Wife called ambulance because she tought her husband is having a heart attack. When ambulance came he said that he is gonna tell them the what is the problem if wife and kids go out of the room. Vibrator stuck in his asshole and the only way to extract it was operation. It happened in Croatian Village this winter.
https://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/scena/mozaik/clanak/id/515148/nesretni-hrvat-zavrsio-na-operaciji-jer-mu-je-vibrator-zaglavio-u-anusu-vibrirao-je-cijeli-dan-pa-je-zabrinuta-supruga-morala-pozvati-hitnu [only on croatian)
[/quote]What's wrong with Croation "str8" men? ;D

Latest posts made by nivram
RE: Married guy end up on operation table because vibrator stuck in his ass.
RE: Babies with two biological same-sex parents could become a reality in just two y
Researchers from Cambridge University have found that it is possible to make a baby using the skin cells of parents of the same sex.
A stem cell research breakthrough has revealed that in just two years same-sex couples could have their own biological children.
Researchers from Cambridge University have discovered that it is possible to make a baby using skin cells of parents of the same sex.
The researchers have shown, for the first time, that human egg and sperm cells can be made from stem cells in the skin of two adults. They have stated that the technique could mean same-sex couples could have babies in just two years.
The scientists used stem cell lines from embryos as well as cells from the skin of five different adults. Ten different donor sources have been used so far and new germ-cell lines have been created from all of them.
The team, funded by The Wellcome Trust, compared the engineered stem cells with human cells from foetuses to make sure they had identical characteristics.
Azim Surani, leader of the project, told The Sunday Times: “We have succeeded in the first and most important step of this process, which is to show we can make these very early human stem cells in a dish. We have also discovered that one of the things that happens in these germ cells is that epigenetic mutations, the cell mistakes that occur with age, are wiped out.”WHere are the babies?
RE: Who is this guy 1#?
Who is this guy 1#? I need mo' pictures of him
I'm 90% sure that this picture is a promotional picture from one of the tmovie of French prod. "JNRC".
You will never find a name and the guy is probably done with porn for ages, but i assume you could find 1 to 3 scenes with him.http://www.jnrc.fr/fr/videos/mecs-de-est/
http://www.jnrc.fr/fr/videos/detail/10422-la-queue-ro-de-thief-est-de-sortie-sp-cialement-pour-vous/ probably the same guy ( hair cut, hair chest , pubes look similar) but in an other scene.
You're welcome :cheers:
RE: Is there anyone +25 here and still virgin?
I'm not a virgin anymore. But sometime I wish i coulb be a virgin again. Because sex can be boring since the guys always want to do the same thing and are not into pushing their limits…
I'm 27 btw
I'll help you push some limits. >:D
Where? When? How?
RE: Are you the only gay person in your family?
There are 2 openly gay guys and one girl in my family. But lots and lots of bisexual and closeted cases on both my mom's side and my dad's side.
It's mostly because of religion and work, which for most of them, they are preachers.
I should know, I have had sex with pretty much all the guys in my family. Most of my male cousins on both sides and a few of my nephews.
It does make reunions and funerals awkward. -
RE: Sharing fleshlights? Is that ok?
Actually there is no record about fleshlight and std's transmission with LE. But when it comes to stick your junk in a hole the result it's the same at the end of the day no matter there is only a hole or a body attached to it.
Always keep it safe or be sure your partner in "fleshlight" crime is healthy.:love:
RE: My Ration is 0.420
Let's smoke it up! :cheers:
Or, raise your ratio to 0.690 – which is a sexy number, and will possibly keep you from having your downloading privileges suspended. :cool2:
I'm working on it but my internet provider is not very helpful/
RE: Is there anyone +25 here and still virgin?
I'm not a virgin anymore. But sometime I wish i coulb be a virgin again. Because sex can be boring since the guys always want to do the same thing and are not into pushing their limits…
I'm 27 btw
RE: Sharing fleshlights? Is that ok?
Funny thing to ask but, is that ok? I mean, you wash the thing afterwards anyway.
Dildos can be shared, yeah. I mean, you can also just put a condom on it. But what about fleshlights?
Look some Lucas entertainment's models testimonies and you will get the answer