Just a history excursion to make the function clear:
In the start of this site only members of the uploader class were allowed to upload new content to our tracker. But we soon changed that by allowing every member to upload content to our tracker. The discussion Uwe mentioned is an older discussion which required some programming work to just "honor" reliable good content providers. There are also planned some advantages for those Uploader class members[nb]Don't try to apply for that class right now, there is a reason why this class is still not described in our FAQ[/nb] 🙂
Front End: User - Administrator - Moderator - Power User - Uploader - VIPForum End: [Administrator] [Super Moderator] [Global Moderator] [SIG Moderators] [auto-approval] [Gay Leader] [Hero Member] [Sr. Member] [Full Member] [Jr. Member] [Newbie] [Lurker]
Wow - just a short answer because it's not about the uploader class:
Site User classes: http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/faq.php?lan=1#265
forum - post count classes: http://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=9769.msg36662#msg36662
forum other classes: let's talk privately about he details - these classes are just created to make uniform forum access to the forum possible for different users (like the auto-approval user class). 🙂