-14.0 in just 24 hours - no problem.
I ran a torrent test (ONLY content) from June 15-July 16 2018. It included about 50 of my own, all new torrents (that BTW was downloaded over 2200 times in that same month span), PLUS a select series of 50 Low Seeder High Leecher High Potential Torrents (all had 2:1-5:1 or better odds of becoming a seeder). I these 100 EXCELLENT SEEDER POTENTIAL torrents for all 29 days ( I had ONE fluke torrent that seeded higher - but I've NEVER seen that happen before or since. And again, those were relatively popular torrents downloaded thousands of time by other Gt/ru members - yet I was NEVER ALLOWED TO SEED MY OWN TORRENT past 100%.
Out of the 50+ Very High Seeding Potential torrents, 3 seeded to a ratio of 3 and then promptly stopped The rest never even seeded to 1.0 in a month of nonstop seeding despite having 2:1-5:1 odds of becoming a potential seeder. It just never happened. That's been my experience for all 10 years of my membership. I decided on the very last day of the very last week of the until now 100% torrent content seed fest - to now add in 50 totally random torrents from 3 other well known Torrent sites. 47 of those 50 torrents not only donlowded completely in the last 24 hours but they also all seeded to ratios ranging from 3.0-27.5 in just 24 hours
I had a stark realization when I was writing up the findings of my study to present to staff when suddenly it dawned on me that I had spent over 600 HOURS creating those 126 new torrents and posting them, and over a 10 year span I spent at least another 600 hours F-ing with uTorrent insanely trying to get it to work - which NEVER HAPPENED IN THE FULL 10 YEARS I've been a member. I though 1200 HOURS OF TIME FOR FREE PORN. THAT's NOT FREE. Anyway that day I bought a seedbox and in less than a week and a half I seeded 1.25TB of torrents just on Why, why, why did I not think of this earlier. Who cares - I'm stubborn when it comes to making things work the way they're supposed to. The seedbox cost $30/month for a really good one that allows me to seed at 2-7Mbp/s (2-3TB/month). I will only need to pay for it for two months, then I'll have a spare 3-6TB of download credit to use as needed before reaching the 0.80 minimum. That's more porn than I downloaded in the past 10 years. Duh girl! A) spend 1200 hours of frustration futzing and work creating my all new torrents or B) spend $60 for two months of a seedbox.
Learn from my stupid mistake. Get a seedbox, and chill out. - BTW if even a moderate portion of members used seedboxes wouldn't need to impose minimum seeding ratios because EVERYTHING WOULD BE CONSTANTLY SEEDED to 100% or BEYOND
(BTW I have no financial ties to any VPN or seedbox service - these are just my own opinions expressed in hopes others may benefit from the knowledge).
RE: seeding just NEVER ever works in all my 8 years as a member.
Yes, I admit I was having some port and VPN issues. Ironically, I got the HIGHEST SEEDING SPEEDS EVER when I had it all set up wrong. I ususally seed 5-50kb/s when I had it all set up wrong and a CLOSED PORT I was seeding at 1.2MB/s Go figure.
BTW I had correctly forwarded my ports but whenever I used an OpenPort confirmation tool ( it always said the port was closed and the light in uTorrend was RED or YELLOW - NO INCOMING CONNECTIONS, yet for some strange reason that ONE SUPER FLUKE new content torrent I seeded for two-weeks - some 650GB+ of data. I later found out it just got hung up and everyone who wanted it (a lot of people) they could only download to 99% and then it would hang up. The whole thing eventually errored out and died. I had a FEW hung up torrents and several I tried to download yesterday also show that they've been seeding for WEEKS with 25 leechers and 1 seeder and 0 successful uploads.
Another oddity (after I fixed the open port issue) was two of my own torrent uploads which indicated just about a 0.67 seeding ratio after seeding non-stop 24/7 seeding for three weeks (yet these torrents had been downloaded over 200 times) - then today one of them had 47 seeders yet it showed a 0.67 ratio - somehow 200 people dowloaded my torrent, 22 of which were actively seeding my torrent, yet my upload ratio after three weeks was not even 1.0. So If I never even uploaded it, how did 200 people download it?
BTW Finally fixed most of my port forwarding issues. I had correctly forwarded the port at the router but I called tech support on the router because uTorrent always had a red - no connections status (despite seeding for weeks at 1.2mb/s (the fastest speed I ever achieved). Anyway they discovered I had one I{ address coming IN from the cable and the ISP supplied modem had a DIFFERENT out put IP address. The router folks said you'll never get an open port with two different ip addresses - so after 3 home visits and many tech support calls from my ISP we actully fixed the port issue. I now oficially have a confirmed open port and uTorrent has a green light - but unfortunately my upload speeds are 0-10k/s at the most. Again, go figure.
BTW I only have these issues on…tried to seed over 60 all new and high seeder potential torrents 24/7/for three weeks, and never got over a 2.0 ratio on any of them (except the 1 fluke torrent that got stuck). the last day of my test I downloaded some 30 torrents from both KICKASSTORRENTS, MAC-TORRENTS, and PirateBay (for all but one day of my 3-week seeding test was only traffic) - but interstingly 25 of those 30 torrents from other sites all had seeding ratios of 4.0-15.0 in less than 24 hours.
Something is right about my set up if I could upload 650GB to on the one fluke torrent and 30 OTHER TORRENTS to 4.0-15.0 seed ratios in less than 24 hours.
Thank you for the information on specific ports open on the VPNs I will check that out. MOST of my 3 week test period was done without any VPN. I've been using two different VPNs (at different times) in the several days since my test period ended and they don't seem to have any affect on my upload speed one way or another. No special port forwarded or anything. Never knew you had to do that. When I did have the VPNs in the mix they each worked beautifully but one kept killing all communications on my MAC which is why I dropped them and signed up for a different one. It works beautifully now to. It connects right through a direct interface built into the control panel of my Netgear Nighthawk router. It protects all wifi connections (SmartTV, Kodi, NEtFLIX, iPhones, iPads, 6 macs, 2 pcs, etc.) in the house at the router level - no software needed on any of the devices. Works fantastic - no special port forwarded.
- seeding just NEVER ever works in all my 8 years as a member.
I've been a member now for something like 8 years and I've enjoyed the many great benefits that I have recieved from over that period. I've also done my part as a member too, having post over 120 all new content torrents in the past few years - that have been downloaded over 21,000 times by other members…
I HATE to even bring this topic up because I've received such absolute outrage from for even suggesting that there ay be a flaw in the torrent model. I'm sure I'll take another thrashing for bringing it up again... but recently I ran some tests that indicate a GREAT DIFFICULTY IN THE ABILITY TO SEED. I just find it IMPOSSIBLE to seed at least a 1.0 ratio of content I download.
After STRUGGLING FOR YEARS WITH LOW SEEDING I decided to run some tests and found it's virtually impossible to do any significant seeding - and I've tried EVRYTHING ove the past 8 years as a member. I was not even able to seed enough to attain a 1.0 seed ratio on what I download. So, I ran a series of tests in the past 3 weeks seeding nothing but torrent traffic (BTW I'm happy to share the data and settings used - it's detailed- so I'm just going to concentrate on the findings in this post).
I seeded a 50% combination of seeding ˜25+ of my own, all new content torrents (MOT) (they enjoyed modestly popular - being downloaded over 2,000 times during just the test peiod alone), mixed with a 50% combination of popular low seeder/high leecher torrents that had at least a 2:1-4:1 seeder/leecher ratio at the time of downloading (these ratios dropped on some torrents (HSLL), for which I had >1 in 2 to 1 in 4 odds of becoming a seeder for any/all of those 30+ HSLL torrents (odds dropped over time but they were still popular for most of the test period).
I kept uTorrent just these 50 torrents 24/7 for the entire 3-week period downloading and seeding. 25 of those torrents were MY OWN NEW CONTENT TORRENTS (MOC), and despite them being download over 2,000 times durin that same period, they BARELY seeded more than 1.20 ratios for me [with the exception of 1 TOTAL FLUKE torrent that got endlessly stuck uploading - which never happens]. FOn top of that I downloaded 30+ HIGH SEEDER POTENTIAL TORRENTS [all of which I STARTED WITH a 1 in 2 up to a 1 in 5 chance of seeding (again for that same nonstop 24/7/3-week seeding period) and they only got 0.00 up to a whopping 0.037 seeding ratio that whole time. 3 out of all 55 of those moderately popular torrents barely eeked out a 2.0 or higher seeding ratio (and again statistics show these torrents were downloaded THOUSAND OF TIMES during that period. Errors in the system that stood out was the 1 FLUKE SUPER TORRENT that seeded 650+GB yet never complete 1 upload ever…and another one of my own new uploads that at one point showed 55 seeders yet according to uTorrent I had 0.67 seeding ratio the entire time - on my own torrent. How did those 55 seeders even get the torrent to seed if I never even uploaded it completely ONE TIME.
All I'm saying - and all my data for the entire 3-week test prove that seeding even a 1.0 ratio is next to impossible - even on a popular torrent with 24/7/3-week seeding session. That just can't be right. (I'm happy to share my settings, data and screenshots of uTorrent and my Router traffic meter that prove what I'm saying - it's all just too much info to put in this one post).
In the end - with the exception of the 1 super fluke torrent, the vast majority of all my 50 PLUS COMBINATION OF MY ALL NEW TORRENTS AND THE 30 HIGH SEEDER POTENTIAL TORRENTS all only achieved a 0.00 to at most a 1.3 seeding ratio on average in three long weeks of non-stop seeding! Sadly, that's the best average I've had in my full 8 years as a member. I actually just got frustrated and at one point just STOPPED SEEDING altogether. The only way I maintain any sort of acceptable ratio is beacuse I've created over 120 somewhat successful torrents (22,000 downloads) and I no so subtly beg for bonus points in each of the torrent descriptions and then cash those in for seeding credit. Otherwise, I would have gotten the boot a long time ago becuase I simply CAN'T MAINTAIN A PROPER SEED RATIO NO MATTER WHAT I TRY. An I've tried absolutely evertyhing, and every setting combination, and dowlnloading high potential seeder torrents not becuase I want them - but just to hopefulle get seeding credit - which NEVER WORKS.
BTW Just for Sh*Ts and giggles, in the last 24 hours of my 3-week seeding test I added about 50 MAC-TORRENTS and 20 KICKASS Torrents and 30 PirateBay torrents (most of which had just 1 seeder and 1 leecher) and NEARLY EVERY ONE OF THOSE GOT ME A SEEDING RATIO OF 5.0 OR MORE PER TORRENT IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS.
Got to go. BTW LUV LUV LUV the benefits of and I'm glad to do my part by making good new torrents, becuase seeding sure as heck won't get me anywhere. Much thanks to the mods and staff of for all their help over the years, but something somewhere is wrong - either with me or the seeding credit system.
RE: Ass hair: hot or not?
I luv a real hairy ass. I think it is so hot. It's a total masculinity thing too.
Server Error 500 when I ck messages & A VERY EMBARASSING BUST by my ISP
Can you also explain the difference of a VPN and a seedbox and how they may help me skirt the traffic shaping and throttling of my connection by my ISP. I recently tried FootVPN and my upload speed improved from 7kBps to 150-450kBps. Downloading is jsut fine. But even still I have a S*&tload of Peer Error connection times you - peer disconnect, no route to host. I have a confirmed open port forwarded 35666.
I got the VPN this past week because my ISP called me and told me they heard from a content provider that I downloaded a specific file - which came from "Excuse me sir, but that BIG DADDY DICK file you downloaded yesterday :afr: involved a serious copyright infringement and the owner of that content has called us (a small town ISP co.) and asked us to have you delete the BIG DADDY DICK file immediately. Thank You" I just sort of laughed the whole thing off… which went like... "Oh no, you can't be serious, are you really. Well some crazy BIG DADDY DICK lovin FEMALE neighbor of mine must have hacked into my wireless router, which only uses the default security password, and SHE must have dowloaded the ummm BIG DADDY ______, ah hem FILE. It surely wasn't anyone here." To make the matte even worse was that the ISP had called my PARTNER (whos not into porn AT ALL), and TOLD HIM the whole story first. :afr: So, after some creative excuse making to all of them, I checked and I DID download the BIG DADDY DICK video...along with a ton of other embarrassing content from How did they know I did that, and with that specific file and all?
That breach of privacy freaked me out (not to mention embarrassed the hell out of me) so I got this FootVPN service (who are apparently part owners of PirateBay - so I figured they had to be cool with Torrents and all, but I didn't specifically ask them if they minded me downloading BIG DADDY DICK all male sex videos). I installed the VPN and it connected immediately and I traced the port 35666 which I forwarded and it says it's open, then I did a check and it believes I'm using some strange IP address from Sweden rather than me real IP address.
The VPN allows me to seed at a much higher rate, but honestly the only reason I survive on is because I upload a S&%tload of torrents and recently chased in 10500 bonus points to balance my ratio. Should I have gotten a Seedbox instead? Can you explain how they could help me out?
Whenever I click on the NEW MESSAGES BUTTON or the YOU HAVE X NEW MESSAGES BANNER at the top of the page it IMMEDIATELY goes to a white screen that says SEVER ERROR 500. NEARLY ALL THE TIME. OCCASIONALLY I can check me messages just fine - but it's rare. More often than not iIt's been happening for about a year now, and it's impossible to carry on any conversations with anybody. It works correctly maybe 1 in 30 times I check messages. IALL DEVICES AND ALL BROWSERS ALL THE TIME. What's the deal with that?It doesn't matter which computer, mobile device, or browser or IP address I'm using, it just happens CONSTANTLY and it's annoying.
BTW please provide and answer/fix here in this forum post, because...suprise I won't be able to read any PM you send me with advice.
Thank You for any advice you have on either of these issues.
RE: Touchy around here: incorrect upload credit
A month has passed since I last wrote in about only receiving a fraction of credit for uploading and seeding torrent files back to GT.RU. I'll probably get my ass twon out of here for pursuing such a touch subject, but I think this problem still exists and it's being notice by myslef and other uploaders who continue to recive credit for a small fraction of what they acrtually uploaded.
During this past month since I last brought this subject up and promptly got my head ripped off and (*^& down my neck… I continued my non-stop 24/7 day after day uploading spree to bring my ratio up. Again, all the numbers indicate credit for only a small fraction of what was truly uploaded. A few examples of what my uTorrent activity control panel indicates the upload amount to be vs. the GT.RU upload meter indicated amount of uploaded content as indicated under my "seeding torrents"
GT.RU Torrent My uTorrent app indicated upload GT.RU indicated upload/credited
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 3 [Mixed Clip Composite] 11GB 1.12GB
Awesome Male Asses - Volume 1 [Rim Eat Fuck Admire] .738GB .071GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 3 [Mixed Clip Composite] 11.4GB 1.8GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 4 [Mixed Clip Composite] 6.6GB 1.7GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 6 [Mixed Clip Composite] 3.6GB .54 GB
♺ Treasure Island Media - Fuck Volume 3 (mp4) 10.8GB 1.9GB
M2MClub Bears (Mostly Bareback) 13GB 7.0GB
Stu and Tanner - SeanCody 7GB 3GB
♺ Treasure Island Media - Cum Whore (SD) 9GB 1.1GB
DudesRaw Collection 2010-2011 - 217 clips 63GB 41GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 2 [Mixed Clip Composite] 11.2GB 1.35GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 1 [Mixed Clip Composite] 9.5GB 1.5GB
tim tales 55GB 11.8GB
homan samson 20GB 9.6GB
Black Dudez butsin White Boy Butts w GIA-NORUMUS cocks] JPPC VOLUME 4 6GB 1.1GB
My Best Friends 50.3GB 9.9GB
Kept Secretxxx 6GB 4GB
Brendon Marley - Like em Straight Collection CORRECTED - JOINED PB 95GB 34GB
♺ Damn Hot Daddies playing wBoys Vol 5 [Mixed Clip Composite] 9GB 2GBTOTAL 387.14 GB 134.48 GB
Discrepency 252.66 GB of uncredited Uploading/Seeding [Figures taken at 15:22PST 04.14.2014]
Add on the 450 GB of missing upload credit as indicated above and in the uTorrent screen grabs sent to MOD Riddler = 702 GB TOtal Missing Upload Credit in 3 prior months
I'm not trying to be difficult, nor am I cheating or manipulating the numbers like RIddler so nicely alluded to. I JUST want to receive proper credit for the HUNDEREDS of torrents I've been uploading non-stop 24/7 for 4 months solid now. It's only fair.
Watch me get ripped to sheds or booted for bringing this up AGAIN] Peace guys, I just hope to get credit due for what was uploaded - and mabe get the GT.RU upload tracker checked out.
PS If anyone else has this problem, PLEASE SPEAK UP.
RE: Touchy around here: incorrect upload credit
I thought this subject was valid and important so I wanted to keep this thread posted on the subject even as the line of communication turned to email responses between myself and the GT.RU Mod/management. I copied and pasted this thread into a HELPDESK email and included several screenshots of A) my uTorrent upuload panel, which clearly indicated about 10x more dedicated upload traffic to GT.RU than I received credit for, + B) a screen grab froun my router control panel indicating ~10x the amount of uploaded content to than I received credit for + C) a scan of my billing / upload meter from my ISP for the specified period that also indicated 10x the upload traffic than I was credited for. This was all dedicated upload traffic to during my 3 month 24/7 hundreds of torrent uploading spree between Chrstmas and mid march 2014. Here is the email reply I received from GT.RU mod RIDDLER with [my reply/comments in brackets].
GT.RU mod RIDDLER message to me from 03.12.2014:
My point was not in disputing your upload numbers [but you are strongly disputing my upload numbers - because I disputed your UPLOAD TRACKER metering alogorythm]. But as I showed you, you have been uploading to other sites _though you staunchly advocated otherwise in your initial communication _. One can seed a torrent to a multitude of other sites, but utorrent only records net upload activity {again, I was uploading 90% exclusively to - the utorrent control panel screen grabs clearly show this fact]. How much upload occurred to which tracker is not reported in your torrent program [yes it is…I jsut checked the TRACKER on all 100 of my uploading torrents, and subtracted the traffic for those 5 torrents from the indicated total in the screen grabs of the u torrent control panel which still indicated 10x more upload than I was credited for]. You've obviously been uploading to other sites as well so how can it be said how much you've uploaded to GTRU and how much was uploaded to other sites from the same torrent? [no, I only uploaded to the TWO sites on a dedicated internet pipe used for nothing else - 90% of which was dedicated to uploading GT.RU torrent content, around the clock for 3 months, and the uTorrent control panel tells me exactly where, and how much uploadin went to what site - and the router control panel upload meter AND the UPLOAD meter on my bill from my ISP were all basically in agreement. The only thing that didn't agree is the GT.RU upload tracker meter that indicated crtedit for only 10% of what I had uploaded].
This is precisely why we go by our own tracker numbers, which, by the way, we don't manipulate to cheat against users.[now he's alluding to me as a "manipulator and cheating user" - nice! I told you this was a touch subject] However, we do have to contend with handfuls of users attempting to cheat against our tracker. [a secon accusation that I'm the one cheating - even though the tracker is hading out 10% upload credit to users] Our tracker has been online and fully functional since at least back to last summer, [yeah, and that's when I started noticing a discrepency in the upload credit numbers] so there is no reason to believe it didn't record the amounts uploaded to our site accurately, […even though three different upload metering techiniques available to me all indicate 10x more traffic than users are credited for] especially over such a long period of time.
In this situation, typically a user will discover how they have been seeding to multiple trackers, not only GTRU, and realize their torrent program's upload count does not reflect what they actually uploaded to GTRU. Look at the tracker information for each torrent you've seeded and you'll likely discover the same. What I am trying to point out is that there is some explanation to your upload discrepancy that does not involve our tracker, which you are advocating is in error.
So, to be fair, uploading to other sites does not mean earned upload credit on GTRU, unless it's actually done to GTRU users and recorded on our tracker. _END of EMAIL REPLY from MOD RIDDLER on 03.11.2014
Final Thoughts on RIDDLERS 03,12,2014 (not very nice) response:
I'm definitely NOT CHEATING or MANIPULATING THE NUMBERS, they speak for themselves, I'm simply trying to imporove my ratio on GT.RU by uploading MANY high demand torrents (with many leechers and few seeders) around the clock non stop for several months in a row. I don't think it's unfair to request the appropriate credit for what was uploaded, and hopefully not get torn to shreds and accused of cheating and manipulating the numbers in doing so. I'm doing my part…I just want the credit for doing so...nothing more nothing less.___