My opinion about this subject is plain and simple:
It's a mutilation. In a person who is too young to be aware of this.
Plus, all kinds of religion stuff were made for a medieval world and medieval minds. Times are quite different right now.
We're in 2019 discussing different types of gender identity and there are still people who are guided by obscure books claiming to be "The Word of God"?
PLEASE, if there's any god at all, and if it made us as we are, I see no reason to interfere in bodies that aren't your own. You need to grow up, and then, make whatever shit you desise with you.
Circumcision is not like baptism water over the forehead. It's irreversible and, frankly, in Brazil it's not considered as an option at all. I'm proud of my skin and my very sensible glans. You just need to maintain it clean (as well as your armpits and ass).
Sorry, but I consider this pretty much the same as cutting off girls clits in African tribes.