What? You thought you'd just get up on here and say, "Oh it's amazing!" Because we said so. Good grief. Is it really that pathetic? That you don't even understand anything about it? Do you even have Obamacare? You leave out every detail. All you have to say is "it's wonderful!" What mad, delusional nonsense! Do you really not understand why people voted for Trump? "Because you said so," is stupid. Plain and simple. Damn you make me so disgusted. You just follow like little sheep. Believe everything they tell you. How many times have you failed? Hillary? Russia? Emails? You are just too much for a rational person to deal with. Obamacare stinks. But you know what? It's ok. Because WE are the WINNERS. And YOU are the LOSERS. That is a FACT. WE are making this nation GREAT again. You are just a stepping stone in the way. And we WILL crush you further under. It is OVER. You don't understand Maritime Admiralty. You don't understand globalism. You don't understand the Constitution. You just listen to your booty bumpin' Beyoncé and get on your Grindr and wonder why you are falling miserably. You are not the future or THE WAY. You voted for a criminal, a felon, and acted like deleting 30,000 emails AFTER a subpoena was acceptable! What the hell is wrong with this picture? They cheated Bernie and you acted like it was OK. Then you talk about getting rid of the electoral college when the popular vote was for Bernie, not Hillary! Damn! You dug your grave, now you can lie in it.