despite the risk I use cut throat razor on my pubes as well .
I can control angle, gives me great precision, Its about angles and the speed.
oh yea warm water works well.
despite the risk I use cut throat razor on my pubes as well .
I can control angle, gives me great precision, Its about angles and the speed.
oh yea warm water works well.
not dangerous, although sometimes it can cause bleeding from gum, if that happens every time you floss that would be dangerous.
unless, its like brushing teeth, only so thin it can get between.
Its not unhygienic, if you take a shower everyday it doesnt matter.
if you take a shower once every 5 years then shaving would be more hygienic . so
NOTHING is too big.
9in 10in 12 in 15in
well I'd draw a line at 20in though.
sex you can feel best without poppers
but in certain cases I find it easier to take it when I sniff ,
like while getting fisted, or fucked by 8 inch penis (it hurts!)
getting whipped, it makes it more interesting sometimes.
most poppers are just shit, but certain few brands (if you can find one that's genuine )
actually does make a good popper as it should work.
Well I always prefer bareback
sometimes condom would feel just okay
but when im getting fucekd, especially sometimes condom would feel just so awful, that skin contact and idea of having someone else's cum inside me is just fucking horny.
now people have prep and getting more aware of those preventions and what not so
I've enjoyed bareback both private and public , sauna, sex clubs, still healthy so.
go for bb if you can, it simply feels amazing
something called secret life of pets . or something like that
it was nice, cousin would've like It as well