@vnemerald Me too! I've been struggling on the minigames of the first DLC and am still playing through the second one. I'm always down for a partner in the Ogre Oustin'!

Posts made by LobselVith
RE: What game(s) are you currently playing?
RE: What game(s) are you currently playing?
@Youngkink That's my favorite one! I never really got FF until I played that one. Then afterward I became of fan and played 7, 8, 10 as well as the 13 sequels. Beat the remake and am working on Rebirth now. I have a poster of 13 on my wall and it's been there for over ten years!
RE: Horror games
I'm pretty RE7 is on PC. That game has a real good creep factor. An earlier poster said Alien Isolation and I highly agree. If you want a true terrifying game that one is definitely a must play.
RE: When you watch porn, what THE thing that turns you off
Typically if a guy has long hair, I personally can't get into it. Also if I personally just find it boring and not really a turn on. The latter is all subjective to me.
RE: What is the last game you bought?
I got the amnesia collection from the PSN due to it being free. However, the game I actually bought recently, instead of getting it for free, was Life is Strange: Before the storm. Absolutely love the series!
RE: Post the last game you played
The last game that I played was Mass Effect: Andromeda. Mostly the Multiplayer. I have avoided playing most of the story for the sake of taking my time to enjoy it and do as much as possible. I'm 20 hours in now and still see a great amount of stuff to do.
RE: What porn genre do you usually watch
Dad/son, mature/younger. I do like other varieties but these ones tend to spark a fire for me.
RE: Heinz pulls pro gay ad in UK because of 200 complaints
The ad was for their new deli style mayonnaise. So it's probably the same one.
Ah it probably was, when it said 'heinz' I guess I just thought ketchup.. I don't know.
RE: Heinz pulls pro gay ad in UK because of 200 complaints
I was watching Bill O'reilly and I saw him air an ad like this… Although I don't know if it's the same one... It was about Mayonnaise or something, but he made this big uproar and everything. The funny thing was that he imported the ad... He's retarded. I also think it's dumb about the 200 complaints. If it were, I don't know, 25,000 then it'd be different...
RE: Which City/Country are you guys from?
I am from Idaho! Do you know where Idaho is? Sadly, a lot of people don't.
I live in a city about 35 miles from the capital city, Boise.