::) I wish :cheers: so no
TPBM is thinking of making his/her own Porn Studio, although it will always be illegal where they live…
::) I wish :cheers: so no
TPBM is thinking of making his/her own Porn Studio, although it will always be illegal where they live…
Really want to say yes, but 10 years is a long time so nope.
fM$, would you be injected by a deadly virus and needs to hold on for a month to get the cure?
Feet… I would automatically cover my head with my arms anyway
Another about colors (Google first before you answer, ok ;))
Azure or Cyan
I think I valued my privacy too much to allow myself to do that. Even if I need the money right now. So no…
fM$ would you live in a house made entirely by see-through glass, fibers, plastic, and all?
Do you mean drawing or drowning? If yes, then both are yes.
If drawning as in the urban slang, then… I'm not so sure. Well, no, I guess?
TPBM thinks the world is ending very soon
I think the most important thing is to make sure that he's gay. Otherwise things might end up as hell for you.
Unless you're a woman of course.
Oh, and single.
But yes, just like the other comments, try to just give the guy you like a smile. If he responds then you can proceed to the 'getting to know' part. If he doesn't, then he's obviously not interested in you, so don't try to pursue that guy anymore.
Ow, it depends really… on what it is, or how long will I need to do so (can't help it, that's the trait of my zodiac)
But probably NO. Being happy is more important than all the money in the world.
for $1 million dollars would you agree to be forced to move to an entirely different city/country every month?
Yes, living separately would be too costly
TPBM has graduated University/College
Never like to stand out, so blue
magenta or fuchsia
I like the character, but not that big of a fan (I'm more fond of Dick… Grayson), so I guess it's a NO.
TPBM thinks Superman should be a romantic couple with Batman
One really annoying aerobic song that my local community has been playing to invite people to exercise together
Used to be mountain, but now it's sea
Early Birds or Night Owls?
Depending on who the relatives are. If it's my core family, then nope. If it's someone unimportant, then hell yes.
fM$, would you be on the run (like poor cutey Snowden, perhaps?) from your home country, for a limited time?
Agreed with what brianboru72, Domosuke, and jb420 said…
Partially agree wth pols1337 too. If you're looking for buff guys/jocks, you'll get higher (remember, not absolute) chance of meeting one by being one. It didn't work for me when I used to be a gymrat tho. Ahahaha... although I have been approached by many guys who were not my type.
Which brings me to my advice, one that resonates with Domosuke's. Always remember, that setting up a high standard also comes with a cost. Personal experience.
Uhm, if it's a healthy one, yes… but as I said, generally no.
For a million dollar would you work as a secret agent? :cool2:
Don't use Facebook anymore, so instagram!
Hairy men with no facial hairs, or
Hairless men with facial hairs
That's a little vague (actual animal bearcub? gay 'bearcub'? 'bears' with short body?
But the answer is still yes. ;D
TPBM has played Street Fighter V and thinks that 'Hot Ryu' is really HOT… :cheesy2:
Why the hell muscle gods mostly are shaved as a 15 years-old bitch?
Uhm, because some (if not all) are professional bodybuilder perhaps? Sometimes they need to do that for competition. Shaving exposes the tone of the muscles more. I know this because a colleague was a pro-bodybuilder who regularly shaved only for tournaments.
Orientation: Straight
Yeaaah… ::)
As Florian Nemec, here are some of him in action