Keep in mind that you're not downloading from or through this site itself. While you download a "tiny" little torrent file from gaytorrents.ru, you're actually getting the contents (or bits of content) from the seeders DIRECTLY. That's the whole point of the torrent technology: no one source, no one person's upload limit to slow you down. (e.g.: 1 seeder on dial-up at 56kbps gets supplemented by 10 seeders on dial-up at 56kbps equaling up to 560kbps - on dial-up! Now consider that many people have service with 2Mbps, or like me, 25Mbps, and apply the multiplier... and zoom!!)

Still, the path from their content to your system does not go through the tracker. The software endpoints (the seeder and you, the leecher) report back to the tracker about how much you've downloaded (or uploaded).

Something to keep in mind: my ISP regularly sees huge amounts of content coming and going from my IP address on my "torrent port" and they will throttle that port. (It's in the agreement you "signed" when you got your high-speed connection).
My fix for that is to change my port weekly. It's rather simple: Look in your torrent client settings, change the port, then (if you ever even had it open) login to you router and change the port forward you put in there for your torrent seeding.