@raphjd true, in the past the role of men was this, now the role of men is to provide income for state welfare, especially for women ... once men had the task of providing directly for their family, now the tendency is to assign this task to the state, through taxes ... the role of father in Western societies has been annihilated, recently in Italy we have tried to understand the reasons for the decline in the birth of new children, all of possible causes have been taken into consideration, but curiously one is excluded, the fact that in Western countries a father has many duties and almost no rights, this is certainly not an incentive for many young fathers to become such ...at best, everything a father will do for his children will be considered the bare minimum ... in the event of separation, a father will be forced to leave the marital home (even if it is his exclusive property), grant a maintenance allowance for the children (and also for the wife, if she does not have an income of her own), see the children only when it pleases the mother (many times the dates granted by the courts for the visits between fathers and children are repeatedly ignored by mothers), risk being accused of harassment and injury ...no wonder that in the West within a couple it is the woman who asks for the conception of a child ... if the potential father hesitates he is considered selfish and immature, vice versa if he were to desire the conception of a child he would figure like a male chauvinist who wants to oppress the freedom of his partner ...with these premises it is inevitable that Western society is heading towards an inexorable decline