ofcourse, liking gaytorrent.ru on facebook is dangerous… :cheers:
oh my..... stupidity at it's best
it might expose something about yourself to your friends on facebook. and that's it
ofcourse, liking gaytorrent.ru on facebook is dangerous… :cheers:
oh my..... stupidity at it's best
it might expose something about yourself to your friends on facebook. and that's it
I bought that DVD because it was purported to have gay content
I felt cheatedThat's why you are angry.
hahahahahahahahahaahah :cheers:
as raphjd said…. we cannot be right on everyone. somebody will still find something to complaign...
hey dudes... our team (including me) are no robots!!!!
twinkelsomething: you should better shut your mouth up a little bit, otherwise you may found yourself somewhere else....
just to let you know, i havent even boot my windows system quite a long time…. :cheers:
i only use my macpro or macbook
i'm still haven't started using xcode yet. but i have still plans todo that in future.
since i was ill for a very long time and i'm also into other projects i havent got the time in the past.
when i go on this, first i will do qtm1.4 with some long awaited bugfixes. once this is done i start porting it to osx.
open source? - interrested programmers can get in contact with me.
Now we got a Voyeur category. :cheesy2:…. thanks for the picture!! :cheers:
könnte ein invite zu tstracker oder ähnlichem gebrauchen..
bitte per PM bei mir melden unter http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/sendmessage.php?receiver=2
sorry für den live link… (auch wenn ich der boss bin).... aber vielleicht wird diese regelung bald geändert....solange der redirect funktioniert.
es gibt von diesem geilen knaller einen remix... finde ich noch besser als das original:
hXXp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTYBnyzdA3M :cheesy2:
Morch Guykill auf youtube:
Hier ist sie, die erste sexuell anders begabte Liebeserklärung an Deutschlands Wortakrobaten.
Von Schwanz zu Schwanz, von Rosette zu Rosette, von Mann zu Mann.
Morch Guykill möchte sich auf diesem recht unorthodoxen Wege herzlich bedanken für all die Arbeit, die Sido, Bushido & seine rappenden Kumpanen schon seit Jahren leisten, um den Geschassten, Unterdrückten & Vergessenen unserer Gesellschaft eine Stimme zu verleihen. Denn wer sonst könnte all das Leid in den Ghettos und dessen Strassen besser in Worten zusammenfassen, als die Besten der Zunft deutschen Sprechgesangs ?
Dieses kleine aber feine Liedlein entsprang aus tiefstem Männerherzen, eine Hommage an wahre Hingabe und Zuneigung unter dem starken Geschlecht.
Wir Gebeutelten & Handtaschentragenden müssen zusammenhalten !
Stop the hatin' !!
Liebe ist das Gesetz !!!
Off site live link disabled. Please read the Forum rules. >:D
i think this idea is much more smart than doing just a "double upload credits" for the uploader..
let the users decide, if it is a very good torrent or not..
maybe we add this accumulated value to our "most wanted torrents" calculation on start page, because this value will show even more how appreciated a torrent is, than only taking seeders/leechers/snatched into account….
ok… send everything EXCEPT your age...
For a new and much bigger project, i need for a small software company developers.
it is all about music.
(only very very good ones)
c++ win32/linux app and backend programming
encryption professionals
for the project time you would need to live in germany.
to apply, send me a PM with a complete and honest descriptions about your skills, age and so on.
please also add some references
it may take a while, but i will get back to everyone who applys.. be patient
Some recent studies say that the average 18 - 19 year old males masturbate 7.07 times per week. The average 20 - 35 year old male does it 6.85 times per week, with the number being reduced by 1.2 times per week for every 10 years of age after that. I haven't seen a study that breaks down the difference between hetero and gay, though.
If you ejaculate at least 21 times per month, you are 38% less likely to get prostate cancer than a male who ejaculates only 7 times per month. Ejaculating 7 times a month makes you 15% less likely to get prostate cancer than someone who ejaculates 3 or less times per month.
dr. ron is talking.. hey.. why do you know all such stuff…
thx to share.... i will surely never get any prostate cancer hahahahar
hallo healer…
du hast ja schon mal gut angefangen..
wenn deine zeit um ist... ist es nicht wirklich schlimm.. du kannst dann blos keine neuen torrents mehr runterladen..
du kannst aber noch weiter seeden und sogar neue filme einstellen...
es sollte also kein problem sein dein ratio in den griff zu bekommen.. selbst wenn es nicht in 4 tagen klappt...
i found out that rtorrent is a very good and stable torrent client written in c++ for linux…
together with ntorrent it is very strong...
ntorrent is a java client (so it is for all systems) which connects via ssh to the rtorrent server... and you can add / remove torrents very easy like with utorrent..
ntorrent works with multiple servers at the same time together... stable over weeks... and for sure much better than any torrentflux version out.
ganz so einfach ist das nicht.. die seite ist invite only..
du kannst also nicht einfach ein neuen account erstellen..
aller anfang ist schwer.. wenn du das mit den torrents erstmal begriffen hast, ist das garnicht so schwer..
das mit dem uploaden sollte mit qtm und utorrent in verbindung auch klappen..
achte darauf keine doppelten hochzuladen. und habe ein wenig geduld bis ein moderator den torrent freigegeben hat..
wärend der zeit musst du ihn seeden.. und danach natürlich auch..
I have NOT uploaded that torrent, and not even leeched it - plus, it still has a seeder.
…As far as that part of the equation goes, I'll suggest that it's very possible the torrent again has a seeder, not "still". Often, by the time I get around to reading reseed-request PMs, other people will have responded to the request, and the torrent in question will have several seeders already. (Yay G8ts.ru userbase! We rule!)
torrent comment pm's you get, when you uploaded the torrent OR you wrote a comment to it yourself before.
can you please re-chek what, or what not applys ? that would help me debugging
I have just received a PM with a reseed-request for this torrent:
I have NOT uploaded that torrent, and not even leeched it - plus, it still has a seeder.
Why did i receive that message? Is there something i can/must do?
With kind regards…..
i didnt have the time to get into that problem yet.. you could help me debugging:
may you just start to download this file, but stopped it before it was finished?!?
thx for letting me know…