Short answer is no. There are tools to depixelate still frames, but it will process the whole image.
Thing with censored porn is that the image is clean, except for a small portion of it which is the censor box, that is subject to move around with the image without following the camera tracking, as well as change its shape and size.
Meaning the AI would need to process the whole image to solve what is pixelated and what is not, to then start interpolating what the content underneath it is. That's challenging enough, but there's more:
It cannot solve subtle movement like the camera moving around, zooming in or out, as well as the subjects' movements happening WITHIN the censored area. This means that if a video were "uncensored" through this process would have A LOT of weird artifacts that would make it very clear that you're not seeing a real image but rather something that was generated by a computer.