Hello everyone! :hiya:
I'm new here and thought I would do as this forum suggested and introduce myself.
I am a 31 year old gay male who currently lives in the midwest. At some point in the future though I would very much love to move somewhere West, like Colorado, or Washington, or North to somewhere in Canada. In the past I had also thought about moving east to Florida, but I really don't like the idea of hurricane season every year. While I know there is a younger crowed there, there are also LOADS of older retirees whom rumor has it are quiet rude. While I'm sure its not everyone, but with a larger population of them there, it seems like this is a higher chance of it occurring more often.
I've not had a very successful dating life, having only dated 3 guys, none of those relationships lasted longer than 2 weeks, and all ended rather badly with us never speaking again. Especially since my 3rd boyfriend burned down my home in 2012 for attention, and because he thought it would make me buy him a car to finnish school, a New cell phone, and $3,000.00 worth of name brand clothes in one shopping trip to replace all of his name brand clothes that burned, even though he had bought all of them from yard and garage sales etc, instead of actually buying them from those super expensive stores. After he slit his wrist open for a second time, I had to dump him while he was in the stress unit and focus on getting my life back together after he destroyed it all. He then threatened to call my insurance company and tell them I burned my own home down, just to get the insurance money. That coupled with the fact that he told me he had burned his dad's house that he lived with him in down because his dad wasnt paying enough attention to him made me suspect that it was him who had burned my home down especially since he was the last one out of the house when we left that night.
Since him I haven't had any other boyfriends, or dated anyone. For a long time I didn't even bother looking, I eventually decided that I would give it a chance, but havent met anyone who I am into, and who is also into me since then. So I have been single for the last 8 years. After so long I have just given up the idea of me ever finding another boyfriend, much less of finding a husband. I am fairly sure that I will grow old and die alone, which sometimes bothers me, but most of the time I dont really mind the idea since I'm not a huge people person, I'm more of an introvert.
I have an INTP-T personality type, if you know what that is, if not feel free to look up the 16 personality types, you can take a test yourself and find out what your personality type is.
I'm a Gaymer, I have a PS4 Pro that i love to play games on, and I'm very excited about the next gen consoles coming out at the end of this year. I'm not sure if i will stick with Playstation, or if i will move over to the XBox this time. I grew up playing on Playstation systems, and it wasn't until I was 25 that I ever played on an XBox system. I had a roommate who had an XBox 360, and shortly after I moved in with him he got an XBox One which we both played on. I loved to play Call of Duty Black ops 1 & 2 in Zombies mode with him on his XBox 360. The first game I ever played on an XBox One was Assassins Creed Black Flag, which we took turns playing, he was better at the stuff on land, while I was better at the fights in the ocean. There is one game that I play on my PS4 Pro that I found out actually preforms better on the XBox One X, that being ARK Survival Evolved. Primarily because it has a Faster CPU, and more memory to use, which is why I'm not sure which one of the next gen consoles I'll end up getting when they come out. I think it will come down to two different factors, #1 being the fact that I already own Playstation games and the PS5 is supposed to be backwards compatible with PS4 Games which is a first for Playstation consoles, and it will cost more money to swap my PS4 Games for XBox Games. #2 Being which one has the better specs as far as CPU and Memory.
Since I'm new I'm still learning about this site, and how to use it. One mistake I've already made is that I downloaded two different torrents on my first day here, and I know that I needed a ratio of 0.3 until I get more downloads under my belt. So once the torrents were finished i logged back in to check my ratio and saw a 0.3, so I deleted the Torrents from my client and logged out. That was back on August 8th, unfortunately it wasn't my actual ratio I saw, and it was instead my bonus ratio, however since I didn't log back in until today, I missed the grace period, and my downloading rights have been taken away :cry2:. On top of that of the two files I downloaded it will only let me seed one of them for whatever reason, even if I stop that one and try to seed the other one, it still wont let me seed it, and the one it will let me seed doesn't appear to have any leechers right now, so I'm unable to get my ratio brought up to where I need it to be in order to restore my downloading privileges. So I'm unsure what to do to get my ratio up, other than to just leave it sit and hope someone comes along and starts downloading it.
Well I cant think of much else to say about myself, especially since I think I've already said a lot as it is, but if there is anything else you would like to know, feel free to ask, and I'll be happy to answer as long as its not something to personal, or that I'd rather not talk about.