Arqueologia digital!
Posts made by hhsq
RE: Aumentar meu Ratio
Eu não consigo melhorar ratio seedando não. Esse esquema de ratio é muito injusto, na minha opinião. A maioria dos vídeos que eu tenho pra seedar não tem ninguém pra baixar, aí não adianta nada. Além do mais, no Brasil é uma bosta seedar, a conexão é sempre ruim.
A única maneira que eu consegui para ter um ratio bom foi doando uma vez pro site e trocando meus bonus por seedpoints. Sempre vale a pena esperar até juntar 600 bônus e poder trocar pelos 10gb de seedpoints. Para acumular bonus o sistema tem que te reconhecer como seeder (vc tem que estar com torrents sendo seedados), mas de verdade a forma como eu ganho mais bonus é participando dos foruns.
É por isso que eu só costumo baixar vídeos aqui no quando não acho em outros lugares para baixar. Normalmente se o mesmo arquivo tb estiver no eu prefiro baixar lá pq a política de ratio deles é mais amigável. -
RE: Bare Feet or Ankle Socks!!
Being Brazilian I can tell you that for us wearing socks during sex is reeeeeallyy weird and a big turn-off. I can't help but notice the disturbingly huge amout of non-brazilian porn videos with guys wearing socks and it's so frustrating…
RE: Would you pay for sex
Maybe I will, when I get older and have more money to spend with it.
RE: Would you be paid for sex?
I was, once. The funny thing is that I didn't realise it imediatelly. I'll explain: I met with this friend of mine who told me a friend of him was coming to town with his hook-up and that he told him about me and about my… erm... sexual preferences. The guys seemed interested and asked this friend of mine to arrange a meeting. When we got together, my friend left. We were at a bar then, and I continued there, talking with those other dudes. They insisted on paying my bill, so I agreed, and then we left to their hotel room. Once there we had sex and it was really cool. They then took me to dinner and once again paid the bill... It was geting late, so they gave me money to take a cab, but it was much more money then I'd actually need, I tried to convince them to give me less, but they said 'no, take it, we had a great time and you are such a nice guy'. Eventually, when I left, I didn't even take the cab, as the bus that use to route through my street was just leaving and I managed to take it - it was the last bus of the night. It is a long ride home... about 1h and a half. It was only half way home, relaxing at the bus, that I realised: wow... I was a hooker tonight.
RE: Why Straight Twentysomething Women Are Obsessed With These Gay Porn Stars
I've always heard about - and met - straight women who are obsessed with gay dudes and gay sex / gay love, specially within the Yaoi culture. A great portion of yaoi fans are actually straight girls and women.
RE: FWB, do and don't out of bed, anybody???
I don't think I understand what this post is about?
Does FWB stands to friends with benefits? And what do you mean by do and don't out of bed? -
RE: Over Time Has Your Interest in Porn Changed?
I think it's a bit of everything and it may vary from person to person. Back then, before it was so easy to access internet porn, we usually got aroused with pretty much anything that came around… but then we started having more options to fit our very own personal tastes. In my case, I also developed a taste for rougher and rougher porn through time. Softcore porn doesn't arouse me at all now.
On the other hand, I know of people who have a much more constant taste and whose preference for porn haven't change much through the years. -
RE: Do you jerk off? How many times a week?
I usually jerk off every day. I may skip some days… but there might also be some other daye when I'll jerk 2 or 3 times.
RE: Bareback
If you want to be 100% safe, then stop having sex.
^ Unfortunatelly, that's an absolute truth…
How old are you people who cannot handdle crushes? I guess everyone eventually learns that lesson. Just immagine that guy or your crush for him as a flat piece paper… then mentally crumple it and mentally throw it away. Repeat the process contless times if necessary.
Will you guys stop with that get him drunk shit?! That's awful! Wat kind of despicable people are you that abuse drunk vulnerable people? Are you so desperate for sex? Are your self confidence so low? Or are you just a bunch of assholes?
RE: How to pass on the truth to our next generations
I'm sure it isn't praying.
RE: Bareback
I'm not particularly worried about HIV though because hey….. you can only catch it once, right? :hehe:
Not exactly… you can catch a different subtype of virus (reinfection) and risk yourself to a mutation that might make your medication less effective - in the most extreme cases leading for a change in medication, though there are a limited number of medications for HIV, so the more your virus mutates the less chance of an effective treatment you have.
It's a sad thing... but the safest thing to do is, alas, sticking to safe-sex if you want to whore around or find a fixed partner/boyfriend/etc. or a small group of people to have unprotected sex with. -
RE: Uniform
I don't really like uniforms… but if I HAD to choose I'd stick to construction workers, lumberjacks and schoolboys.
RE: How much data do you use?
My country's laws suck! If I use more then 100gb per month my internet is cut