Yes, takedowns because of notices alleging a torrent infringes copyright can cause such issue, too.
There are other causes, for example the original uploader never seeds his torrent's file completely. Lately we have quite a number of such, too. Likely again due to many new members, not experienced uploading and needing help.
There are other reason and all of them add up.
We hope the currently ongoing recruitment of more staff for torrents and language boards will allow us to provide better help to uploaders, so less uploads won't complete.
One of the problems of Gaytorrent is that they obey DMCA's requests at the beck and call, just like Uploadable, which is probably not necessary. Other DLL such as Rapidgator, Uploaded, Bitshare, Nitrofare… take their time. So that Gaytorrent may appear not in the running for users who see that a video (From Randy Blue, e.g.) is not on GayTorrent (no more), but available at Gay69 or Pornogayphy.