have noticed something ominous with Facebook.
If you post something using Facebook on a public Facebook page.. don't be surprised if someone reports a complaint about you to whomever.
Yesterday, I posted something on the FB page of CNN about abortion.. and within minutes, my post was removed and I was blocked from that thread. My comment suggested that 3rd trimester abortions should not be allowed in general, but one exception to that might be when the baby has been diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. Ironically, three states that allow 3rd trimester abortions FORBID it if the fetus has been diagnosed with Down's Syndrome. That is crazy.
In another incident.. I posted a response to the almighty bitch Hillary Clinton on Twitter. My comment pointed out some of her most egregious lies and fraudulent actions. Well, someone reported me for that, and I got a warning.
So, I guess it is now impossible to make factual criticisms online, but it is totally acceptable to make random charges of sexual assaults going back over 40 years without any proof.
Here's an idea.. don't allow one's communications from being monitored!
There ARE laws about that. it is ILLEGAL to spy on domestic citizens! Yet, those laws are being ignored. It is only supposed to be legal to spy on people in OTHER countries. These violations of the Constitution began with George W. Bush.. with is "Patriot Act" powers. Sheik Obama ran his 2008 campaign promising to end domestic spying on our own citizens.. but instead of ending it.. he expanded the domestic spying exponentially. The worst enemy of the USA ever is.. Obama!