I don't think there is a "most successful JRPG of 2016" as of yet. The year has yet to end, so there's still some more time before anyone can decide on what the most successful JRPG will be for this year. Maybe it will be Final Fantasy XV hehehe.
Posts made by LloydeRos
RE: Most Successful JRPG of 2016
RE: Xbox or play station?
Hmmm… I don't think either is better or worse. Everyone has their preference. XBox is geared more towards shooters and FPS games while Playstation is geared more towards RPGs and Fighting games. Of course, they do mix things up.
RE: Does anyone play Warframe?
I play a few times a week. It's a pretty decent game.
RE: Anyone want to help translate Visual Novel Games
I don't mind helping out
I've never played GW but I do play GW2. It's an alright game, I suppose.
RE: Best iOS game?
Hmmm… I don't think there is a best iOS game. Or a best any game, for that matter. At the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference. What one person or a group of people find to be the best game, another person or group of people may not. :3
RE: Do you perfer single player or multi player games
I prefer single player games but I do dabble in multiplayer games here and there.
RE: RPGs or FPS?
RPGs 100%. Especially JRPGs. They're just so awesome. I do occasionally play FPS games, but I MUCH prefer RPGs.
RE: Any gay video game?
The only gay games that I've ever come across have been on yaoi forums. Most of those games tend to be visual novels. Sometimes there are fan translations and sometimes there are not. One yaoi forum site I used to visit a bit in the past is Aarin Fantasy. There's a category for games in the Download section, though you have to register (it's free).
RE: Post the last game you played
Hmmm… the last game that I played and finished or just the last game I played in general? I guess I'll list both. The last game that I recently played and finished was Risen and the last game I played (today) was Warframe.
RE: Do you only date a certain race or it doesn't matter to you?
It doesn't really matter to me. As long as he has a good personally and I find him attractive in some way. The most important thing is personality, though.
RE: Masked Japanese Videos
the masking of genitalia in Japanese porn is required by law. Considering just how extreme Japanese porn can be, this can seem odd, but it is just the way they roll for some reason
Note that breasts and anuses are exempt from this.
That's quite odd. I wonder why it's that way. Great question, OP.
RE: How to tell a straight friend you're gay not loosing his firendship?
Talked to my friend about it again today (well, we're more like acquaintances at the moment but I want to be friends). Or, rather, got him to tell me why he hasn't responded to the email I sent. He said it's because he doesn't know what to say. I just told him to think about it and give me an answer when he has one. I have a feeling I won't ever get one.
RE: Hi There
Thank you!
Yay a fellow lurker buddy
Welcome Lloyd.
I went from a lurker to having a semi. :cheesy2:
Thanks! :3
RE: How to tell a straight friend you're gay not loosing his firendship?
Glad the community were able to help. Let us know how it goes! Its always interesting to see how things pan out and you never know, may help people in the future.
So far nothings progressing. Sent him an email and he hasn't replied to it. I can get a few words out of him when I message him on Skype, but only a few and somewhat rarely. I don't know whether I should keep waiting or just move on and forget about him. I'm kind of leaning towards the latter, to be honest. It's a shame because he seemed like such a cool and nice guy at first.
RE: How do I know I can tell a specific friend that I'm gay?
I know this thread is pretty old, but it's been very interesting to read the responses. I hope the OP found the answer he was looking for.
RE: How to tell a straight friend you're gay not loosing his firendship?
If you loose his friendship then it isn't worth as much as you think it is. A true friend will accept you for who and what you are (within reason) and would support you fully for being honest and truthful to him as well as yourself. The sooner you tell him, the sooner you can get on with your life with or without him.
Well said! I'm in a somewhat similar situation and this is great advice. Thank you.
Hi There
Hi, I'm Lloyde. I've been lurking around on here for a while and decided to take a step out of the shadows where I like to dwell
This is an awesome place and I am glad to be here!