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2008-06-30 - We still need active Moderators!
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The more moderators we get the shorter the wait times could be. Read the homepage news which say
2008-06-30 - We still need active Moderators!
Help us getting better support and faster torrent approvals Read More
1. hast Du Deine 0.45
2. musst Du richtig lesen, da steht Du hast diese Menge als Reserve über Deiner Ratio
3. Deine Downloadrechte sind auch bereits wieder da
Ein Tipp: denke dran, schaff Vorrat an. Lass Dich nicht von der nächsten Ratio-Stufe überraschen: Download > 100 GB führt zu Minimum Ratio 0,5
Sorry für Deine Gefühle.
Tatsache ist, dass unser Tracker etwa alle 30 Minuten Deinen Clienten abfragt, was er denn in der letzten halben Stunde so alles gemacht hat. Der erzählt dann dem Tracker genau, wieviel er in dieser halben Stunde gemacht hat und der Tracker notiert das dann in deinen Upload-/download Daten. Deswegen ändert sich die Anzeige nicht ständig sondern in 30 Minuten Schritten.
Wir machen das in diesen Abstäbdeb, weil wir nicht nur Dich als User haben, sondern rund 88.000. Ausserdem soll dir ja auch noch etwas Bandbreite übrig bleiben damit Du auch Filme up- und/oder downloaden kannst und nicht deine ganze Bandbreite für fie Unterhaltung mit dem Tracker benötigst.
Nennst Du das Betrug???
Spontaneität ohne Wissen ist nicht immer eine gute Sache, besser wäre gewesen, wenn Du vorher gefragt hättest - ich hätte dieselbe Antwort gegeben.
Achso: Deine Ratio wird jetzt mit 0,450 angezeigt (wie schön für Dich - hatte ich glaube ich auch schon an Dich geschrieben). In wieviel Sekunden soll denn das System alle 88.00 User abfragen und die vielen, die im Moment mit einer Ratio Warnung zu tun haben, bearbeiten. Könnten wir einrichten - mit dem Effekt, dass Du nicht mehr auf unserer Site arbeiten könntest weil der Server mit dieser Arbeit im Sekundentakt völlig überlastst wäre. Diese Bearbeitung wird auch nur (wenn ich micht nicht irre, habe die Cronjobtabelle momentan nicht zur Hand) etwa alle 20 - 30 Minuten gemacht.
Reicht Dir diese Erklärung und kann ich unserem Server sagen, dass er nicht mehr auf Dich sauer sein soll? Er ist nämlich ziemlich empfindlich gegen solche ungerechtfertigten Vorwürfe und schmollt dann
Noch einen kleinen Nachtrag, habe gerade noch einmal in Deine Daten geschaut, aktuell wird mir angezeigt:
UL Speed 19.66 kB (Ø 21.21 kB with 31 measurements)
DL Speed 0.00 kB
Uploaded 15.95 GB
Downloaded 35.76 GB
Share ratio 0.446
Übrigens, bevor der nächste Betrugsvorwurf hochkommt: Diese Zahlen stammen von Deinem Clienten (auch die Geschwindigkeit, wie oben beschrieben, die saugt sich niemand aus den Fingern.
Nur um Deine Zweifel etwas zu beruhigen:
Seit meiner PM vorhin hat sich Deine Ratio von 4,01 nauf jetzt 4,10 erhöht!
Eine so einfache Berechnung upload / download kriegt sogar unser Server noch hin, dazu brauchen wir noch nicht mal einen Mathematiker
I'd just like to say that I think the new ratio policy is unfair. I've been a member here for years, and always maintained my share ratio way above the minimum requirement. Now, I have like 20 days to fix this? It sure took a lot longer than that to get my ratio even where it is at now…so how can I fix it in 20 days? especially when my upload rate on my ISP is only half that of my download rate. Thanks for all the movies guys....looks like i'll be gone in 20 days
As a first thing: let me correct some of your figures so we speak about the same things:
… I've been a member here for years, ...
Your statistic page say :Join date 2007-01-07 17:34:44 (79 weeks ago)
in this time frame your down-/upload figures are:
Uploaded 615.90 GB [Daily: 1.11 GB]
Downloaded 1.05 TB [Daily: 1.94 GB]
Share ratio 0.570
Think about: each and every day you downloaded about 2 videos of around 900 MB or each two days a DVD of around 4 GB. Don't you think that is a lot of porn you got from this community? And your upload amount includes your seed bonus, 32.5 GB.
No - this is not criticism but think about what you got from our members in this time.
Now to the ratio: You don't think it fair - at the time of this writing only 13% of our 5,768 voting users agree with you (if I may interpret "I hate it" as "I do not like it" or "It's unfair" or something like that). Even 22% vote for "Tight but fair" - so like a gay guy in real life you are alas in a minority this time. (BTW: between us two: May I remind you of your own vote in the current poll?)
And please don't tell me you did not know about the new ratio reqirements. They were announced on the home page and in the forum at least 5 months before they got activated.
BTW: I could not find a posting of yours in that discussion thread too. Now, at a sudden, it is unfair? Only because you got a ratio warning?
You should know about our helpdesk and our PM system - ever thought about asking a moderator for help with your ratio (or now with your ratio warning)?. All moderators (and admins too) are glad to help you out of any problems you might run into. Just ask on the helpdesk or PM a moderator you trust. Is that asked too much from you?
Hope you take my help offer seriously.
Kommt darauf an, ob die Filme auf unserem Tracker liegen oder nicht.
Wenn sie (noch) auf dem Tracker sind, lade Dir das Torrentfile von unserem Tracker und starte einen re-seed.
wenn sie nicht auf dem Tracker sind, mache einfach einen upload.
Für beide Versionen gibt es Hilfe auf der Seite, nicht nur in unserem Forum. Empfehlenswert ist die "Guides and how-to" section. (zur Zeit nur in Englisch, Freiwillige vor zum Übersetzen ins deutsche, GigaBytes winken ). Der Upload Guide steht auch in deutscher Sprache zur Verfügung.
Kleiner Tip am Rande an alle, wenn Ihr Probleme mit eurer Ratio habt, wendet euch an Moderatoren bevor eure Downloadrechte entzogen werden; dann ist Hilfe wesentlich einfacher!
Hi loversteve,
zunächst mal: bleib ruhig, noch ist das Ganze kein Beinbruch - nichts ist wirklich kaputt - weder für Dich noch für uns
Ich hab Dir eben noch mal eine 2. Chance gegeben, damit Du Deine Ratio wieder auf Vordermann bringen kannst. (Aber nur, weil wir noch in der Erprobungsphase mit unserer neuen Ratio-Regelung sind).
Wenn Du Dir wirklich was Gutes tun willst, achte zukünftig etwas besser auf Deine Ratio - denk auch daran, dass die minimum Ratio sich erhöht, je mehr Du downlädst - bau Dir also besser ein kleines (oder besser großes) Polster auf, Du wirst es noch brauchen können.
Hoffe das hilft Dir erst mal weiter
have a look at your statistic page
Would it be too much to ask for OS9 compatibility?
Depends on an affordable developer environment on a capable (and and affordable too) OS9 computer to develop something you can get for free:) If you can have something like AIR applications running on OS9 too - that could become a solution for QTM too
Im Zuge der Umstellung unseres neuen Ratio-Systems mussten wir das Eintauschen der Bonus Punkte kurzzeitig abschalten. Das System wird auf jeden Fall wieder kommen, wenn die neue Ratio-Systematik fertig ist!
is there any way to protect myself that no knows what i am downloading?
hmm - secure connections? I don't know any torrent tracker which supports secure (encrypted) connections.
I do know (at least one) Usenet provider, who supports real encryptet usenet connections - but's off topic now.
and i wonder, iTunes is delivering digital copies of songs, ofcourse its a copyright material, then how one cann't make copy for personal use?
I don't use iTunes myself - so I don't know if they itegrate some kind of DRM in their downloads. I've read though, they do and allow you only so many times listening of a downloaded (and paid for) mp3 file. There are some protests against DRM in Germany, but obviously nobody really dares to fight against the music lobby and get a real sentence of an upper court.
Some years ago it was allowed (at least in Germany) to make a copy of a copyrighted work (for personal use only, not to be sold). That right still exists, only the law got another sentence added (by pressure of the music industry it is told :)) "as long as the work is not protected against copying". And there are comments from the Bundestag which even call the old outdated CSS "protection". Some (lower) judges even follow these comments :(. AFAIK (and I repeat - I am no lawyer) there is no sentence of a higher court to overrule this nonsense of judges who have no clue of CSS vs. protection not to speak of digital media.
And now I have to add the following sentence in German, so no overzealous lawyer will sue me:
Das obige ist lediglich meine persönlich Sicht der Dinge und der rechtlichen Situation und in keinem Sinne als Rechtsberatung beabsichtigt uns/oder zu verstehen!
DesiGay, welcome to Germany
don't you have any easier questions? In written letters the German copyright laws are not only strict but also confusing. There is a good reason big companies have special lawyers for copyright cases - and even they don't know everything I have heard.
Ok - in short: making a copy of a copyrighted piece of work is forbidden (even for personal use if that piece is in any way protected). But there is AFAIK up to now no sentence in such a case by an upper court which would force lower courts to adhere to or bring it to the highest court for a final decision. It is also not clear, if a torrent is covered by copyright laws (checksums may not be copyrighted).
That's the letters of our laws.
Daily practice is: nearly nobody cares in cases of private violations (single copies). Police and prosecutors are way too overloaded to deal with such cases, they are way more interested in dealing in illegal copright infringments by criminal organizations where the number of copies are in the millions.
That's how I see it, but don't forget: I am no lawyer.
sorry wegen des spam-verdachts dafür dann was fürs auge…
LOL - Dein Anhang ist schon gut für eine Torrent-Beschreibung - wo bleibt der Upload?
Yep, I personally use USENET.
But we are a TORRENT site, not a NZB site. Amon other reasons there's too much support involved in explaining NZB files to our members too in addition how to use torrent files.
So I don't really see a chance for a NZB section on our tracker, teaching our members to install a NZB capable usenet client and how to deal with those downloads.
But there is nothing that forbids you, to download from usenet, create a torrent from your download and upload that torrent to our tracker. (If your download adheres to our rules of course )
quoted from PC World
(links for underlined *x items are at the end of this posting)
I'm a fan of live music and a patron of online communities such as *1, where music junkies swap copyright-free music. So I was stung when I recently tried to download a live recording of a Dave Matthews concert only to discover that my BitTorrent client was dead in the water.
My system and Net connection checked out fine, so paranoia immediately set in: Was my Internet service provider, RCN, blocking BitTorrent? I called RCN and the tech I spoke to confirmed my suspicions, telling me that the ISP had added BitTorrent to its list of prohibited programs because many people use the software to download copyrighted material. The fact that the concert I was trying to download was copyright-free didn't sway him.
Later I called RCN's press department as a reporter, and the story changed. The ISP's spokesperson told me that the customer support rep I had talked to earlier misspoke. RCN has never intentionally blocked peer-to-peer traffic, the spokesperson said, and it supports the principles behind Net neutrality. Within 24 hours, my bandwidth-related problems with BitTorrent vanished.
Of course, most people can't call their ISP and (honestly) identify themselves as professional journalists. But that doesn't mean you have no recourse if your ISP starts blocking your file-sharing activities. A number of tips and tools can help you determine whether you're facing a BitTorrent blockade and, if so, help you get around it.
Torrent to a Trickle
If you suspect that your ISP is blocking or throttling your BitTorrent traffic, call your ISP and ask whether you're being blocked. But don't trust that you'll get a straight answer.
If your ISP's support reps won't tell you what's going on, look at the company's terms-of-service agreement (most are available online). Here again, though, you may find the answer unsatisfactory. Some ISPs couch their bandwidth management practices in vague policy statements that are difficult to decipher.
If your ISP won't come clean about its BitTorrent bandwidth policy, you can try any of a handful of ways to test whether your BitTorrent traffic is being throttled.
One method is to test your own connection speed. BitTorrent download speeds for popular files with many sources should be in the same ballpark as your bandwidth speeds in benchmark test results.
A popular Web-based tool, Glasnost *2, claims to be able to check whether your ISP is meddling with your BitTorrent traffic. The tool, created by the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, requires no download; performing the test takes about 4 to 7 minutes.
For diehard techies who are willing to tinker, the Electronic Frontier Foundation developed a tool called Pcapdiff *3 that tests whether your ISP is disrupting BitTorrent traffic.
Last, the makers of the BitTorrent client Vuze have created a plug-in for their peer-to-peer file swapping client. Downloading and running it on your PC won't help you determine whether your ISP is meddling with BitTorrent traffic, but it will help Vuze, which uses the data to lobby the FCC to prohibit limitations on BitTorrent.
If you discover or strongly suspect that your ISP is slowing your BitTorrent traffic, you can try several countermeasures, none of them a sure bet. One of these techniques may work for one ISP but not for another.
First, try using encryption to cloak your peer-to-peer traffic. Most clients such as BitComet, BitTorrent, uTorrent, and Vuze, support in-client encryption. Turning this feature on makes it much harder, though not impossible, for your ISP to detect that you're using peer-to-peer software. Here's how to proceed.
BitComet: Go to the Options menu, choose Preferences-Advanced-Connection, and select Protocol encryption.
BitTorrent and uTorrent: Go to the Preferences panel and select the BitTorrent tab. Choose Protocol encryption> and select enabled.
Vuze: First you must change your user profile from the default beginner mode to advanced. Go to the Tools drop-down menu, open the Configuration Wizard, and select advanced. Next return to the Tools drop-down menu and select Options-Connection-Transport Encryption. Check Require encrypted transport, go to the Minimum encryption drop-down menu, and select RC4 encryption.
A second method of evading an ISP's throttling practices is to change the way the BitTorrent protocol acts. This method may work against ISPs that try to throttle speeds based on a standard set of BitTorrent configurations.
Troubleshooting your BitTorrent client's protocol settings can be tricky. To reconfigure your software, refer to the instructions provided by the publisher of the BitTorrent client you're using. One simple yet effective way to experiment with alternate BitTorrent protocol configurations is to simply try a different BitTorrent client. Different clients use different default protocols, and one may perform better on your ISP's network.
The default communications port used by BitTorrent traffic is 6881. ISPs know this and watch that port like a hawk. If an ISP throttles or blocks BitTorrent traffic traveling through this port, your file-sharing speeds will plummet.
To elude ISP throttling, BitTorrent clients enable you to switch the port or port range that your computer uses for BitTorrent traffic. Some BitTorrent clients will automatically attempt to configure your firewall or router to allow traffic to pass through the new port; with others you may have to open ports on your router manually. The excellent Port Forward site *4 will step you through the process of tweaking your router to permit incoming connections.
One more-advanced method of obfuscating your BitTorrent traffic involves using an encrypted tunnel that, as the name suggests, shields from your ISP the type of data you are sending and receiving.
Free services such as The Onion Router (TOR) *5 and I2P *6 are designed for sending anonymous and encrypted messages, but some people have adapted them to use BitTorrent connections. The Vuze client has built-in support for routing your traffic through TOR and I2P.
For about $US5 a month, commercial virtual private network providers such as Relakks *7 and SecureIX *8 can help you prevent your ISP from identifying BitTorrent traffic. In marketing its service, SecureIX promises that it will "disable P2P throttling." The company offers a free tier of service with a bandwidth limit set to 256 kbps.
But ISPs are catching on to these advanced encryption techniques, reportedly clamping down and throttling encrypted tunnels despite being unsure that the encrypted data is BitTorrent traffic. The most extreme method an ISP may use to manage peer-to-peer traffic is to block anything that appears to be BitTorrent traffic, encrypted or not. If that happens to you, you must either switch ISPs or stop using BitTorrent software.
(Note: Please keep in mind, that services like the mentioned TOR, I2P, Relakks, or SecureIX may work as a proxy server for our tracker and proxies are not allowed here!)
Article source: hxxp://;409444582;pp;1;fp;16;fpid;1
*1 hxxp://
*2 hxxp://
*3 hxxp://
*4 hxxp://
*5 hxxp://
*6 hxxp://
*7 hxxp://
*8 hxxp://
hey - ;D - die Date Angebote sind aber in einer anderen Sektion
Nice touch - guess there are some (accented?) letters to be replaced, they show up as "?"
If someone could seed for me, I would really appreciate it!
Oups? What do you mean - re-seed an existing torrent for you? Try to use the request re-seed button on that torrent page or tell us at least the torrent's name (or a link to that detaul page).
Or: seed your torrents so you can get the upload credits? That won't work!
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