Just as an update, I had managed to download a few files overnight, but when I tried downloading the rest I found the same problem persisting - my account showing me as currently downloading my max of 15 though I wasn't actually downloading anything. As @pupkinvasya suggested earlier I clicked on the download/upload counter and took a look at what the site said I was currently leeching and found they were all old torrents I'd chosen to partially download. Some of them were a year old, so I guess this clog has been building for awhile. Going into my client and deleting those torrents appears to have done the trick. Just wanted to bring this post up to speed in case others with the same problem come looking for answers later.
Posts made by hadmatter
RE: Account stuck at max downloads
RE: Account stuck at max downloads
@pupkinvasya Guess you were right about it just being some kind of delay because it just started working. Sorry for the false alarm. Thanks for your help.
RE: Account stuck at max downloads
@pupkinvasya I will take a look at this because I do sometimes choose not to download all of the files in a torrent, but I don't understand why that would make a difference. And it doesn't explain why this site still shows me as actively downloading things when I completely quit the client while the number of active uploads goes to zero.
Account stuck at max downloads
All the torrents I'm trying to download are stuck as stalled and show 0/0 seed/peer even though the site shows them as very active (some are from the most popular list). There is an error on these torrents that says "Bad ratio. Too many torrents.. Your current limit is 15 at the same time." I tried removing all but 5 from my download list, but the error stays the same. I notice that even when I shut down the client the site still shows me as downloading 15 torrents while the number of uploads zeroes out as expected. Is my account glitched?
RE: Post the last game you played
Demon's Souls. Servers shutting down in a couple weeks. :cry2:
RE: 10 Photo Limit After Publish
@cannonmc Well, while you were comforting me on my shoddy torrent work, I was overhauling a new one and deleting the old. For better or for worse the deed is done; the new one is now up and running. I got the message that you'd posted a comment to the first torrent, but not until after I deleted it, so never got to see it. lol. Don't worry, the new torrent is mostly the same as the first - except for new pics and I ditched a few dupes from the collection. Sorry for the confusion buddy. Hope it's not too much of a hassle downloading it again.
And thanks Pawpcorn for the advice. I think the new torrent will work out for the best - future downloading generations will thank us. … And if I start getting hate mail, I'll just say Pawpcorn told me too.
10 Photo Limit After Publish
Ok, so tonight I tried my hand at uploading a fairly huge collection, and I'll admit I could have planned better. It was brought to my attention that I should provide some method for identifying clips in the collection by photo. Obviously it's too late to add properly labeled photos to my torrent as it's already up and running. So for the past several hours I've been downloading pics for each clip and adding text to each image identifying the scene, thinking I'd put them up on the torrent page. I deleted the ones that were there, and now am only able to put 10 photos up - there's 60 some odd files. Is there any way to remove this limitation? Perhaps some switch an administrator could flip or something? Or did I just waste my night making those freaking pics? I know I should have thought about all of this before posting, but I'm trying my best to make up for it, damn it! lol. Why even put that limit there in the first place? Bah, it's late and I'm cranky. This upload has been an epic fail. I need to just go to bed. Maybe I'll care less in the morning.. :blownose:
Large Collection - All In One Place, or Broken Up Bite Sized?
Hi guys. I'm really excited to have something to contribute to this site. Everybody else is always so quick to post stuff that I rarely get to upload. So I've got this huge collection of MormonBoyz vids to share. They're freaking hot as hell! I have 67 or these suckers, ranging from ~300 - 1000 megs or so, for a total of almost 30gigs. Since I've so rarely gotten to contribute, I'm not really on the up-n-up of uploading etiquette. Is this too large to be uploaded as a single torrent? I mean, I know it's possible, but is it too alienating for some users? I dug around in the forums a bit and found a couple of threads arguing about it, but didn't really get a feel for one over the other.
Organizationally it makes since to me to have them all in one place. I know the large size can be intimidating for some [heh], but most torrent clients allow for selective downloading so I figure people can always select the ones they want. And if your client doesn't allow this, maybe it's time you switch. ;D I don't want to be a jackass about it, though. Uploading them separately seems like a hell of a lot of work, but I would be willing to break it up some if that's the general consensus. If so, what size should I shoot for?
And if this has been settled before, feel free to just shoot me a link and an annoyed look. lol
RE: Mysteriously disappearing uploaded torrent posts
Just figured it out. Turns out it was a duplicate after all. When I searched to see if it had already been posted I neglected to uncheck all the categories. In fact, looks like all of the Czech Hunters are already up and running. Sigh Thought I'd finally spotted a hole in the market - was planning on uploading a bunch of them to pay off some major ratio debt. Double sigh Oh well, back to digging through the ol' library.
Mysteriously disappearing uploaded torrent posts
Hey guys. So I've recently initiated operation Rock Hard Ratio - me uploading files to offset rampant downloading. I successfully uploaded my first file yesterday, and then posted a second one a couple of hours ago. The second file was uploading fine for a while, but I just noticed that it had stopped seeding. After a little investigation I realized that the post is now completely gone. I assume it was removed for some reason or another, and I was hoping to find out why. I was planning on uploading lots of files over the next few weeks, and if I did something wrong I'd like to know what it is so I'm not causing hell for the moderators.
Here's a list of facts, hints, and clues as I see 'em:
Banned? Nope
Duplicate? Nope
Size = 500Mb
Began seeding immediately
I thought maybe I uploaded the second file too quickly after my first, but from what I've read the only stipulation is that previous posts have been completely seeded - which it had and then some
Gay themed? most def
Not compressed, a collection, DVD-R, and all the other stuff in the uploading rules
Immediately downloaded the torrent to seed
Details of the removed torrent:
Title: Czech Hunter 63
Link: (or used to be, I think, or at least it used to be, just says 'access denied' now) https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=cb21e849807154cdbd0d6a0a8880d5f8f89bdfde47be049a&uploaded=1
File Name: Czech Hunter 63.mp4
Trackers: http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru:2710/######/announce (##### matches my announce url - read you're supposed to keep it private)
Torrent created via uTorrent
No message from the mods detailing why it was removed
Again, the first file I posted is still up and running, and the only thing I can think of that I did differently is when I created the torrent file I checked a box labeled "Private torrent." When I was digging through the forums I read a suggestion to check it to keep your name off of the file, so I did. I also read that removing torrents is a real hassle for moderators, so I didn't want to just start uploading changed files until one stuck. Suggestions?
PS: One other thing that may be suspect is that I also checked the box "Seed immediately" when creating the torrent file. It led to two versions of the file popping up in my client: one with public trackers and one with the gaytorrent.ru tracker. I had just read something about not including public trackers, so I immediately stopped the public version. Consequently, this was also done with the first file I uploaded, though I now realize that I never stopped the public version of that one. It's just sitting there doing nothing.
Single File Torrents -vs- Bundles
Hey guys. I'm looking to bump my ratio back up a bit, so I'm going to start digging through my dirty library to look for things to contribute. Anticipating having multiple related files to share, I'm curious about how you guys feel about files being uploaded one by one versus grouping them into one larger torrent. Single file torrents are "more bite sized," and I can see how the larger size of bundles may be daunting for some users. But if a person is only interested in downloading a single file they have the option to select which files they download from the bundle, so in this respect they don't seem much different. Is there perhaps something I'm overlooking here? How do you guys feel about this? Also, since I am trying to beef up my ratio, does one method offer an advantage over the other?