People should be protesting Congress. They need to do their job.
Posts made by mhorndisk
RE: No more DACA
The only devil here, is me. And I don't take too kindly to imposters.
Hey everyone! We're literally talking to the guy who thinks he is the actual devil. What an arrogant pompous prick that guy must be to think he's literally Satan. Too bad he doesn't have much to say. How do you like being lunch? Maybe you'd prefer breakfast or dinner.
D= 500
C= 100
600X= 10
L= 50
60V= 5
I= 1
6You literally worship Satan. It's pathetic. You need to get a life. To go to through the numbering system to come up with something like that?
Liberals are BREAKFAST We're GOING TO EAT YOU UP! No more Mr. Nice.
We are going to eat you up libs. >:D We're going to eat you up! You got nothing! LOL LMFAO!!!! You're finished HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't even try that illuminati numbering system with me pal (DCLXVI). I will rip your heart open and literally eat you for lunch. Compared to you I am a Deity, because you're gone. I know ALL the codes and ALL the numbers. Wanna challenge? I don't think you actually understand, so, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. I think you don't actually know anything and just put symbols and numbers as though its a thing. That you don't actually understand at all…
So you can start with what the number means. Go ahead and tell us what your number means Mr. Smarty Pants. You got this cryptic code, so tell us why you chose it. Oh I can't wait to hear about how mystic and cryptic you are... It's SO fucking interesting. What does the number mean?
Go Ahead Libs! Take your best shot! You are DONE!
The liberals literally are totally and completely finished. They have NOTHING. All they do is say "boo." It's dumb and pathetic. "You're a racist!" LOL what non-sense can they even stoop to now? That card has been played out.
I just really love kicking your ass, it's so much fun! I just love it. LOL! Get on the right side! Cuz you're on the wrong side!
RE: Conservatives are evil
Nah, all they did was get labelled as a terrorist organization funded by a fucking Nazi scumbag and the lib-***** are totally pissed about the new reality they live in - ironically it's called "reality."
:police: Stop that. :police:
RE: We kicked your dumb butt. Acquiescence is Acceptance. - LAW
The END is here. I think you know it. Wow. That's what I love about the fifth. It gives you the right to fuck yourself! LOL What a great amendment that our forefathers set up! Such a novel concept! This is why we are the most powerful nation to ever exist. We will not allow illegals to cheapen it. The Greatest Wall is coming. Get ready. You can take the fifth.
LIBERALS ARE DUMB. They have no GOOD stories.
Liberals have no good news. We are winning. We are literally wiping the table clean with your stupid faces. LOL. I love it. What good story do you have liberal? THE ANSWER IS NOTHING. Libtards have ZERO cred and ZERO positive stories. Oh what does Mad Max have to say? What does Pocahontas have to say? What does Crooked Hillary have? NOTHING. Until you get on your knees and admit that you are total fucking losers I will not rest. Because that's what you are. Mad Max is just like a real spelling bee champ! That's all you got and it's fucking pathetic. Your DNC is the biggest joke the world has ever seen! HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL LMFAO!!!! That's a real laugh.
I'm still waiting for one liberal to debunk this. It's absolutely ridiculous that none of you have a thing to say. I mean if it's ridiculous. I could just start the topic all over but you'd say I was spamming. Wow you guys have NO topics. I mean the boycott is cool or whatever but acquiescence is acceptance - that's a legal maxim hunny. Oh I get it, you're just not smart enough. That must be the reason. Damn idiots. You literally don't have anything to say! Go ahead then!
North Korean Leader Kim Jong is a DEAD MAN WALKING
He is going to die. Unfortunately. I do not wish death on anyone. This man is going to die. He has threatened the world and every nation on the planet. He has violated laws by flying missiles over Japan. He's a dead man walking. Farewell Kim. I hope the afterlife is as kind to you as you obviously asked for. I don't think that world is so understanding.
When a lion (US) has lib***** for breakfast. A message for you.
You literally have no way of weaseling your way out of this any more. We have cornered you like the little hyenas that you are. WE are the lions. Donald Trump is our fucking President. And you're going to eat it. You forced Obamacare down our throats. Trump is a leader. He is awesome. We love him, and we are going to do everything we can to ensure that his agenda is passed. If you dare attempt an assassination, yes it would be devastating, but only make our resilience even stronger, because the world is awake now. We know that you have a Satanic Agenda. We are NOT going to put up with it anymore. You can just shut the hell up. Trump is a movement. It is the way, and it is not going to stop, no matter what you do. You better just get used to it. We are going to have you for lunch. I hope for your sake that you are ready. This is going to be the biggest feast of all time. And you liberals are on the menu.
DEBATE: Obama's Birth Certificate is FAKE. You won't debate cuz you know it.
Ok liberals. You want to act like we're nutso…
Go ahead. Give it your best shot. Obama's birth certificate has been a definite proven FAKE. Go ahead. I dare you. You won't dare because you're going to look like a total IDIOT. Law enforcement officials have done 5 years of research into it. Go ahead and lay out your arguments. Oh wait! You don't have one. This is the total end of the "Democrat" party. You think you're a smart, tough guy? You have no idea who you're talking to. We are literally going to rip you to shreds. I think you know that.
Liberals have LOST.
Liberals are literally trying to obliterate law and order in this country, the REASON immigrants want to come here. Obama was NOT born here. That has been proven. Is there a single liberal on here that actually will debate that? Nope. They won't debate. They have nothing to say. All of you liberals are so shameful, so disgusting, so ridiculous, so pathetic, so cowardly, and so idiotic that you cannot debate ANYTHING. It's beyond absurd. You have shown yourselves to be total losers and cannot grasp simple concepts. You simply hit and run like crying babies. It's the most pathetic crap I've ever seen. You literally have nothing to say, no message, no hope, total apathy, and a total attack mode philosophy that doesn't work. You are on total defense. You don't have any good stories. You have no good news. There is no good news for liberals. You are dead in the water.
You think you can sit here and threaten us with EMP bombs? The US govt. is FAR more powerful than anything that has ever existed on this planet. Your threats are a total fucking joke. This is all a staged event. Kim knows that he has no power. He is tossing up missiles into the air like candy. He's literally throwing money into the sea. This is all fake. There is no such thing as nukes. They are taking over North Korea because it doesn't have a Rothschild run bank. It has a different currency and the Powers that Be want to change that. Kim is a One World Government Stooge for the Illuminati NWO.
RE: Looks like North Korea is going to get zapped.
It's time to bomb the bejeezus out of those forces. I'm ok with going to war with North Korea. They are out of their damn mind if they think they are going to threaten us with EMP bombs. The only problem I have is that they are not run by a Rothschild-owned bank. It's a lose-lose. Kim is nuts and must be dealt with. We need to kick his ass. He is asking for it and acting like we couldn't kick his ass. We don't play. We kill you. Kim is done. He is a threat to Russia, South Korea, Japan, China, the United States and he must be taken out. I don't care if he isn't a Rothschild bank player. He is going to die. Unfortunately that is just the way it is. He is committing suicide and that is his choice. He will not threaten our way of life and tell us he's going to destroy us and get away with it. War is not something we take lightly, obviously, because he has been given many opportunities to be peaceful, and he only wants to kill us. He does not realize how powerless he is because we have been pussy-footing. I hate saying it, but he is totally finished and this has escalated into a final resolution that will come to an end in a very short time.
Buh-Bye Kim. Unless you beg on your knees. That's just how it's gonna be.
We kicked your dumb butt. Acquiescence is Acceptance. - LAW
That's right, we kicked your asses into next Tuesday. You literally have disappeared. Saying, "we're boycotting you." No, you just can't answer because we are right and you are wrong.
There is a maxim of law that says: "acquiescence is acceptance." You can plead the fifth all you want, we are the winners. You don't HAVE a reason for being so damn stupid. We are going to continue kicking your ass. Bitch.
Oh I'm sorry did that hurt your feelings?
RE: The WALL Is US. Polybius… Aperhion
YOU RACIST!!! How dare you! Talking about law and order and what made America great! You are an infidel and must be DESTROYED!
Skeletor becomes a GOD. It's a SIGN.
This is what the left thought they could achieve. It's real. Chuck Schumer in the making. We have kicked your asses!