Why do I find that sad?
You shouldn't. It was my preference even when I lived outside of Egypt. I am not into clubs or "the scene." It is a waste of time for me. I am more likely to find what I am looking for on-line, particularly since I am into bears and daddies.
ok cool. and what is this site you speak of?
Well, for me silverdaddies and bearwww have provided some great hookups (here and elsewhere), as well as long-term buddies. I had a couple hookups using Growlr. The most recent arrests I am aware of were (a) at a bath house, (b) on a cruise boat that was almost exclusively gay, and at a party held almost exclusively by gays (with many sissy-boy types, who by their very nature attract attention). In other words, people doing things in public that inventively draws attention to themselves.
Homosexuality is very alive here, it is just not in your face.