I got really bad acne in my teens, I got to a dermatologist which receited me some manipulated soap and an special cream to use in the T zone (forehead and nose) only @ nite, and was told to avoid the sun while using it. Never pop pimples(althou i did, weird pleasures) but i got lucky i never got scars or anything. Now i use just a special "non soap" liquid wash from Avene, the light blue one, it does wonders when u use it in the shower, all dead skin falls of without needing to scrub. but since it gets your skin dry and oilness is kinda of a defense system you shoul use a matte oil skin hidrator, of course with a lot of modesty, i use La roche, it's awsome and it gets your skin smooth and not shiny at all. If you take care of it everyday it'll get better.
Good luck, i hope it helps!